If the LibDems were to promise not to form another coalition with any other party, but just become a powerful thrrd force in government, would they become more popular in the next elections?
I think that they made a grave mistake when they took up with the Conservatives and that the country needs an influential third force in government decisions. I doubt whether UKIP can do it, this time, but we never know, of course.
In Spain, I believe that the same is true. The country is governed by, either, the socialist PSOE, or the right wing PP. Rajoy is, IMO, improving the country's economy at the expense of 23% unemployed. No wonder that the electorate is looking at Podemos, a brand new party that has increased poll porcentages at an astonishing rate. 16%, and no one had heard of them a year ago. My problem with it is that I am not sure how far left they lie, the leader wears his hair in a tail! 😀
I think that they made a grave mistake when they took up with the Conservatives and that the country needs an influential third force in government decisions. I doubt whether UKIP can do it, this time, but we never know, of course.
In Spain, I believe that the same is true. The country is governed by, either, the socialist PSOE, or the right wing PP. Rajoy is, IMO, improving the country's economy at the expense of 23% unemployed. No wonder that the electorate is looking at Podemos, a brand new party that has increased poll porcentages at an astonishing rate. 16%, and no one had heard of them a year ago. My problem with it is that I am not sure how far left they lie, the leader wears his hair in a tail! 😀