Recent content by firewalker99

  1. firewalker99

    Censorship Thread

    It's called politics. You don't admit that you're wrong or guilty, but you find a way around it so it looks like you're making a change for the better. Happens on daily basis, and T2W mgmt clearly doesn't mind getting their hands dirty in the process, as long as it doesn't show to the outside world.
  2. firewalker99

    Censorship Thread

    fwiw, I was among those threatened too... he would ruin my reputation, he would sue me and come end of year he would make sure the site's managers would face legal charges too. As usual, a lot of hot air and talk but no real case. The evidence I have shared publicly is only the top of the...
  3. firewalker99

    Censorship Thread

    Painting an apple orange and calling it an orange still doesn't make it an orange.
  4. firewalker99

    Censorship Thread

    "Enabling" as in removing the evidence or deleting the relevant material?
  5. firewalker99

    Censorship Thread

    Only in the movies mate, only in the movies... ;)
  6. firewalker99

    Censorship Thread

    Yes, it's what everybody who trades profitably does. I'm sure you understand...
  7. firewalker99

    Censorship Thread

    There's little to add to your post trendie. Perhaps your incorrect and misplaced assumptions about my "missing out on 10K" stem from the fact you were (and clearly still are) quite ready to believe anything Chris throws at you. I guess it must have something to do with the fact you're so...
  8. firewalker99

    Censorship Thread

    Once upon a time there was this one pool member who confronted everyone with the simple truth, showed how nothing made sense, had concrete proof to back up his thesis, took a whole lot of effort in putting everything together for a concrete case, but got in response nothing but a lot of laughs...
  9. firewalker99

    Censorship Thread

    Touché :cheesy:
  10. firewalker99

    Censorship Thread

    That's completely correct. Now who do you think was "most greedy?" (a) Those who bought only one share or (b) those who bought 5 and hoped for a million £ end of year? (c) Those who got out when they felt something was not right or (d) those who stayed in hoping they would get 150K at the end...
  11. firewalker99

    Censorship Thread

    And indeed you don't have a moral or any other obligation to do so. Honour has nothing to do with this, as some suggested. You (and I) have been made fun of, declared fools and ridiculed for trying to convince others to see the truth. I see no reason at all to reward people who were so naive...
  12. firewalker99

    Fork bending!

    Sorry, adjusted the link, it was I'm interested too in discoveries that challenge our current paradigm, but pseudo-science à la Uri Geller spoon bending or Utahna Tassie fork bending aren't part of it.
  13. firewalker99

    Fork bending!

    Are you still talking about the fork-bending or something else? ;)
  14. firewalker99

    Fork bending!

    An open mind is great, but not as open so that your brains fall out.
  15. firewalker99

    Fork bending!

    If I read these kind of threads, I realize it's no wonder people pay scammers money and when the truth comes out, they'd still like to believe it's all "bad luck" and nobody meant anything wrong. :rolleyes: Here's an interesting site from Derren Brown who uses a scientific approach (not the...