Recent content by Amazin-Trade

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    A job in software developing, too late at 37 years old?

    I'm aware of the fact that the tech industry can discriminate based on age/gender a lot. Will it be tough for me to get a job once I finish my studies? I have 0 experience or knowledge in software right now. There seem to be a huge shortage but there are also people saying software jobs will be...
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    Traders' meet up in London

    I'll be interested, based in East London. Flexible with the dates
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    which type of trading is the easiest?

    Hey guys, completely new but recently got into long term investing. I'm trying to make some money while waiting as well but not sure which one to get into. What is the easiest? I can't do day trading because I work full time outdoors so I can't spare the screen time. I'm guessing swing trading...
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    Which index fund/ETF would you recommend? (Newbie)

    Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well. I have about £5600 to invest. I'm aware that it's not much but it will be better than sitting in the bank and not doing anything. I'm looking to invest for the long term and something less risky. Was thinking in a ETF or Index fund. Are there any you...
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    Virtual stock market game

    Anyone seen this? Virtual Stock Market Game – Learn to trade with a Fantasy Trading Game Is it a good place to start learning about trading without loss all my money? lol if not, please let me know if there are better sites for me to learn this game called trading for free.
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    Seeking micro/nano account

    thank you so much for the information. I have been looking for a broker that allow people to trade like that for ages. Please keep me updated
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    Question about demo accounts

    thanks for the comments guys, so what is the smallest amount of money I can deposite in trading? I read it somewhere on here that some brokers allow people to trade in pennies before they deposite proper amount. It would be great if I can trade in Pennies but I think most broker only accept...
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    Question about demo accounts

    I want to open up a demo account and practise and practise until I can make money on a consistent bases before I deposite some real money in. I'm I being naive for thinking that? or do I need to loss £100,000+ before I start making money? I don't have much money and want to do everything I can...
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    recommandations for a newbie

    hehe thanks.I was refering to on actual trading site where I can trading with real/fake money. I found this one here: is it any good? if you know any better ones, please let me know. It says 0 commission on CFDs really...
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    recommandations for a newbie

    Are there are any reliable newbie friendly trading sites out there for me to learn the ropes? My plan is to set up a demo account and practise until I'm confident enough to put some real money down. I'm not sure if I should start with Forex, commodities, futures or other (whatever). Is any of...
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    Student to Trader

    can you explain that bit more? why is it not a good idea to start young? I always thought it was a good thing.
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    Can I get into trading?

    Thanks for the comments but I don't like the way how you present it. No need to write to me like that. Do you belong to the 5% or the 95%? I personally don't think it is that unusal to be honest. There are many industries are like that why 95% will lose or won't get much out of it.
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    Oh man, I'm so confused:(

    @rsh01&Masquerade: are you both offended by my posts? If so, I'm sorry. I'm not here to troll or make enemies (I promise). The message I'm getting right now is that there are little or no similarities between poker and trading. » Poker and Trading Correlations » Vantage Point Trading...
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    Oh man, I'm so confused:(

    Right now I can't because I don't know anyhthing about trading or the stock market. Maybe I shouldn't compare the two but it was just a light hearted comment. My landlord lost £10,000 playing around with it. I also heard that you can easily lose more than you gain? lol, good point, same with...
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    Oh man, I'm so confused:(

    My problem is that I'm too new and don't which path to go down. I'm learning to play Poker at the moment. It appears that many Poker players also do bit of trading which is what got me into this in the first place, lol So I briefly intoduced myself in the first steps section and did bit of...