$50,000 Challange

$50,000 Forex Challenge

This weeks positions have been published, and currently in profit.
Hi Mate,

I have seen your blog, I am really confused what you are trying to achieve via this challenge....
You are saying that you are in profit...with your trades..no entry points no exits...May be I have misunderstood your trades....

I would have thought a challenge would mean that you show live results....
A good way to do this would have been to show the similar orders on metatrader.....

Just a thought good luck
Question: $50,000 Forex Challenge

Hi Mate,

I have seen your blog, I am really confused what you are trying to achieve via this challenge....
You are saying that you are in profit...with your trades..no entry points no exits...May be I have misunderstood your trades....

I would have thought a challenge would mean that you show live results....
A good way to do this would have been to show the similar orders on metatrader.....

Just a thought good luck

- Rav -

My system is a hedging system so there are no entry / exit points you place all trades together at the beginning of the trading day between (11pm - 12.30am GMT) and close all position once your ready to take profit. (Note. you can make losses so do your own research till your confident w/ the system)

By using my positions you can essentially develop your own system w/ you own SL and TP around it when made available.

Unfortunately I am not prepared to give away my trading positions daily I am not rich enough yet to do so.

Your comments have been respectfully received. Cheers.
Sorry mate am not after your positions...I was trying to learn the purpose of your thread..thats all
Anyways I sincerely wish you best of luck in your forex journey and don't be too hard on yourself last week was a very tough week to trade.....I didn't make any losses but I had very few trades...

Happy Trading
Sorry mate am not after your positions...I was trying to learn the purpose of your thread..thats all
Anyways I sincerely wish you best of luck in your forex journey and don't be too hard on yourself last week was a very tough week to trade.....I didn't make any losses but I had very few trades...

Happy Trading

- Rav -

I know your not mate, I will take your comments on board and find away to be more transparent.

Yeah your right last week was a bit rough and thanks for your support.

Latest on $50,000 Forex Challenge

For those of you that placed my positions will be in reasonable profit by now.

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
25% (Yes), 59% (No), 16% (Not sure)

Goto Journal of a $50000 FOREX Challenge for positions and latest update.
Latest Consensus

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
24% (Yes), 61% (No), 15% (Not sure)
Latest Update on $50,000 Forex Challange

All todays positions are currently in profitable positions, if you have placed my positions then you also will be in profit and would advise you to close you trades.

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
25% (Yes), 59% (No), 16% (Not sure)

Journal of a $50000 FOREX Challenge
Latest Update on $50,000 Forex Challenge

Positions have entered positive p/l for the second time based on reversing hedge.

For most up to date report goto Journal of a $50000 FOREX Challenge and please vote.

I shall be publishing another set of positions again sometime this week at 11 pm GMT.

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
26% (Yes), 60% (No), 14% (Not sure)
Latest Update on $50,000 Forex Challenge

Another volatile day however its been very profitable.



Current Performance

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
25% (Yes), 59% (No), 16% (Not sure)

Goto Journal of a $50000 FOREX Challenge for latest update.
Latest Update on $50,000 Forex Challenge

Currently making huge returns and broken initial investment to the upside.



Current Performance

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
25% (Yes), 59% (No), 16% (Not sure)

Checkout Journal of a $50000 FOREX Challenge to change your vote and view Thursday positions which will be published a little later.

* Placing these positions remain your own responsibility in regards to outcome and should be taken as an expert opinion not a guarantee.
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Latest Update on $50,000 Forex Challenge

Very volatile day with major swings, however it was very profitable and we hope it continues.

Thursdays positions will be publish within the next few hours at Journal of a $50000 FOREX Challenge where you can place or change your vote.

* You are fully responsible for any losses you may incur be sensible with the amount of risk you expose yourself to.



Current Performance

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
25% (Yes), 59% (No), 16% (Not sure)

Vote ! It makes it even more interesting.
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$50,000 Forex Challenge

Yesterday was a very profitable day above initial investment and almost back on schedule.

My positions for Thursday have now been published at Journal of a $50000 FOREX Challenge

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
25% (Yes), 59% (No), 16% (Not sure)
Learn from the $50,000 FOREX Challenge

Today has been outstanding not only did the model manage the risk of volatile markets, it also produced the second highest daily return since this challenge begun at 10.6% the highest being 18.6%. Furthermore the model is now outperforming its targets by 5.9%.

For those who placed my published positions would have made generous profits. When you visit the blog at Journal of a $50000 FOREX Challenge please vote as well, if you have already voted you can change it.



Current Performance

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
25% (Yes), 59% (No), 16% (Not sure)
Latest update on the $50,000 Forex Challenge

Yesterday was the second most profitable day with a return of 10.6%.

Next Target

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
25% (Yes), 59% (No), 16% (Not sure)
Week 2

This week has been another turbulent one however the model has been outstanding, not only has it managed risk its recovered its losses of the previous week and back on schedule. Current performance is beyond the expectation required of the challenge.



Current Performance

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
26% (Yes), 60% (No), 14% (Not sure)

Journal of a $50000 FOREX Challenge: Announcement of my $50,000 challenge
Latest Consensus

Will the challenge be won the public consensus at this point is:
27% (Yes), 59% (No), 14% (Not sure)
