20 /30 profitable Dow Dax weekly 100 ticks profit

closed +20

102 tick profit this week +20 = 122

Next Week I will see if I can apply the blinkered Big John candle to this system:LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

5 th consecutive week of profits average over 100 ticks per week.

have a nice weekend everybody!

I made +324. Luck? Probably. I can't believe, either. It was done by taking notice of you, fl. I did not change my system-but you got me off FT. I'll try it again, next week.
I made +324. Luck? Probably. I can't believe, either. It was done by taking notice of you, fl. I did not change my system-but you got me off FT. I'll try it again, next week.

Just manage your risk , as in first post.If traders run their profits , they can still use this system and make money , but results will not be consistent .This is because markets trend only 20% of the time at the most .In the 80% ranging period , traders looking for larger profits will suffer or not perform as well as in trending periods.

Good luck to everybody.Try to lose only a few ticks 20 to 30 maximum , it will change your trading , because this is defensive trading "not to lose".Learn about defensive football and transfer it to trading.

Follow successful people and their traits


Become defensive in the market , accept the market throws attacking balls at you, you are winner.

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joo se hyuk gets slaughtered by all the top players looks good like all defenders but never wins (is that your trading??)
I was making a point that you picked the wrong defensive point to make a point
Let me explain something about options and how to profit from them.

The option price at any given time is based usually on expected volatility , in the time the option is valid , it is based on open to close expected movement.AS AN EXAMPLE . a daily option might be priced at 70 pips /ticks including spread for 24 hours .This price is divided into a buy option for 35 pips and a sell option for 35 pips , therefore if a trader is good a predicting markets he can buy the buy option or the sell option for 35 and hope to get 70 , there is room for profit by buying options.This is layman's explanation.

I usually go for 20 and hope to get 40/50.
I was making a point that you picked the wrong defensive point to make a point

I was only looking at the defensive qualities and saying don't let the market screw you.

If you can defend well , you will lose less ticks , your attacking provided it is on par with the best , it will make more based on probabilities.

Many traders will make ticks but they will lose more than they make , this is because their strategies are entirely attacking strategies .
next week i trade long trades on gbp 4 .This is because I had 4 losses on longs .After 4 consecutive losses I increase my stake to double , same after 8 losses and 12 losses

Here is spread sheet and hopefully recover the losses on longs this week.


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The market is in down trend but at bottom of channel support.

Today's trades posted in advance .Now a professional needs new lulz site , this is for amateurs.


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I have bought 12300 weekly call , this is another profitable system , I don't want to run another journal and include it here.


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The second trade is short , because this is a weak market.

Entries here


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