$300 to $30,000 in six weeks trades by proforextrades

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Bull, in all fairness, i think questions 1-4) are a bit out of order, and only 5) is a fair enough question to be asked on the public boards..

now, about your Liverpool bet 😉
Concerning these questions:

1, How many members have paid.
-125 members
2, How many asked for refund and got it.
-a few asked for refund and some of them got it
3, Will you be starting another scam and how soon. will you use a dffrt name.
-No If I will Fail, I will continue with this thread untill I succeed
4, Where are you really based. Or is this another scam/lie.
-I am based between Europe and the Middle East
5, I've asked this type of question/questions before, but you never replied to ANY of my questions Why?
When your account hits the value of 10,000 how many contracts will you be sitting on and what would be your stop loss level and if your stop gets hit what would your account show.
- There is a money management table you can check out
I,ve no axe to grind against Profex, so I'm prepared to say well done for his call in post 60. The GBPUSD followed the script. I'd now like to see about the next 6 out of 10 calls being just as accurate.
regards, G McA
Proforextrades said:
1, How many members have paid.
-125 members
Subscription fees 300$. If you really have 125 members then you managed to collect about 30,000$ . That's what the guy meant by turning 300$ to 30,000$ in 6 weeks! He is fooling people in forex forums! 30,000$ is the money he makes from subscriptions not from trading!
He will keep losing 300$ every 6 weeks but he will earn more than 30,000$ subscriptions fees! That's much better than forex trading! This guy will keep going on as long as people listen to him.

Proforextrades said:
Now i understand how you turn 300$ to
3, Will you be starting another scam and how soon. will you use a dffrt name.
-No If I will Fail, I will continue with this thread untill I succeed

When you fail you will continue until you succeed? Do you think you are attracting our admiration by such silly words?
Proforextrades said:
Concerning these questions:

1, How many members have paid.
-125 members
2, How many asked for refund and got it.
-a few asked for refund and some of them got it
3, Will you be starting another scam and how soon. will you use a dffrt name.
-No If I will Fail, I will continue with this thread untill I succeed
4, Where are you really based. Or is this another scam/lie.
-I am based between Europe and the Middle East
5, I've asked this type of question/questions before, but you never replied to ANY of my questions Why?
When your account hits the value of 10,000 how many contracts will you be sitting on and what would be your stop loss level and if your stop gets hit what would your account show.
- There is a money management table you can check out

Thanxs 4 ur reply and honesty.
As for question No 5, pls tell me if account would be in profit or loss. I dont have the expertize to work it out.

So in reality it does not matter if the trading goes well or not so long as the members list keeps growing 😆 :cheesy:

Do you have any other scheme's going on at the moment i may like to join too 🙄

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Proforextrades said:
Concerning these questions:

3, Will you be starting another scam and how soon. will you use a dffrt name.
-No If I will Fail, I will continue with this thread untill I succeed

In all honesty should'nd ur word "thread" be changed to SCAM

Well the truth of the matter is: there needs to be losers in order to have winners and up to this point your members are losing £$300 [members fee] and there is ONLY ONE WINNER :cheesy:
wannagetstacked said:
Is there no way of banning this guy? He really does the image of T2W no good.

Sure, he could be banned with two clicks of a mouse.

However, I think that would be a bit out of order of us to do that. He/they have actually done nothing wrong, this is a public forum, and he/they are in no way associated with the site, and no-one is going to be under the illusion that he is.

Anyone with the slightest amount of common sense is going to do some research before paying out, and, in the nicest possible way the results here (so far) and on other boards are not exactly encouraging.

So, in short, no they won't be banned unless they do something deserving of a ban - like spam the site, PM other members with any "special" offers (please let us know if this happens from ANY member on the site) or posts become excessively rude and aggresive. These are the same set of rules that are in place for everyone.
wannagetstacked said:
Is there no way of banning this guy? He really does the image of T2W no good.

I wanted to post same suggestion but i know that he didn't violate the forum rules 😕

I checked the forum rules and i found that being stupid is not a reason to get banned 😉

Anyway,it's bothering me to see him posting as if he is running honest trades. He is ignoring all his losses and all creticism and he keeps posting everyday.
It's time I created a new nik for meself and started selling my 'Magic Moving Averages Strategy for Massive Gains in Commodities'. I haven't yet figured the strategy out yet and I'm sure it will be a pile of It c*ap, but worth a shot.
If he is that bad surely he is doing T2W a great service. I would pay alot of money for a 100% reliable reverse indicator!
JP1966....Dont bother, I faded his trade this morning and dropped around £165.

Feel free to laugh, I did !

FetteredChinos said:
Bull, in all fairness, i think questions 1-4) are a bit out of order, and only 5) is a fair enough question to be asked on the public boards..

now, about your Liverpool bet 😉


If the guy/guy's are genuine and honest? It should'nd be a problem with any type of questions.

After all, if anyone is going to pay £$300 they must be really stupid not to ask questions about the scheme.

Week 6 Day26 Net Balance: $170
He's balance is now at £$170 and probably had 2-4 new members/suckers joined 😆

Liverpool odds are getting shorter 😎 😆 they'll be more shorter on thursday 😆 :cheesy:

Last edited:
April 26, 2005

GBPUSD BUY 1 mini lot at 1.9093 SL 1.9057 TP 1.9162


I'm long from 1.9091 .......bugger, I better cover


PS Glad to see that you're only risking 36% of your account balance on this one - unusually defensive.
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