30 Year Bond

countries in the end only care about guns and missiles pointed at them, inflation and other aspects are really not the primary concerns. Thats why things can get out of hand, since inherently inflation wont be immediate enough to be a consequence to the present administration.

Even though CB's may talk tough, they will inflate us out of most anything. This is a yield fractal on the 10 year note. What I expect for long term rates. Noticeable inflation where long term rates are blatantly at historic highs wont be for a year or two. This will give room for the equity market to make new highs, before the rates start competing with allocation ratios between equity/credit in portfolios.

on page 1, of the fractal posted. Its important to determine where we are on the fractal. The upstroke doesn't really start till multiple stimulative effects are in place.
bear moves are being reconfirmed. This is the last phase of the markets, where bonds sell off, as equities proceed to move higher, once a high enough yield offers a competing rate of return money flows back into bonds.


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impelling to 109 handle


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compression breakout, triggered by Ben and Paulson talking up recession, so rationalizations can be made for further FED cuts. Ultimately inflationary.


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The leading finance ministers called for a joint effort to set up guidelines for government-owned investment funds to make sure their investment strategies are clear and conform to sound business standards.

The measure stemmed from concern about plans by Russia, China and the oil-exporting countries of the Middle East to buy up companies, banks and real estate in the West.

In a communiqué issued Friday evening, the G-7 ministers said that cross-border investment was generally "a major contributor to robust global growth" but it asked that the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the organization that represents advanced industrial countries participate in setting rules of conduct when the investors are governments themselves.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

..these are SWF's..very powerful moneyflows, they are concerned about conversion of fiat paper to hard assets. Essentially selling garbage back to buy Gold(real estate/companies/shares). The only way SWF's can protect the loss in value of the petro dollar is to immediately convert it to hard assets, and the fiat paper sellers don't want the conversion to occur too quickly. The scoundrels essentially want the petro dollar holders to the 'eat' the cost of inflation...lol.
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equity ressurgence, bond decimation.


  • 10262007-162754.jpg
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couldn't hold above 114 :)


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no contest on direction.


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equity downdraft back up to stop runs.


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stop runs sustained. Looking for higher levels in bonds to sell more.
bonds, equities, oil, gold, dollar, all moving with each other...

bonds still pushing up...inline with equity flight.
fulfllment... :) who would have thought 10 year yields would hit 4.08%


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