£50 birthday gift from Captial spreads

I expected better of you. I am not looking to double up every 2/3 days, yesterday was a special day where the market was able to give and I was happy to take. You assume I have 2000 screen hours, wrong to make assumptions, I have way more than that sunny. I suggested 2000 as a sensible minimum although I am sure you and Joel Parker can teach people in a week for a tidy fee.

This thread was intended to be fun (until you ruined it), its a chump change bucket shop story.

now run along there are some courses you could be selling to noobs. ta ta.

Sadly, you might be right. Here is a tale of woe to melt even the hardest of hearts...

Yesterday I was short NQ from the high 5 minute bar of the day. It got under way quite nicely and I had reduced my risk to about 0.4R. I should say that I take a fairly mechanical approach to this, as a defence against my own weakness (for moving my stop to scratch too soon - it does little against my other weakness, that for transsexual prostitutes).

Anyway, it started coming back on a reasonable reversal signal. I umm-ed and ah-ed, but decided to close (in violation of my own rules) and netted the princely sum of about 0.1R. Remember, at this point my risk was only 0.4R. Shortly thereafter, price crashed. And crashed and crashed.

My return yesterday should have been around 4.5R, which is more than enough for an excellent month for me.

Some spots are indeed hard to change.

Yes, a sad story indeed.
What we have here is a failure to analyse properly.😆

Perhaps you should read some of my earlier posts where I talk about "whole market moves". That is to say, when the whole market is in agreement and all related instruments are doing the same thing, then sit back don't bugger about with anything and just enjoy the ride.

What We've Got Here is Failure to Communicate - YouTube
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Yes, a sad story indeed.
What we have here is a failure to analyse properly.😆

Perhaps you should read some of my earlier posts where I talk about "whole market moves". That is to say, when the whole market is in agreement and all related instruments are doing the same thing, then sit back don't bugger about with anything and just enjoy the ride.

What We've Got Here is Failure to Communicate - YouTube

'Tis a true word you speak.

It's funny really - the things you think are going to be difficult are really not that hard, and the things you think are going to be easy (like following a simple and mechanical trailing stop method) can be genuinely challenging.

Ho hum.
Alright, lets not forget what this thread is about...little digs are ok in keeping with the spirit of the thread.
everything sideways here, no flow. I am just waiting for Ben in the S&P pit commentary to start up and see what the crack is.
5hite tarding yesterday and position overnight. Lulz balance now £149.81. Wounded but it is not critical still in the game. Looking for some sensible trades today. I remind myself to never trade against the flow.
5hite tarding yesterday and position overnight. Lulz balance now £149.81. Wounded but it is not critical still in the game. Looking for some sensible trades today. I remind myself to never trade against the flow.
Rush of blood ..eh? or as sometimes referred to in Rugby League...white line fever.
Rush of blood ..eh? or as sometimes referred to in Rugby League...white line fever.

in summary I was trading the tail and ignoring the dog which wasn't very smart. this is a bear market and I didn't wait for the market to show it's hand. I see the FTSE tested 5600 this morning which would have given me an out with the account at a new high unfortunately I was unwilling to take the heat with such a small account. I also allowed my hangover to affect my trading, I am not a 'drinker' as it doesn't suit me but a few sherberts the night before was enough to cloud my judgement. Jesse talks about his after hours exploits in reminiscences and how he never let it affect his operations, drinking and trading don't mix.
So ChocDi.....are we in for a dead cat bounce or is this another climb to great heights?

well you know it's a bear market moonrocket and we have seen some sharp rejections in the indices early in the euro session, I am not trading until the market shows its hand but that's just the way I tarde.
lulz account balance £150.31


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lulz account balance £150.31

That's pretty much doubled in a few days.

Now, that's rubbish performance compared to what a Baghdady would achieve - he likes to make 300% per trade (don't laugh, or you'll get sued).

But by mere mortal standards, I'd say that you've put up a cracking result there 👍.
That's pretty much doubled in a few days.

Now, that's rubbish performance compared to what a Baghdady would achieve - he likes to make 300% per trade (don't laugh, or you'll get sued).

But by mere mortal standards, I'd say that you've put up a cracking result there 👍.

i'd be a millionaire if sagbooby was mentoring me, especially as Joel Parker taught me how to read tape.

3 small winners, looking for home runs to build the account but this will result in a lot of small winners init.

lulz balance £155.51


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