Black Swan
I'll give you one thing, you know to change the subject!
Not really, I just wanted to highlight something you mentioned in your reply.
I'll give you one thing, you know to change the subject!
Not really, I just wanted to highlight something you mentioned in your reply.
The one-eyed man is king in the land of the blind.You must realise that any credibility or sexual prowess you did have has now been shot to pieces by using a Lord of the Rings analogy.
Where you been?
Ok. So what do we do now? I suggest that we sit and glare at each other in silence for 30 minutes.
This may help prepare you.
you have no right to hound people into leaving the board
Let me educate you as to the real reasons why these guys eventually flounce, it's when proper traders like Martinghoul, Gooseman, BBmac, Arabian or TD kinda get quizzical and interested and ask them what I term the the brick wall questions, you know the type of questions in an interview that you struggle with. Then they do a Mallificent and vanish...
The one-eyed man is king in the land of the blind.
I went back to school. I've been doing my masters in finance/economics. I don't need it for a job (God forbid that I ever have to work for anyone again) but just did it for my own amusement.
I see that this place is still knee-deep in snake oil, but who would have it any other way.
Worth it? I ask because I'm torn between doing another batchelors (this time in art rather than a natural science) or doing a year's worth of MA, strangely in economics.
Same motive as you - purely educational rather than necessary for employment.
Mt too, you looked at distance courses from perhaps Oxford or UCL?
After about 30 pages of claiming he was God's gift, 4x produced a grainy image of an account which "backed up" his claims. I looked through it a little.. firstly the account balance was zero, so presumably it was a demo account (maybe he mentioned this, I don't know). Secondly, the total P/L number was given as +29k but it you added up the individuals it was +20k. Thirdly, if his starting equity was (e.g.) 20k, then it went something like +20 -> +5 -> +25 -> +15 -> +40 (hands up anyone who thinks this is a sustainable way to trade).
Fourth, there were about 30 trades there, this is not sufficient to claim trading genius.
So - for those people who realise him for the lying charlatan he is, what would you have us do? Say nothing and let less experienced traders think 4x actually has the slightest idea of how to trade? Why don't the moderators start a new section where in order to reply you must have fewer than 200 posts.. that would allow (ab)users like 4x to post to their heart's content.
You, BS and FX all hammered him over and over again with the same stupid questions and accusations... To the point where he left. This is out of order because up to that point you knew nothing, you only had assumptions.
You cannot base an opinion on assumptions.
Hmmmm....'ang on a mo Split...
OK, firstly I don't do internet bullying/finding victims, I tend to pick my own fights and go at it one 2 one..😀 But with ref. to 4 times tables I put him on ignore after reading his *stuff* on day two of his debut (latest debut?) and hardly got involved in the reams of pages he spewed out/encouraged, similarly medsb, the expert, that other beaut 50 pips..and there's other multi nic trolls who I cba naming, I tend to watch from the sidelines whilst managing swing trades...
IMO Arabian summmed it up best, to paraphrase; It's always astounding how so many want to believe that one guy on the interweb is going to offer up something different to help turn their trading around, be the one, the saviour...
FFS we all know what's required in trading, systems are bo11ocks, I'll repeat ad nauseum; we can all find 20+ *systems* in our locker that'll get us the right side of forex trades for a short period of time nine times out of ten, so what? MM and psyche is everything in this game, or if you want to try and put a % on it, 90%. Do these guys help you with MM and getting your nut in the game? Do they fook..and on that subject that's where real trading mentors come in, but imho there's not many and the majority cba taking on clients. But I'll bet you a pound to a penny the first thing they work on is getting the head right and the MM, not some new gastric band, letting out foul gas in the cloud, *system*...
Anyone asking questions/prompting new guru debutants for answers reveals so much re. their own failings and where they are in their own learning curve, not trading learning curve, but life learning curve. You're grown men FFS, hoping, believing, in some cases trusting that a new guru will save you, will show you the light, a guru that only found arguably the most popular retail trading forum out there in the last 3 months. The first question to all these beauts should be "heh man, where have you been for the past ten years, couldn't you find the interweb?" Oh and please don't give me the being open to new ideas nonsense...
So if the next one comes along heh I might have some fun, is it any of my business? Only on the basis that I'd rather not visit T2W and click new posts to find out of 50 they're dominated by suspect trolls.. but heh..may be one will turn out to be the saviour..but I doubt it.
And to finish, in the years you've been coming here tell me if any one of these medsb, the expert, 4pips, 50 pips, wasp characters made their debuts, then opened a private trading room on T2W, and did a first class mentoring job?
I had no assumptions to begin, in fact I posted early on I was looking forward to reading the thread. My questions to him were later -
1. How much of your account do you risk per trade?
2. What is the maximum drawdown you have sustained/are prepared to tolerate?
3. Do your percentage returns relate purely to the money in your brokerage account or to your overall trading capital?
What ridiculous and stupid questions!
I haven't looked at the statement in any detail but what I have done is gone through a lot of his time stamped calls on where market will head next and they are mostly right.
Whether his strategy is a goldmine or not is irrelevant, I and others were interested in other things he may have to say.
You, BS and FX all hammered him over and over again with the same stupid questions and accusations... To the point where he left. This is out of order because up to that point you knew nothing, you only had assumptions.
You cannot base an opinion on assumptions.
I give up talking about it now anyway. You guys take such a blinkered view that it's impossible to reason with you.
I understand he uses no stops, stupid leverage and has a link to a questionable site on his blog. This is all irrelevant provided we know this and are still interested in what he has to say.
Let others make their own decisions, make your point and then shut up. No need for what happened in that other thread.
but then you realise you are alone and NO ONE IS COMING TO HELP YOU, and everything you will have to do by yourself even if it takes years and years, and you can either suck it up and get on, or whine like a pussy, or keep following all the new gurus
I'm not jumping on anybodies band waggon here ( been there done that ) but.... Liam, have you considered taking up Martinghouls offer in t'other thread ? If you ask him nicely, he may be persuaded to start a journal 👍