50pips Daily Trading Signals

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Re: Gbp/usd short

Shorting cable @ 15590

Stop Loss 15615

1st Target 15540

2nd Target 15500

Unfortunately I have been stopped out on this one for a 25 pip loss after being up 40pips at one stage.
Market has been a bit choppy during London.

Looking for a possible re-entry into this trade.

Checkout attachment for details of last trade.........s*** happens sometimes :)

Will keep you updated.


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Re-Entry Order Set For GBP/USD Short @ 15590

Stop a little higher @ 15630

Targets 1 15550 Target 2 15500
Re-Entry Order Set For GBP/USD Short @ 15590

Stop a little higher @ 15630

Targets 1 15550 Target 2 15500

Interesting - I'm long at 590 Stop 578

choppy - thinkig about b/e or small profit

out +25
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Pips are flying!:LOL:

what are you so wind up about today
you have a guy who claims to be a hot shot trading against the trend vs newbie with basic tent taking his dough... relax is monday

If the hot shot remark was ment to be me then I have never said I was one or did I claim to be one.

Today was my first day publishing any signals here. Okay today didn't work out and what ? very sorry I didn't claim to have a 100% strike rate. How about giving me 1 month and then comment on my trades ?

Today was choppy bud........ Cable has only move 40 pips from todays open. And had a pretty up/down London session.

My entry was 101% correct today. A bit of strong bullish momentum caught me out after I was 9 pips from the 1st target zone. I was up 40 pips at one stage after entry. Trade/entry was correct.

You can't possibly coment on someone or there trades after 1 day. Messure my strike rate/results over the course of a month. Then feel free to post rude comments or applologys.

Also did you say I was trading agaisnt the trend ?

Hmmmm lets have a look.................

Daily - 4 hour - 1hour down...I sell. Yes I can see how I was trading against the trend bud!



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no probs bud:)
I thought you trade intra - day rather than position trading, the daily trend ` s (same story as 3 previous mondays after massive selloff, ah sorry you ve been on holiday perhaps), been up as you managed to experience for yourself.

keep it up:smart:
Review of today............

I'am down a total of 65 pips today from 2 cable trades. I felt confidant about the first trade and still feel the decision to enter short and my stop was correct.

The second trade (re-entry) I feel was a weak decision as I should have waited until the US session gave direction using the method I posted up last night.
I have attached chart below showing this. I measure the 12pm -2pm high/low on 15 minute chart and wait for US to break out.

Overall not a good start for my new journal/signals but I can't and should not be judged on 1 day.

I feel today was a bit choppy like I sated on another post GBP/USD has shifted only 40 pips from its 12am open at time of typing this. Also London was up one minute and down the next. Daily-4hr-1hr are all down trending.


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look i know i am going to get slated for this but i must just state the obvious. you said in your very first post you get 8-9\10 trades right. do you still claim this number taking into account you need to get the next 8 right to validate your original statement. i think your brave to exhibit your journal in public and i commend that. however, making claims like 8-9\10 right with a kick start of losers is a sure sign of sugar coating claims.
anyone for MnM's

If the hot shot remark was ment to be me then I have never said I was one or did I claim to be one.

Today was my first day publishing any signals here. Okay today didn't work out and what ? very sorry I didn't claim to have a 100% strike rate. How about giving me 1 month and then comment on my trades ?

Today was choppy bud........ Cable has only move 40 pips from todays open. And had a pretty up/down London session.

My entry was 101% correct today. A bit of strong bullish momentum caught me out after I was 9 pips from the 1st target zone. I was up 40 pips at one stage after entry. Trade/entry was correct.

You can't possibly coment on someone or there trades after 1 day. Messure my strike rate/results over the course of a month. Then feel free to post rude comments or applologys.

Also did you say I was trading agaisnt the trend ?

Hmmmm lets have a look.................

Daily - 4 hour - 1hour down...I sell. Yes I can see how I was trading against the trend bud!

look i know i am going to get slated for this but i must just state the obvious. you said in your very first post you get 8-9\10 trades right. do you still claim this number taking into account you need to get the next 8 right to validate your original statement. i think your brave to exhibit your journal in public and i commend that. however, making claims like 8-9\10 right with a kick start of losers is a sure sign of sugar coating claims.
anyone for MnM's

Are you really a trader?
No one when they place a trade knows whether it will work or not. Even the best set ups fail. Having an 80-90% win ratio doesn't mean you won't get 10 or 20 wrong in a row even. Its how your trades perform over time.
How about we all shut up and come back in a month and see how 50pips is doing?
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but i do get what your saying.... its just that out of 10 trades claiming 8-9\10 right could mean that any trade could be the losing trades. but, with 2 already dusted what your saying is ********
Look, I hope 50 pips stays.
Because posting live calls or real trading results is something almost no one does here and it is misleading to new traders. Real professional traders have losing days, losing weeks and losing months. Thats real life.

You can disagree with him but I don't know anyone except a scalper that would have bought cable today below 157.30. If you want to know why your going to have to look at a daily or weekly chart and not the 5min one.
And gaps that don't fill right away, sometimes don't fill for a very long time. There is a 250 pip gap on the USD/JPY at 211.50 formed in 1985. I don't lose a wink of sleep shorting it.

He is demonstrating his service and this is his thread. If your ego cannot stop you from yelling "no, no this is what I would have done and here is my chart" then get your own thread and put your balls on the line.
Hindsight traders, I am sick of them.

157.30? I hope you re not trying to pass through euro/jpy exchange rate in 2050.
50 pips staying here or not has nothing to do with me, I am sure he ll come out good, there are much bigger amateurs on this web giving life calls, not less "confidant".
If you sick of them start making your own analysis.

btw Leovirgo`s tread has pretty decent calls
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Re: 50pips Daily Trading Signals..give him time please


but i do get what your saying.... its just that out of 10 trades claiming 8-9\10 right could mean that any trade could be the losing trades. but, with 2 already dusted what your saying is ********

Are you seriously expecting a run of 9 straight winning trades and then one loser in each sequence of ten trades? Statistics in real life do not work out like that.:eek:
By the way his 12 til 2pm breakout worked ok today.:)
this thread seems to have nose-dived before it really started.

1: traders may have big egos, and make all manner of big claims. so what? even if 50pips gets only 60% right, there may still be some subtle insights we can pick up from him. I really dont care if he gets 80-90% right. I am more interested in his insights on market-view, risk analysis, etc.

2: 1 day is absolutely not sufficient data to make any meaningful assessment of his capabilities.

3: we run the risk of getting so worked up on peripheral superficialities, we miss the core essences.

4: Its his thread.

5: give the guy a chance. T2W is renowned for fuzzy threads. we have at the moment 3 decent ones with live calls and analysis. shame to stamp out something which actually is about trading (FFS).

6: today was messy. (I mean to trade. choppy, and trendless)
All some of us want is to learn 50pips trading methods,is that too much to ask for on a trading forum ?

klw ..............
Okay lets put somethings into place here.

What is a strike rate and how do you deem one?

Do you class a strike rate when every entry you make, makes pips at one stage during the trade. But your trade management doesn't work out like planned and price reverses for a B/E or loss ? (I don't claim to have the above statistic before that kicks off!)


Do you class a strike rate when you go agaisnt your plan and exit early ?

So what is the strike rate calculated on.....

Getting the entry right ?

Intra-Trade management ?

whats 8-9/10 ?

Was my 1st cable trade wrong or right today.........

Well like I said on my posts today. I'm happy with my desicion to enter cable short. I felt my analysis was correct and that I took the trade at the right price. I also belive that my stop loss was at the right place.

So why did the trade turn out to be a loss today ?

Well simply becasue my intra-trade management was a little off. Not becasue my entry was wrong or my stop was wrong. At one stage my trade was within 9 pips of hitting its 1st 50pip target. If I applied another trade management tactic or read the open trade a little better then I could have walked with 10-20-30-40 pips profit from the trade. Would that still have been classed as a failed trade ? after all it still wouldn't have hit the target even thow I would have walked with a profit.

So how do we calculate the strike rate 8-9/10 ?.......

Well yes I do claim to get the entry right 8-9/10 how the trade ends up will depend on my trade management thoughts. I try to stick to a game plan I have set out before entry. Sometimes I exit early sometimes I stay in and see out the plan, like today!

We can never know where price will go to or end up. All we can ever do is take educated and calculated guesses. Thats where the "intra-trade management" skills or systems come into play.

Knowing where price is likely to reverse or deflect off is where the entry skills come into play.

So we can have a 9/10 strike rate for entrys. But say a 3/10 for trade management.

I have higher than 3/10!

The way I see it everyday brings a new price situation created by human emotion, and with every situation you require a different route and thought process in order to manage the trade as you see fit. Targets are in place for calculating "potential" risk/reward.

Will price hit the target maybe, then again maybe not.....again this is where trade management will come into play. Should you exit, cash out a portion, or stay in.

ps. Ignore all the spelling mistakes. Its very late here and I need my bed.
Okay lets put somethings into place here.

What is a strike rate and how do you deem one?

Do you class a strike rate when every entry you make, makes pips at one stage during the trade. But your trade management doesn't work out like planned and price reverses for a B/E or loss ? (I don't claim to have the above statistic before that kicks off!)


Do you class a strike rate when you go agaisnt your plan and exit early ?

So what is the strike rate calculated on.....

Getting the entry right ?

Intra-Trade management ?

whats 8-9/10 ?

Was my 1st cable trade wrong or right today.........

Well like I said on my posts today. I'm happy with my desicion to enter cable short. I felt my analysis was correct and that I took the trade at the right price. I also belive that my stop loss was at the right place.

So why did the trade turn out to be a loss today ?

Well simply becasue my intra-trade management was a little off. Not becasue my entry was wrong or my stop was wrong. At one stage my trade was within 9 pips of hitting its 1st 50pip target. If I applied another trade management tactic or read the open trade a little better then I could have walked with 10-20-30-40 pips profit from the trade. Would that still have been classed as a failed trade ? after all it still wouldn't have hit the target even thow I would have walked with a profit.

So how do we calculate the strike rate 8-9/10 ?.......

Well yes I do claim to get the entry right 8-9/10 how the trade ends up will depend on my trade management thoughts. I try to stick to a game plan I have set out before entry. Sometimes I exit early sometimes I stay in and see out the plan, like today!

We can never know where price will go to or end up. All we can ever do is take educated and calculated guesses. Thats where the "intra-trade management" skills or systems come into play.

Knowing where price is likely to reverse or deflect off is where the entry skills come into play.

So we can have a 9/10 strike rate for entrys. But say a 3/10 for trade management.

I have higher than 3/10!

The way I see it everyday brings a new price situation created by human emotion, and with every situation you require a different route and thought process in order to manage the trade as you see fit. Targets are in place for calculating "potential" risk/reward.

Will price hit the target maybe, then again maybe not.....again this is where trade management will come into play. Should you exit, cash out a portion, or stay in.

ps. Ignore all the spelling mistakes. Its very late here and I need my bed.

Nice to see you're still around 50pips.I would just ignore the crap and do what you wanted to do in the first place. With a bit of luck the detractors might go away and infect another thread instead.

klw ...........
What is a strike rate and how do you deem one?

I know this is T2W, and LULZ is the order of the day but lets not be completely ridiculous. if you undertake a simple maximum favourable excursion analysis on completely random trades with equal stop and equal target then more than 80% will show a profit at some stage (I achieved 83.7% over a rolling sample of the last 1000 trades, and I've seen it higher than that)

It doesnt take a rocket scientist to get the figure to well over 90%.

A strike rate is based on closed trades, not what might have been. This woulda shoulda coulda stuff is the type of cheap tricks pulled by TRO, and youre above above that. If your claiming a strike rate of 8/10, then 8/10 of your trades are profitable, there's is no debate.

I cant believe the ignorance of some of the comments on this thread , you get a couple of losing trades and they've already lost interest. You should be judged on the basis of a decent sample size, you got stopped out, there's no reason at all to be making excuses at this or indeed any stage.
Re: EUR/USD Short

eur/usd short @ 13725

stop loss @ 13750

target @ 13670

5hittt!!!! I went short at 13735....it's doomed now you're in it, I tell ya...;). Did ya not fancy short cable at 15730 at this morning?
Re: EUR/USD Short

5hittt!!!! I went short at 13735....it's doomed now you're in it, I tell ya...;). Did ya not fancy short cable at 15730 at this morning?

Maybe would have if I had been around. But It was my turn for school run today :)

Only just caught the EUR/USD when I got back.
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