2-Ticks -A-Day

Actually, the proof of the pudding is in constant use of the name "MarketMoverTrader", links to his blog and sucking in affiliate revenue.

MMT - why not kill this here? Register again on T2W with a name that is not also the URL of a paid training site. Drop the constant name dropping and then perhaps you'll look like you may seriously want to discuss trading.

As it is, all you are appear to be now is a shill for some paid site.

Your losers - minimum 8 ticks - $100 + $4 commissions = $104 (or $116.50 with 1 tick slippage) per contract
Your winners - $25 - $4 commissions = $21 per contract
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Of course the next question is why are these chart screen shots so small, showing just a few bars and why are the results posted in an Excel spreadsheet ?


The charts show just a few bars because this guy is taking a few attempts to get his 2 tick trades to show us. Showing more of the chart would highlight this.

The results are in Excel, also because showing results from the platform would also highlight the fact that this guy has NOT made a trade a day with a 2 tick win. He has made multiple attenpts until he got ones that look good and then posted the results here. His lack of knowledge in what looks good/where a limit order would fill caused him to even screw that up.

He has now been educated how to better fudge the results and so we should see only 1-2 tick intra-trade drawdowns on future trades.

Amusing that he can't even keep his own records straight....


Doesn't match his trade results.

Epic fail.
Isn't this just another rehash of the recent "How to make 100%" thread? The protagonist has changed, but that's about it.

It's deja vu all over again.

Goodness me, will people STOP trying to "prove" that 40% a month is somehow feasible without betting large chunks of your equity and/or suffering massive drawdown!
Isn't this just another rehash of the recent "How to make 100%" thread? The protagonist has changed, but that's about it.

It's deja vu all over again.

Goodness me, will people STOP trying to "prove" that 40% a month is somehow feasible without betting large chunks of your equity and/or suffering massive drawdown!

You'll be using up a lot of energy countering all of these ridiculous claims, people don't change and neither do the scammers. When one believer/holy grail discoverer/scammer leaves these boards, they're immediately replaced by another.
You guys are going off the rails here.

I’ll say this again. I just started this thread to showcase an experiment I decided to run. If you don’t find it interesting, don’t read this thread.

If you think that the technicalities of what I’m doing are not good, then fine. Let’s have a good debate about how my sim software doesn’t match the live charts, or that my drawdowns are to large (in your humble opinion) or whatever else. I relish that sort of useful interaction. That’s why I’m here.

I don’t know why you’re bringing my blog into this. I have not mentioned Market Mover Trading on this thread at all, and the experiment I’m running on my own time, which this thread is about, has absolutely nothing to do with the methods that Market Mover Trading teach (which is my main style of trading, and it is working just fine for me).

I literally have no gain to make in any way from anyone else trying to do this 2-Ticks-A-Day thing I’m trying out. I’m not selling or advertising any sort of scalping trading system. If I am I must be the worst salesman because if someone came to me and asked me to sell them something to scalp 2 ticks a day I wouldn’t know what to tell them. Yes, my blog is primarily about my experiences using the MMT system, but I reserved a small page in it to showcase this experiment as something seperate. I actually don't want to mention the MMT system here, because I don't want to mislead anyone in thinking that this thread has anything to do with it.

This is no re-hash of the "How to make 100%" thread – I don’t see how it can be. Have I claimed that I’m out to prove that 40% a month is possible? Or to prove anything else?! Read my first post here. I was just laying out the thoughts I had that made me want to try this out.

Yes, 10 days so far, on sim, is a very weak sample and proves nothing much. I said upfront I’m going to try it for a few months. Let’s wait until the drawdown comes and cleans me out. I’m as eager as anyone to see if that happens or not. I’m really not sure what ‘holy grail’ anyone thinks I’m trying to tout here. Is it so unfathomable to try to take just a piddly little 2 ticks each day? I personally don’t think it isn’t at least worth trying, but if you think it isn’t then you really don’t have to read this thread. Or constructively tell me why I might be on the wrong track, from your own technical standpoint – by all means. I’m just hoping for something more constructive than ‘nonsense’.

I’m sorry that DT thinks I’m falsifying this all. I have nothing to gain by doing so, except to only cheat myself and thus lose my shirt if I take it live. I’m not asking anyone to copy me, I’m actually just copying someone else’s method that seems to work for them so far, from what I know of. They’re not selling it either, I don’t think, and if they did I certainly haven’t paid for anything.

I’m not going to post screen shots of the entire day’s trading for each day. I just started recording little snippets for my own benefit, and then decided to start a thread here only yesterday actually.
I may well be making this whole thing up. There’s no way you could know, but I don’t have anything to gain by doing so that I know of.

And I don’t understand why you’re confused about 1-Oct-10 – what doesn’t tie up with my records? And no, I’m not good at fudging my results, because I’ve never done it. You’re obviously convinced I’m lying about this and there’s probably nothing I can do to convince you otherwise, but I’m not concerned with trying to.

Just stay tuned for my ongoing results, if you are at all interested. If I totally screw it up I’ll post it, whether you believe that or not - I don’t mind. And don’t make me Rick Roll you again.
OK then - show the whole days charts with your trades on it and show the results from your trading platform, not excel.

As of now, it is quite obvious your results are bogus.

If you can't see what you did wrong on that days trades, you are in the wrong business.
You'll be using up a lot of energy countering all of these ridiculous claims, people don't change and neither do the scammers. When one believer/holy grail discoverer/scammer leaves these boards, they're immediately replaced by another.

Most of 'em don't leave, they just re-incarnate...😉
I’m not going to post screen shots of the entire day’s trading for each day. I just started recording little snippets for my own benefit, and then decided to start a thread here only yesterday actually.


Well sweetheart, here's the thing - this is what your 'snippets' will show.

- a single trade every day
- every one a winner
- scalping for 2 ticks straight off the charts without the order book

I think there's a few prop shops will want to re-write their training manuals when they discover your methods.

At least you'll have mastered cut n paste, eh ?
OK then - show the whole days charts with your trades on it and show the results from your trading platform, not excel.

As of now, it is quite obvious your results are bogus.

If you can't see what you did wrong on that days trades, you are in the wrong business.

You don't seem to get (although, how can I make it more clear?) I'm doing this for my own benefit and interest, not to prove anything to anyone.

I'll report them with a screenshot from excel if that's how I record them. It's easiest for me. I'm not going to keep screen shots of my whole day's trading platform, that's not convenient for me. It's not about what one person (you) tells me they want to see before they believe it. Also, you will see the other trading strategies I'm messing about with (on most days) and probably accuse my of something else when you see them. I'm practising trading market open (not got it quite right yet), as well as other trend-following strategies that I'm not blogging about.

You think it's bogus, we established that. I'm still not really fussed though. When I report my live trades, if it comes to that, you'll probably never believe me unless I report that I'm failing.

I can see what I did 'wrong' from your perspective. It was 100% right according to the (unorthodox) method I'm employing. Wrong or right - it's subjective. And I think i'm in the right business because I'm doing quite well on my usual live trading strategy - but thanks for the career advice.

Well sweetheart, here's the thing - this is what your 'snippets' will show.

- a single trade every day
- every one a winner
- scalping for 2 ticks straight off the charts without the order book

I think there's a few prop shops will want to re-write their training manuals when they discover your methods.

At least you'll have mastered cut n paste, eh ?

sweetheart? 😱 you're too kind
No idea what thet means. I recognise 4xpipcounter - had a chat with him on another post.
The other two are members who made fantastic claims about possible returns. As a new(ish) member and, as I understand it, a new(ish) trader too, you would do well to keep in mind that there are members on here who have a huge amount of knowledge and experience of this business - probably rather more than you. If you don't want them to highlight what they perceive as flaws in your methodology, then it's best that you just record your experiment privately. If you want to do it on here publicly, then I applaud your bravery, but you must to be prepared to accept criticism and to answer the points put to you.

If you wish to follow up the suggestion made earlier and change your username so that other members are disinclined to think you're here merely to drive traffic to a commercial site, contact Androosh (forum Support) and he will be happy to help you.
The other two are members who made fantastic claims about possible returns. As a new(ish) member and, as I understand it, a new(ish) trader too, you would do well to keep in mind that there are members on here who have a huge amount of knowledge and experience of this business - probably rather more than you. If you don't want them to highlight what they perceive as flaws in your methodology, then it's best that you just record your experiment privately. If you want to do it on here publicly, then I applaud your bravery, but you must to be prepared to accept criticism and to answer the points put to you.

If you wish to follow up the suggestion made earlier and change your username so that other members are disinclined to think you're here merely to drive traffic to a commercial site, contact Androosh (forum Support) and he will be happy to help you.

Thanks Tim.

I think people assume I'm making 'fantastic' claims, but if they go have a look again at what I actually said, that simply isn't true. I understand why people don't like it when outlandish claims are made though.

I'm counting on finding people here with a lot more knowledge and experience than me. I have had some great chats with people on T2W, but there are some who seem to come at me on quite hard and offensively because... well I'm not sure why really.

I've said quite explicitly that I welcome discussion, that's the point of it all, but not just pointless slagging off of what I am doing, or have done - or of me as a trader. Highlighting perceived flaws is wonderful - it helps me out.

I don't think I'll change my username, but thanks all the same. It's all just harmless cyberspace fun in the end. I'll keep trading my way and adapt it perhaps according to useful comments and crtisism (of my trading, not of me) that I do get. I hope I have answered the points of constructive critisism not too badly until now - i'm prepared to keep doing so. At least my post-count is climbing quickly!