why is that my opinions seem to carry so much weight that i am now supposed to add "i think" to them
i guess all people's posts are what they think - and anytime i am posting something where "maybe" is appropriate - i of course would add it
why doesn't T2W just put a massive sign at the bottom of each and every person's post that indicated that the comments made may be right or wrong - and are the persons opinion
but why dont other posters on here query any points made and correct errors specifically as opposed to just insulting someone taking the time to make what they believe are correct comments
when naz posted an incorrect chart of the indu when he was talking about the diamonds, another poster pointed out to him that the chart was incorrect
when naz replied that the indu chart he has posted was bascially the same as the diamonds chart he should have posted, I pointed out that if anything the diamonds are more like the futures, and that is was important to understand that all the dow indicies are different in their moves and ranges - so it is real important not to consider them as the same in any way
when naz makes reference to matched prices shown on level 2 with the bid and ask are the same, i pointed out that this could be a real misleading and expenisve errror for traders to believe, since sure, the prices match or cross occasionally, but the spread will then immediatly widen to a cent, two cents or more, and also thatin fact, if you think about it, one side of the spread is probably correct, and also that you might only get this on the in and not the out of the trade -
naz has his own reasons for pointing out an apperant aberation in pricing and making a mystery of it - i was poiinting out the facts in relation to his post and i dont charge people, so i dont try to make a mystery of stuff
and surely this is what the idea of a forum is - i have no reason to post on here apart from getting into debate, discussion, maybe making some helpful posts, maybe learning something, and i am just like the majority of posters on here
perhaps anyone who is using the forum and making posts as a way of marketing themselves, should add that fact to each and every post they make, so that newbies and learners can realise right from the begining that perhaps posters who are looking to make money out of newbies and learners on here, may have ulterior motives in their posts, and those learners and newbies can view those posts in that light
it would also be good if it was added that T2W does not have any verification of the trading experience or knowledge of these people - and that people should get their won verification of any claims made by those using the forum to market their services by making posts,before they spend any money
but why not lets get back to posting stuff about trading now - and about parts of trading, and it would be great to get off this bully boy tactics
forums are about giving opinions and debate - if you have a technical point about trading to make - go for it - if you have a methodology to explain - lets hear iit - if you think i have made a technical mistake about trading - let me know - but as i have been trading for a long long long time - you might want to double check any errors you think i have made, before querying them