300% return on capital !

Its almost as if the spirit of Aleph Sigma Chi lives on ! Bloody good job I'd say.
I am a trader, I have a specific system that I use regardless of the dynamics of the market at any given moment, I have historically data tested my system and it works great, I have been taught almost everything I know from other traders who know better than me, I produce a slow and reliable profit, I have a certain amount of experience and knowledge of the markets that no one could posssibly learn after a short period of time, I trade only at times that exactly fit into my system for trading and if I ever break away from that I on the majority of occasions lose money because I can rarely think for myself and fully understand what is going on, I cannot adapt to any real changes in the markets becuase I am trading in a straight jacket. I am a legendary member on this site because I have nothing much better to do with my time than post on the T2W site.

I am a sheep.........................

Well done guys, you are doing great and taking out of the markets everything that you possibly can, keep it up!
You know sometimes you have to take a path becasue it is in your blood, almost like the tale of the scorpian and the toad when the scorpion wants to cross the river? Sure you all know it.

Any one can try and offer adice here, to be a successful trader have said it many times, you have to be very clever, self learning, absorb a lot of information in a nano second at times and quite simply only the strongest and the best survive. So much an out of the box thinker and no doubt It is the game of the gods and a very hard way to make a very easy living. Unless you have all the right traits you probably wont make it but is that not what we all love about it? It is a never changing animal and you either continually adapt or you die, simple evolution.

His post here is so typical of an early trader mentality with his self assurance and 100% confidence in what he is doing and yes only time will tell if he is made of the right stuff but wish the guy the best of luck.

Yes it does take years to learn no doubt and I do laugh at the way I used to trade back in the early days and after years love the fact that I feel at times I am conducting an orchestra with the market, butn I learnt that from myself and just continually watching the markets but we all have to start somewhere and you have to sail close to the rocks to learn the best lessons in life and why should this guy not go where he wants to go and good to hear he is not sat on some mentours shoulder?????

You guys sometimes think you are in this exclusive club where you have to trade in a certain way and go through a certain learning curve otherwise it is ******** and some posts get ripped apart.

The hieracy love to mock on this site. 99% of traders are arrogant as it comes with the territory and quite frankly there are so many ways to trade, the slow thinking methodical trader as most are on this site have hours spare just staring at charts and troll through this site and love looking down on the rest but the new dynamic trader that is continually adapting and making a dynamic assessment almost every second based not just on your basic fundamentals and indicators, S/R etc but absorbing all of that information plus a lot more that they need to in that split second to enter into a trade are the real traders in my humble and probably no one cares opinion, and they will make the most money hands down if they can get it right.

I never ever wanted to sit on someones shoulders and quite frankly think anyone who does is not made of the right stuff to succeed long term. To start trading with a totally non-biased, freash perspective and opinion on the markets is worth its weight in gold if you have what it takes you will make it regardless. Anyone can follow the pack, are you a shepard or a sheep......................

Good luck fella, not going to offer you anything else apart from that, if you can make it then you will regardless of what I or any other bugger on this site tries to offer you in advice.

Thanks Kwickwool, you are alone voice in the desert. I could not put it better myself.
My trading is going very well indeed, my 12 trades this week have all been positive, and the market was very unsettled ! I will not post my current return on capital as this will only get the Establishment on my back again.
I am either very stupid and very lucky or very clever. I will not answer that. But either is good enough for me.
And arrogance is such a strange feeling.
Thanks Kwickwool, you are alone voice in the desert. I could not put it better myself.
My trading is going very well indeed, my 12 trades this week have all been positive, and the market was very unsettled ! I will not post my current return on capital as this will only get the Establishment on my back again.
I am either very stupid and very lucky or very clever. I will not answer that. But either is good enough for me.
And arrogance is such a strange feeling.

well done you're starting to see the "wood".. just be wary ...
Do you have some references to back up what most traders do or are you speculating?

We are all speculating, Howard, that's what we hope to be good at. Speculators cannot, really, back anything up-- at least, I can't.

Successful? I think that I am reasonably so but, to be sure, not well enough to write a book about it. As soon as I start to tell people, here, what I do, which is not often, I start to lose trades. Better to shut up and get on with it. 😀

Let me tell you that on Monday of last week (yes, LAST week) I made a lot of money. Yesterday, was an excellent day, too. I trade every day, so what of those days? Bread and butter, sometimes winning a bit. Sometimes, losing. Frankly, I might as well have been taking a holliday but the problem with that is, I did not know at the time.
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