300% return on capital !

I would be a total fool if I did not try and control my risk. Thats why I only risk 0.5% of my capital per trade, because I accept the risk, and know the markets can suddenly turn against me. I accept that sometime, somewhere a big loss is inevitable. I want to survive that loss. But by accepting that possible loss, I dont let it control my trading decisions, like somebody who is trying to avoid even a small losses.

So either you make several hundred pips on every trade with a wide stop with a tiny trade size, or you using a large trade size with a tiny stop. Sounds like you in the first boat which means you have to catch every move
Well, I have been reading and learning on the t2w forums, also I have studied some books ( Malcolm Pryor and this and that). My strategy will not be accepted by 90% of experienced traders, its against all accepted practice, as far as I know. It works for me, at this moment in time. To each his own. I find it exciting to to figure the markets out for myself, thats why I dont want to learn from somebody. If I follow somebody's advice, I will not see things as I perceive them anymore, but I will see what others see.
So what's exactly the point of your post? Hmm???


Like I said, personal insults is the way to go ............ If you post something out of the ordinary you are a troll. Thank you Black Swan.
Thats why you boys dont make money ............conventional thinking ................you should think outside the box .....................point proven ..................need I say more ??? You hanged youself .......... even the Senior Members.
Like I said, personal insults is the way to go ............ If you post something out of the ordinary you are a troll. Thank you Black Swan.

LOL for T2W you're pretty much the normal debut tbh, which is why I've asked for all new posters to be put in a sandpit for a month....

A lot of debutants sell or troll, or sometimes both, or switch from sell to sulky troll if they don't sell their stuff...

FWIW you're about the tenth dick-head in as many weeks that's made this kind of debut..some are better sophists than you, but carry on, knock yourself out..
Hi Snorre, I usually make about 1,000% a week, can I ask if you're looking to increase your risk at some point?
Man, but you people are so rude and insulting. So what is a newbie suppose to say , Hello master, can you please teach me how to trade ??? Anyway is quite boring to argue with you about nothing. Of course I am not going to entertain you like this every day. I only came on the forum tonite because I must stay in and nurse my cold. In that sense you can call me a troll.
One last question, If you are such successful traders, with supposedly some money to spent, and places to go, why do you spend so much time on this forum ?
Like I said, personal insults is the way to go ............ If you post something out of the ordinary you are a troll. Thank you Black Swan.

We are far more discriminating than you might think. "Out of the ordinary" is hardly noticed. On the other hand, arrogance and attitude earn you lots of troll points.
You're a weird person, aren't you. One of these "cyber-masochists". You know you are going to get abuse, yet you find it strangely enjoyable. It's a bizarre phenomenon.
One last question, If you are such successful traders, with supposedly some money to spent, and places to go, why do you spend so much time on this forum ?

This question is specious and illogical. The inference is that successful trading precludes any free time whatsoever. You really are a silly little boy, aren't you? Don't you have some homework to do or something?