Price action, inside bar trading, call it what you want. I call it a strategy that works! Yes, I know my charts say demo but I always trade FOR REAL! I just use an MT4 demo account for it's great charts. This was a fantastic inside bar/pin bar combo. I only took 15 pips but could have made double that. This is a 1hr chart on usd/cad today.
Two Grand is OUT Standing. Keep up the excellent Inside Bar hunt.
Now, the reason I like threads like this is because of the genuine enthusiasm and honesty with which they are made by the respective OP. Sniper, good work, but let me use your excellent work to give you a reason to "pause" and consider something else that might boost your profitability.
Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, these so-called "Inside Bars" are not as far few and in-between as you might have first imagined? I use the word "imagine" for a good reason - were you aware that you could create your own Inside Bars, almost at will? Yep - you sure can, Sniper Man!
See, I love trading - I really do. :cheesy: And, over the years, what I have found is that there are endless possibilities for creating good trading tools that consistently turn decent profits that can be relied upon for genuine wealth creation.
Ok, so, let's say you are looking at one of your MT4 H1 Charts. MT4 must be the de'facto standard, cause we all use them or have used them at one time in the Forex. Anyway, lets zero down to a specific time-frame. Go take a look at EURUSD between 2007.07.16 00:00 and 2007.07.22 22:00 on the H1. Now, I could pick any date range, but I just happen to be working this segment of time on another "tool" of my own called PSAR Event Horizon.
Now, with that date range showing on your MT4 screen for EURUSD, zoom in on Monday, 2007.07.16 at 00:00hrs, then look left for 24 hours and then right for 24 hours. Note that the 13th (previous Friday) and the 17th (coming Tuesday), virtually mimic the same
horizontal price action. Got that image? Good. Now, let's move on.
Note that the 16th is not an Inside Bar of the 13th - got it? Good. Start with 2007.07.16 at 00:00hrs H1. That bar closed UP. The next bar [01:00hrs] also closed up and also became the Inside Bar to 00:00hrs. Ok, so most people say: "Gee - there she goes - an Inside Bar on the H1 chart - I'll trade the very next break-out." Of course, this would be conventional thinking and you know by now that I'm no conventional thinker. Ok, so sure - the very next IB break comes to the upside in the 02:00hr for approximately 5 pips. Most Retail Pimps - sorry - I mean Brokers in FX charge about 2 pips these days for providing you this wonderful service, to you clear about 3 pips profit on a Bar that was 6 pips deep, for a ratio net of 33% of the available magnitude. Now, from a ratio standpoint, that's not bad at all, considering your draw down was practically the spread alone.
But, here is what I want you to see, Sniper Man: [fasten your seat-belt because this might get a little fuzzy]
Step-by-Step, let's create an Inside Bar on the Fly. Call them Fly Bars, if you like, I don't have any marketing rights to anything here - lol!
Step 1:
Consolidate Bars: 00:00, 01:00, 02:00 and 03:00, into a singular Bar [this one just happens to be a Hybrid, On the Fly, 4 hour Bar]
Step 2:
Note the Close position of the 04:00 Bar. It creates the first full one hour Inside Bar against the Hybrid Fly Bar.
Step 3:
all consecutive Highs and Lows from the Close of the 04:00 Bar, until the Hybrid Fly Bar's High or Low is breached. [this will include all Bars ranging from 04:00 through 06:00, in this example]
Step 4:
Note the 07:00 Bar. That is the Bar that takes the plunge against the Hybrid Fly Bar's Low level at $1.3772. Bar 07:00, breaks the Hybrid Fly Bar at its Low and move lower to $1.3759, for 13 pips on a Bar that was
28 pips deep, for a ratio net of
46.4% of total available magnitude.
Anytime you can capture 40+% of anything more than 10 pips deep, that's not moonshine territory to sniff at.
Moral of the story? Think
outside the box. 😉
Create sensible rules around this approach based on
provable, historical data and know WHEN to create Fly Bars and when NOT to create Fly Bars and you can rack-up some fairly impressive Scalping Skins. Changing baseline Time-Interval also changes the rules, so be careful to mind the details of your protocols for creating Fly Bars and keep your trade on the safe side.
Fly Bars, Floating Bars, Consolidated Contiguous Bars or CCB; who cares what you name it - just start thinking in ways that OTHER Naysayers don't/can't and you can climb out of the $2,000 per trade range to join the Elite traders of the world who spend $2,000 on Roll Over alone!
This message has been brought to you by the Thinking Outside the Box Society of America. Where Imagination collides with Hard Work to create your Destiny!
Have fun with it!