Recent content by enragedcow

  1. enragedcow

    How to trade forex without CFD

    found a solution for the meantime Trading on the "forex mini" market my broker has, I still would like to move out of CFDs though so the original question stands edit: wait, i'm literally retarded, trading on a 1:1 is more risky and wipes you out even faster... that's the point of margins in...
  2. enragedcow

    How to trade forex without CFD

    Hi T2W, it's been far too long since I posted here. I know this is a silly question because there is an obvious answer: apart from going to the local bank and getting **** on by commissions and ridiculous spreads how can someone with relatively low trading capital (sub 3k) trade forex without...
  3. enragedcow

    People getting reimbursed for FB losses

    It better not be true. To me that breaks the sacred dicta of risk and reward. If someone invests in Facebook and loses money because it's a bad company then they should bear that loss and not expect a refund. Or they should just go occupy something, maybe serve me an icecream at Macdonalds.
  4. enragedcow

    The Market

    Just had a scary thought; nevermind self-aware AI (artificial intelligence) what happens if a market becomes self-aware... strange thread DT...
  5. enragedcow

    New Year's resolutions for 2012

    For Uni: increase grade average to make sure I get into post-grad. For Trading: Make trading part of a daily routine rather than just when I feel like it. Both are going to be incredibly difficult seeing as Star Wars: The Old Republic gets released in NZ in February.
  6. enragedcow

    Shorting EUR/USD

    RWH TROLL says: it's not a no brainer, all forecasts of growth and other factors are already priced into the currency pair it's just moving completely randomly lolkthxbai. To be honest I'm not sure which way it will go from a fundamental view so I have no idea which signals to start looking...
  7. enragedcow

    Will EU survive?

    I'll admit i'm not well informed, even though i'm an economics major the Eurozone crisis has no simple solution, nor even a simple definition. I think the agreement reached last night/yesterday is a step in the right direction toward stability in the future but it does not solve the current...
  8. enragedcow

    What is money? Where does our money come from?

    Since the "real world" mechanics have all been described by previous posts I thought i'd add a more abstract version of money, stolen mostly from Adam Smith. Money, ignoring its physical form (currency) is the direct reward for labour and therefore is equivalent to units of labour. The value of...
  9. enragedcow

    I will make a £1000 before christmas, will you?

    Silly question for an economics major? same profit but one has lower risk that means one has a higher expected value thus will give you more utils (lol utils was my econ teacher's word for units of utility...) I encourage you to try trading, i'm an economics and accounting major too... It's...
  10. enragedcow

    kinellll Italian 10 year note @ 7.41

    It's wrong because they print money to feed their corporate greed and don't share it equally (trolololol) Switzerland's reserve bank has its head screwed on right, from what i've seen so too does NZ's. There is no logical answer to why it's wrong martinghoul, for it to be wrong 100 years of...
  11. enragedcow

    Technical AnaCRAP does not work

    cool story bro
  12. enragedcow

    Where do I start?

    First, do you have a background in finance or at the very least, are you financially literate? if no, either learn or join a protest. If yes then look on google about the mechanics of the markets you wish to trade, does some guy sit there throwing kilograms of onions at the people who bought...
  13. enragedcow


    get a graphics card with multiple ports, get a tech to put it in though so you have a warranty :) (seriously worth it, my friend installed his and it broke during installation, $500 down the drain) and some computer games for entertainment: Runescape Age Of Empires Fallout 3 and New Vegas the...
  14. enragedcow

    Modern Day Technical vs Pre 1997 Price Action

    I've stated many times that I believe all analysis (technical, fundamental etc) is self-fulfilling so I'd expect that pre 1997 and the advent of market participants seeing patterns (imagined or otherwise mr DT) the indicators and patterns you'd "see" in the charts would have "not worked"
  15. enragedcow

    CMC Markets

    because they're pretty awesome :thumbs up: 0.7 pip spreads for Eur/Usd (my main pair)