100 trades

''The past has no relevance as in order to be successful the here and now is what matters, not the past. No matter what behavior is reflected in the chart, nobody, except someone manipulating that market, can know with any semblance of certainty whether the next tick will be up or down and therefore a trend continuation or the begining of a reversal.

the market virtually always telegraphs it's intentions, but this vital information cannot be found with traditional price charts


In case you haven't read his posts
Am typing this from my laptop. More powercuts and now PC will not start at all 🙁
Any ideas? Will I need to buy another PC?
Am typing this from my laptop. More powercuts and now PC will not start at all 🙁
Any ideas? Will I need to buy another PC?
Do you have a circuit-breaker in your house or is it old style fuse-board?

If the latter, check fuse in plug first. With multiple power-outs you could have tripped the fuse on one of the power ups.
Let's see how bad I can do over the course of 100 trades.

5min charts. No indicators.

Gonna look at ES, CL and GC.

Risk : reward usually 1 : 1.5

Trade1: Short CL here at 97.42
20t stop , 30t target

CL ? and GC? stand for......
Sorry if I am a bit slow tonight🙂
CL Crude oil, GC gold. Futures contracts symbols.

Still on laptop. Just had another power outage. This time for 25 hours!! Some sort of record.PC still fried still on laptop.