Let's Play the US Markets


Junior member
Hi there,

I'm Nick and I've decided to keep a journal so first post is based on the rules in the sticky...

1. Objectives

I want to achieve or start achieving 5% per month from my trading activity.

2. Markets & Instruments

The US Markets (NYSE or NASDAQ) trading stocks only (not ready for futures or options). Will start by tracking 10-15 stocks but if I get confident this could rise. Looking for high volume trades priced between $10 - $100 which have a nice technical pattern.

3. Style

I will be swing trading because I am in full time work at the moment. Mostly I'll be be doing some homework between 1pm - 2pm each day and will look to place one or two trades a week.

4. Timeframes

I will be using daily charts and will be looking at moving averages and technical patterns in the price. Cup & handles, reversal patterns etc are all going to be of interest.

5. Which Strategies?

As for now, I'm not sure. I'm looking at reversals on a daily basis (i.e. either hammers or dojis) but not sure if i'd act on them just yet. Breakouts will have to be pretty strong and I'll be looking at using moving averages as lines of resistance/support. Retracements I don't know anything about yet so not going to go anywhere near them!

6. Trade Set Up

High volume (750,000+) Good technical pattern (higher highs, higher lows), volatility in the stock, price between $10-$100.

I'll also be keeping a blog here (www.stockabull.com) and am looking to go live in January 2011 with a live account. At the moment I am paper trading so I'm just pushing buttons and making my rookie mistakes but hopefully I'll be able to come up with some interesting discussion points as I go along. 🙂
Nick this website you keep mentioning, is it your site? If so, my browser suggested it was a suspiscious site.

If you're keen on spam your tenure here is in the can.
Why does it suggest it's a malicious site? Just a wordpress blog... nothing more? I'm starting to trade and looking to keep a journal on my activity starting Jan 2011 and looking to share/learn from the community. If I'm coming across as spammy I apologise... was looking to post once or twice a week when I get going - too much?

Nick this website you keep mentioning, is it your site? If so, my browser suggested it was a suspiscious site.

If you're keen on spam your tenure here is in the can.
Posting once or twice a minute wouldn't be considered too much on this site.

Mentioning a url once is suspicious, in more than one post gets the mods giving you a thorough eyeball.

Suspicious is suspicious. If it's your site you're a bad boy for spamming. If it's not your site then be careful as it's definitely marked as suspiscious.
Consider the slap on the hand taken! It is my personal journal on my trading activity so lesson learned not to overkill the linkage. Will definitely look into why it's suspicious as I only set it up 2 weeks ago!

Posting once or twice a minute wouldn't be considered too much on this site.

Mentioning a url once is suspicious, in more than one post gets the mods giving you a thorough eyeball.

Suspicious is suspicious. If it's your site you're a bad boy for spamming. If it's not your site then be careful as it's definitely marked as suspiscious.
Why does it suggest it's a malicious site? Just a wordpress blog... nothing more? I'm starting to trade and looking to keep a journal on my activity starting Jan 2011 and looking to share/learn from the community. If I'm coming across as spammy I apologise... was looking to post once or twice a week when I get going - too much?

It's spam because of this.

My name is Nick Elliott. I started working for an organisation called Tradenet who teach people to trade on the US markets. I’ve been here for 2 months now and I thought I’d better get involved and actually see if what they are teaching is actually 1: Achievable and 2: A genuine way to make...

I presume your job there is marketing manager 🙄
Consider the slap on the hand taken! It is my personal journal on my trading activity so lesson learned not to overkill the linkage. Will definitely look into why it's suspicious as I only set it up 2 weeks ago!
Wasn't a slap on the hand, just curious.

I noticed you registered this site in Germany on Nov 25th, but it seem slike an awful lot of work (and associated marketing links) as a blog for somebody who apparently has never traded before. Almost as your the site is of greater importance than learning to trade.
Yes, I work at tradenet and I'm taking the course. Have I done anything that constitutes spam? If I have, then I hold my hands up... but with the website I'm genuinely recording my personal trading blog. But hey - you're the mod...

It's spam because of this.

I presume your job there is marketing manager 🙄
Nick - seriously - any member with the slightest amount of common sense knows you are full of sh1t.

Your existence here is merely to tout the services you trade. Your website and graphics are professionally done and there is no reason you'd do that if it wasn't a commercial endeavour. You insult our intelligence to suggest otherwise.

On the bright side - the staff at T2W will give you the benefit of the doubt even when you are running down the road with the money you said you'd invest for them.

So - for the benefit of the T2W staff - here's some facts for you to ignore.

"Nick" is actually called Sotirios Sarmpezoudis.

Public Domain information from Who Is lookup of 'Nicks' blog:

domain: stockabull.com
created: 25-Nov-2010
last-changed: 25-Nov-2010
registration-expiration: 25-Nov-2011

nserver: ns67.1and1.co.uk
nserver: ns68.1and1.co.uk


registrant-firstname: Sotirios
registrant-lastname: Sarmpezoudis
registrant-street1: Fulham Road
registrant-street2: 969A
registrant-pcode: SW6 5JJ
registrant-city: London
registrant-ccode: GB
registrant-phone: +44.2073487995

Nick AKA Sotirios is also on Linked In http://uk.linkedin.com/in/sotos

Sotirios Sarmpezoudis’s Summary

* who i am and what i do...

*** the short version ***

I do Online Marketing...I do it for living and for fun. From the two I enjoy both.

*** the Twitter version ***

@sotirios is the Head of Online Marketing at #Tradenet, a leading international school for trading on the NYSE and NASDAQ http://www.tradenet.uk.com

*** the SEO version ***

<title>Head of Online Marketing - Online Strategist - Tradenet UK</title>

<meta name="description" content="Head of Online Marketing - Sotirios is hte Head of Online Marketing at Tradent, a leading international school of trading on the NYSE and NASDAQ" />

Sotirios Sarmpezoudis’s Experience

Head of Online Marketing
Tradenet UK Ltd

(Privately Held; Financial Services industry)

September 2010 — Present (4 months)

So "Nick" - why don't you just fook off?
wow - wasn't expecting this much hostility. I guess time will tell - if I start trying to flog you guys anything then I fully expect the mods to be down my throat. If not, then could we try and get along?
Sotirios - you have shot yourself in the foot here, haven't you?

As head of online marketing - why on earth did you use your real name registering the domains and then come on pretending to be someone else?

My humble suggestion is to get onto T2W today and PAY for some advertising in return for obliterating your dismal fncking efforts to hoodwink people that are far more streetwise than yourself.

How's your employer going to feel to know that their online marketing genius can't even handle a fake id on a forum? How much of their cash did you blow on that 'man in the street' blog'?

Tried too hard mate, that's your problem.

Tell you what though - I have some web design work needs doing if you end up unemployed at the end of today for pissing away a chance on the UKs highest profile trading site.
My name is Nick Elliott, my skype address is nick.elliott13 if you want to see me in person. I work with Sotos at Tradenet but I am not the marketing manager nor am I involved with the marketing here. I am not trying to sell you something... I've explained this a few times now. I am learning to trade on the US markets and I am keeping a trading journal. If I start spamming you I will fully expect a backlash but this hostility is unfair! I've sent you a PM with my personal contact details if you want to get in touch and hear it from myself rather than on a thread...

Sotirios - you have shot yourself in the foot here, haven't you?

As head of online marketing - why on earth did you use your real name registering the domains and then come on pretending to be someone else?

My humble suggestion is to get onto T2W today and PAY for some advertising in return for obliterating your dismal fncking efforts to hoodwink people that are far more streetwise than yourself.

How's your employer going to feel to know that their online marketing genius can't even handle a fake id on a forum? How much of their cash did you blow on that 'man in the street' blog'?

Tried too hard mate, that's your problem.

Tell you what though - I have some web design work needs doing if you end up unemployed at the end of today for pissing away a chance on the UKs highest profile trading site.
Just a wordpress blog... nothing more?

Please Stavros & co... stop it... You work with Sotos and he's set up this site for you but you have nothing to do with marketing ? So this is not stage managed and if you loose 50 grand, we can expect an honest set of results ?

Pull the other one - it has a T2W mod on it.

Leave it a month & try a different approach.

One that doesn't involve spending a few grand on professional graphics and a website.

If you are indeed Nick - the story is the same - just that you are now claiming to be the monkey as opposed to the organ grinder.

Like I say - anyone with ANY common sense would see what you are doing from post 1.

What percentage of Tradenet customers are actually profitable after training then, eh ?
Please Stavros & co... stop it...

Leave it a month & try a different approach.

One that doesn't involve spending a few grand on professional graphics and a website.

If you are indeed Nick - the story is the same - just that you are claiming to be the monkey as opposed to the organ grinder.

Like I say - anyone with ANY common sense would see what you are doing from post 1.

What percentage of Tradenet customers are actually profitable after training then, eh ?

I'm sorry I've offended you so much. The website is a wordpress website with a theme called "Sight" and I downloaded it from smashingmagazine.com for free. It took me about 2 hours to set up and I've only filled it with content about by homework so far. I have written to the moderators and have gone through my profile to check that I'm being open enough for them (and you) and if there's anything else I can do or say then I hope I can help.

I am learning to trade, if/when I become successful at it and I can help others I think I would be in a much better position to be trusted seeing as I've started from the very beginnings. I'll post when I make money, I'll post when I lose money. If I come across as biased, unfair or ungenuine then pull me up on it and I'll try to do better. I'm sorry if I've come across as deceitful and I won't post links away from the forums again - is that fair?

You now have a vendor badge in view of your relationship with Tradenet so that, together with the opening posts in this thread, makes it clear where you are coming from.

I am quite happy for this journal to continue and I hope it will be of interest as you go through the learning process. I have also let the earlier links to your blog stand since that blog contains no advertising as such nor an overt commercial connection, but I would be grateful if you would now desist from peppering your posts with the link to it. Thanks.

Hi Jon,

Thanks for the clear up and for letting me continue. I have spoken to a few other members and they said the aggro was because I linked away from the thread so I can assure you that won't happen again - apologies for the faux pas on my part.
Honestly - the mind boggles at letting idiots like this continue to to advertise in this manner on this site. It is totally underhand.

This whole Nick entity is merely an internet marketing campaign from a company that cannot possibly teach people how to train.

Nick comes on here claiming to have his own wordpress blog which turns out to have been created by the Head of Online marketing at the company.

Now - does anyone here HONESTLY believe that the results on this blog wont be fudged? Would the Head of Online Marketing realistically allow his anyone to post anything on TradeNets 'Nick Elliot' log or under TradeNets 'Nick Elliot' persona if it is even slightly negative?

Of course not. I just wonder if people like Barjon are terminally naive or simply paid by these people.

Let's just cross our fingers and hope the T2W staff don't get burnt too badly by this outfit - they seem to be the only ones dumb enough to not realise these places are total scams.

Tradenet - why not come up with a few audited account statements of some ex-clients. Surely this has to be better than badly executed Nick Elliots?

You now have a vendor badge in view of your relationship with Tradenet so that, together with the opening posts in this thread, makes it clear where you are coming from.

I am quite happy for this journal to continue and I hope it will be of interest as you go through the learning process. I have also let the earlier links to your blog stand since that blog contains no advertising as such nor an overt commercial connection, but I would be grateful if you would now desist from peppering your posts with the link to it. Thanks.


Jon - the site is OWNED by TradeNet - it IS an advert.

Jeez... 🙄 🙄 🙄
Dionysus, Thank you for the warm welcome to the forum. As I said before, you are more than welcome to keep an eagle eye on my activity and flag me up when I start selling anything. I appreciate where you're coming from and I've had a chat with the mods and also a few other members and they explained that by posting links away from the forum it made me look like I was doing underhanded advertising... which I've promised not to do again. So for the record... I'm going to keep track of my activity on here (you can too if you like) and if anything starts to bug you then you can call me on it. How does this sound?
Jon - the site is OWNED by TradeNet - it IS an advert.

Jeez... 🙄 🙄 🙄


The general line is to tolerate vendors as long as their posts are informative and useful to members (in relation to trading) and as long as they do not advertise their services overtly or indirectly via links etc. The vendor badge indicates to members that there is commercial interest in the background so that they can judge contributions accordingly. You will know that there are highly respected members of T2W who are vendors and surely you wouldn't want their posts to be excluded merely because they are.

As far as this thread is concerned, Nick has set out what he is intending and let's see how it progresses. If it turns out merely to be puffing a commercial service then it won't last long.

