Recent content by divyanshisharma

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    FAQ Realistically, How much Money can I Expect to Make?

    90% Traders fails due to impatience, fear, greed and negative approach if you need to get good return then think of the long-term investment
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    FAQ How Much Money Does a Trader Need To Start Trading?

    With 15k you can make a decent start, But you are fulltime trader then you can at least invest 50000 to trade proficiently.
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    FAQ How Long Does it Take to Make a Stable Income from Trading?

    No one can say that they get Stable income from the market, but yes the possibilities are like you can earn good profit someday but your next trade can make you wait for 10 -15 day to give profit. All depends on you
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    Swing & Position Trading Pulling the Trigger Q&A

    Re: Pulling the Trigger Q&A These question and answers cleared all the doubts of expert trading! I gained advanced trading strategies to avoid losses.
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    Trading Careers Steps Needed to Become a Quant Trader

    Life of quant trader is actually very interesting! Their concepts, strategies, and skills are the best to trade.
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    Trading Careers Life as a Trader

    Everything is true in your story and i agree with the fact you stated later in the article.!
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    I am just starting out need some advise

    I think you are more experienced than me and hence you can have better idea!
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    I am just starting out need some advise

    Learn by your own and in case faces doubts, get a guidance from a trader.
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    Paper Money trading platform

    Good Platform to trade with zero percent rist but same practical experience!
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    Sticky I'm New To TRADING - Where Do I Start?

    If you can trade 1-2 times in your workplace, then its better to do. But if you are more focused n your trading then be a full time trader. Better For You!
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    Nifty View

    Thats true!! Nifty toucjed 10900 point and now coming bak to 10500!
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    Which direction will the Dow go?

    I think it will be down for this week and trend upward directions for sure!
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    Day Trading is Dumb

    It's not like that, it is completely depend on yout market strategy else your views on day trading will be dumb only.
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    Good trending market

    Good Trending market Trnding Market means it will be positive or complete negative in one direction.
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    Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

    FTSE or any other Country Market, Scalping is popular in traders and growing more !!!