5min. SAR, Macd 'switchback'

fast scalp :LOL:


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Mr.Black said:
fast scalp :LOL:
scalping is easy, if one wants to stare at there screen all week.

Congratulations on the last 72 hours.

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Mr.Black said:
fast scalp :LOL:
"Mr.Black Trading Journal

This is paper trade Journal for training and testing scalping approach
Please note that I'am using delayed quotes "

Mr. Black, I'll be impressed when it's posted in real-time with live money.

Have a good weekend

Mr. Black, it must be about 9:00/10:00 p.m. on a friday night in Bulgaria and your still staring at a screen.

Just think, even if you do ever learn to trade, you'll have nowhere to spend it, nor with anyone to spend it with.

Cheers, have a great weekend.

In Bulgaria we go out after 11:30 pm : :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:


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