$50,000 Challange

Astounding how quickly you did it after how rocky it was to start.

Please post trading statements with all the trades, thank you.
Journal of a $50,000 Forex Challenge - Clinic

Astounding how quickly you did it after how rocky it was to start.

Please post trading statements with all the trades, thank you.

Those that use my FOREX clinic will have the privilege of benefiting.
Those that use my FOREX clinic will have the privilege of benefiting.

So does one have to pay to go access that and what use is that to us? You just typed in a bunch of numbers with no proof you placed a single trade, we can't verify you placed a trade or made that money & then you go advertise your fund on here. Nice trick, I couldn't smell it a mile off.... 🙄
After 18 days . . . I could say with confidence that my technology is able to outperform top money managers in the industry and able to return 30% on traded investment with ease over a period of 200 traded days.
<snigger> :whistling
I will be starting a trading clinic soon at Welcome to Jenario - Financial Markets Technology so let me know if your interested . . . .
Would have given odds that this was gonna turn into a sales pitch
A similar question was asked before:

1. I will have a fall report on all trades once the challenge comes to an end, and will submit positions occasionally throughout.

2. In terms of p/l and performance you can find a more detailed view at Journal of a $50000 FOREX Challenge

Your comments have been respectfully received.

Oh no!

You also going to teach us all how to blow up accounts? You seem good at that.