Hot Signals - Looking good


Established member
Recently ive been under the opinion that now might be the right time to warm up to a bit of trading on US stocks, the main reason being the big drops recently in the indices and Warren Buffet a few months ago claiming that some stocks were "fair value" so my logic being now some must be a complete bargain 🙂

Unfortunately I dont really have a clue about which ones are which and which ones are not 😱 then yesterday at a family gathering when mentioning my interest in the markets somone told me about how they have been making a killing over the last few years with the services of a signal provider (running up an account from a few thousand to over 150k):-0. After reading a large number of negative posts about such signal services on trade2win the skepticism has rubbed off on me but being the superstusious person I am I still think it was a good omen that i was seated next to someone who I wouldnt normally have had the oportunity to talk to and me learing about this website. 😀

HotSignals - High Probability Short Term Stock Signals for Traders

Having been through the website it looks pretty interesting and I was wondering if anyone here is a member? and if they could kindly share some of their views. :smart:

They offer a free 14 day trial so my plan is to demo trade the signals over the period and post my results and opinions here (kinda like the mrspreadbetting thread) and if anyone wants to help me please feel free to do so 🙂

Its got two main types of signals its offereing, aggresive and conservative and naturally I will be going for the aggresive, so anyone who wants to try the conservative ones, again feel free to join in.

Ive picked up a few pointers just looking over the website which i thought looked note worthy which I will now share before the experiment gets under full swing.

Checking after hour quotes and Pre-Market movers looks to be a good idea when deciding which stocks to enter and also for an insight for indices trades and I have discovered this service is provided by Nasdaq on their website. :smart:

Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. (CCE) After Hours Trading

okay so back to the plan of action...

The service is an end of day one so the plan is to look over the suggestions the night before or just before the American open. I will then demo spread bet them and if after the 14 day period the account is showing a profit of more then the monthly charge I plan to sign up 🙂

The starting balance of the demo account will be the cost of a years subscription which is currently $995 but to make it simpler for my primitive brain I'm going to be using £995 and the monthly fee works out to about $83 so my target would be above £83 profit with an initial stake of £995 over a period of 14 days. Any suggestions on making this experiment more thorough would be appreciated.👍
okay Coca-Cola's looking like an interesting sell recomendation for monday so Im planning to sell on the open.

Just read over their guidelines for trading

Recommended trading guidelines
When placing a trade we strongly recommend limiting your risk by using guaranteed stops*, for uptrends take the low of the signal date and deduct the volatility, for downtrends take the high of the signal date and add the volatility.

We recommend an initial target of 5% and once this has been achieved we recommend closing 50% of your position and moving the remaining 50% to free trade status by setting the stop at your initial entry price. Choose your next target (i.e. 10% on initial signal price) and on reaching the target again close 50% of the remaining open position and move the stop loss to target 1. Continue with this process until either you reach an overall profit objective or your stop gets triggered.

Not sure how closlely I will be following these so far still trying to work everything out 😱

(red line equals suggested stop loss)


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Any reason it's got a sell recommendation?

It looks to me like the high probability trade is a break of the range with a subsequent retest.

Save your £50 pm mate..."Potential Setups" is the only signal service you need. 😉

Some legend on there called a short Dow a while back now! lol

Nice journal. Sorry to interrupt. I'll be watching mate.


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Not sure of the reason for the sell signal to be honest 😕 will be interesting to see how it plays out 🙂

now that dow trade was what you call a sik call :clap: im a bit disappointed mine got blown out😆... but onwards and upwards, and you must have easily gone into top place for calls on t2win 👍 you must be all set up for trip to florida with all that wall street money 😛

YouTube - rick ross ft florida - street money


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I wanted to also include a buy trade tommorow and am finding it a bit difficult and feel its worth mentioning that due to the company Im placing the demo trades with not having a wide variety of choice I am having to be very selective with the choices I can take and this might make the experiment slightly biased 😕

Anyhow the final choice has been Medtronic which was a buy signal on thursday.

Also in the HotSignals trading academy videos I have just been watching they refer to the first hour of trading as "amateurs " hour so I am thinking about refraining from placing the trades on the open.


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Save your £50 pm mate..."Potential Setups" is the only signal service you need. 😉

Some legend on there called a short Dow a while back now! lol

I think that legend called a short three weeks ago too, but then we rose almost 400 points hmm... And the other week - yes I'm pretty sure it was the same guy - called for a plunge to 6000 after we broke 7800 support. But then the market decided it would have none of it and rallied back above it up to almost 8000.

But third time's usually a charm, so last week it finally turned out okay, good call 😉
selling into rallys in a bear market:-0 well I never ... where did the above mentioned person ever come up with an idea like that 😆 I want a few of them 😎
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okay both trades have been entered waiting for the first hour to pass has been thrown out the window for today - i will update later with the relevant graphs and details 🙂
First day complete and a mixed set of results :

Daily changes (taken from Etx capital the company i have been demo trading with)

Coca-Cola : -77.00 (downard signal)
Medtronic Inc : +2.00 (upward signal)

Brief description of how today played out:

Both trades were entered within the first 15 minutes of the open and taken off in the last 15 minutes
Coca-Cola(short) spent the first couple of hours rising to a level of around 30 points and then began to fall sharply
Medtronic Inc (long) within moments of opening flew up about 70 points and spent most of the day positive and then in the final hours reversed these gains.

I entered both trades at £1 a point and used the automated stop loss provided by Etx

Coca-Cola was closed for a profit of £55
Medtronic was closed for a loss of -£32

(The reasons for the profits being lower and the losses larger then the daily change are mainly due to the 20 point spread by Etx on both trades)

So after the first day the grand total of profit was £23

Im now waiting for the choices for tommorow but so far am pretty impressed with the results and the service👍 - I like the feature on HotSignals of how they tell you when the earning reports are out and have found it pretty simple to use.

I think tommorow I might have to try to put more input into chosing the entry and exit, as today I basically went for the easier option of opening and closing within the 15 minute timeframe, as the target of £58 profit coud have easily been doubled with a bit more effort on my part. 😱

(Also graphs may not add up correctly with the figures due to being from another spread betting company)


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these figures and links might make the technical stuff more easy to understand :


Last Sale: $ 11.98 Net Change: 0.32 -2.6%
Share Volume: 2,957,356 Previous Close: $ 12.30
Today's High: $ 12.48 Today's Low: $ 11.925
52 Week High: $ 25.46 52 Week Low: $ 7.25
P/E Ratio: 9.08 Shares Outstanding: 487,828,000
Earnings Per Share (EPS): $ 1.32 Market Value: $ 5,844,179,440

Old_NASDAQ Info Quotes - Stock Prices - Stock Research


Last Trade: 34.02
Trade Time: 4:01pm ET
Change: 0.02 (0.06%)
Prev Close: 34.00
Open: 34.23
Bid: N/A
Ask: N/A
1y Target Est: 41.31
Day's Range: 33.54 - 34.97
52wk Range: 28.33 - 56.97
Volume: 9,261,720
Avg Vol (3m): 8,635,320
Market Cap: 37.93B
P/E (ttm): 13.44 x
EPS (ttm): 2.53
Div & Yield: 0.75 (2.20%)

MDT: Summary for MEDTRONIC INC - Yahoo! Finance

(Both links are an easy click from the signal platform so I may use these over the next few day in my posts)
I have just looked over yesterdays signals for today and unfortunatly after searching for most of the companies on etx to see if they provide them most are not available. Having said that Coca-Cola once again is a downward prediction. So the plan for today might have to be to get back in yesterdays two choices (bit annoying as i will once again be incurring the 20 point spread).

Also it might be a point to mention that the 14 day trial from HotSignals - High Probability Short Term Stock Signals for Traders is only the lite version which is actually more then half the price of the full version Im basing the figures for the experiment on. And also that the option for the more aggresive trades is not actually available in the trial so the choices made so far have been their conservative ones. It might have been a better idea to sign up to the demo account they reccomend on their website Contact MF Global Direct as Im presuming most of the choices would be available there and I could have killed two birds with one stone by kind off reviewing both of the products.

Also Im enjoying messing about with the componding calculator which is found towards the bottom of the page in the first link above.

$ 100.00 in 1 year to $ 1,000,000.00 = 115.44 % a month:cheesy:
$ 100.00 in 2 years to $ 1,000,000.00 = 46.78 % a month😀
$ 100.00 in 3 years to $ 1,000,000.00 29.15 % a month🙂

( I should have really spent a while longer planing everything out😱 anyhow I have stacked the odds highly against the signal provider 😀 so lets see how the results unfold- and you live and learn 👍)
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End of day 2:

Like mentioned in the post above both trades were entered once again today (on the open)
CCE: Summary for COCA COLA ENTRPR INC - Yahoo! Finance
Old_NASDAQ Info Quotes - Stock Prices - Stock Research

However unlike yesterday I have not taken the trades off today and thought I would wait to see the choices for tommorow before deciding whether to stick with these or move onto something else. Also Coca- Cola looks like its in an interesting position to see how the coming days play out.

Also just looking over the strongest uptrend choice it might be worth mentioning it rose over 4% but on the flip side a few of the downtrend choices also made an increase of 2-3%

Old_NASDAQ Info Quotes - Stock Prices - Stock Research

Coca-Cola is showing a loss of £85
Medtronic a profit of £31


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Just looked over the confirmations from yesterday and out of all the uptrend and downtrend choices only Pepsi (downtrend ) is available on the demo account, so for today I have decided to keep yesterdays two choices on and will be also including Pepsi into the portfolio. During todays session I may decide to take profits or cut loses on the previous choices and will provide an update later with more information. 🙂
End of day Three:

Today, like mentioned earlier the choice had to be Pepsi and what a good choice it turned out to be 🙂

Within minutes of opening the stock began to fall and countiued to do so for most of the day.
In the end I did not end up closing the Coca-Cola or Medtronic trades so the portolio now includes all three stocks.

The demo account is now showing the following results:

Pepsico: + £45 (Short) (spread 32)
Medtronic Inc - £35 (Long)
CocaCola - £15 (Short)

Daily change (taken from etx demo account)

Pepsico -91.0
Medtronic Inc -67.0
Coca-Cola - 72.0

(graphs paint a better picture)

So far it appears the predictions are doing better the first day after they are provided rather then when you keep them running for a few days and thus I might alter the way Im currently using them over the coming days.
Also so far I havent really made use of the following features:
"Sector, Industry & Index Rotation enabling you to profit from the bigger trends
Sector, Industry & Index Weighting align your stock trades with favourable market conditions"

Which would have made sense to do so with the current volatility of the markets 😱

Views afer three days:

Pretty impressed 🙂 and suprised :-0 - Im trying really hard to find some faults but have not been able to do so so far 👍

Initially when I thought of signal service providers, I had the notion of a company that has a poorly made website which sends out thousands of spam emails each day begining with "I can make you a Billionaire by 3 pm tommorow afternoon" etc etc and who after taking your money would send you an email each day with three or four copied and pasted names of companies 😆

HotSignals is clearly not like that, the platform is easy to navigate around, has a host of special features and the results so far are looking good 👍. Also intially being skeptical about some of the quotes from the homepage I can now see why they could be the case:

"Providing Institutions and Private Investors with the Edge"
"When researching the latest technology in trading, consistently came up as being in touch with the most current advancements in this area"
"HotSignals is a great tool to have in your armoury for Day Trading, Swing Trading and Position Trading it really gives you an Edge in the market."

I can see why people who dont have a huge amount of time to search for the right stock picks and would prefer to still have the opportunity and favourable chance of making some money would use them.

Also I maybe wrongly presumed that normal signal providers would say when to buy a stock and that would be the last of their input - but these guys Ive noticed also give you an indication when the trend of their picks has changed which is clearly hugely useful.
So in conclusion they dont seem as you normal run of the mill signl provider so I maybe have been a bit quick to stick all of them under the same umbrella.

(Im tempted to drop them an email with a link to this thread to get a years free subscription as suprsingly:-0 its turning into a bit of an endorsment and providing them with some great marketing 😛)

Old_NASDAQ Info Quotes - Stock Prices - Stock Research
MDT: Summary for MEDTRONIC INC - Yahoo! Finance
Old_NASDAQ Info Quotes - Stock Prices - Stock Research


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ahh a fellow skeptic 🙂 to be honest I did expect for there to be some large loses over the last three days considering how the Us indices have been behaving but whats been impressive so far is from the limited choices Ive been able to take the picks are doing pretty well but mainly that within moments of the markets opening the choices tend to make large moves in the direction predicted like Pepsi did today. And I think the paper loses are more down to my half arsed approach to the demoing part, spreads, not realy following any set profit target for each day etc etc ... and also over the last few days looking over the results for not only these but the others choices I havent been able to take, that from 5-10 upward and and 5-10 downward a handful are making over a few percent each day which aint that bad. And i can see how someone could make over a 100k starting with a few thousand. Also doing a bit of research on the net they have partnered with a number of respectable companies and this link "impressed " me too :

Investing Systems: ''Stock Traders Get Hot Signals on Daily Sector and Industry Groups from'' | Business Wire | Find Articles at BNET

"When the big boys are taking notice there must be something worth seeing." especially that quote which has me thinking there might be something into this 😉

They seem to be a better choice then some of the spam messages ive had in my inbox here aswell for anyone interested in such service providings 😛
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fair enough - personally I dont see any harm in giving the 14 day free trial a go and paper trading the choices and taking it from there - Im even tempted to next week maybe even stick some real cash on. :smart:
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