Value Analysis:- How to Determine Fundamentally Weak & Strong Stocks


I think that everyone who was present very much enjoyed the seminar on Thursday and one of the things that Iraj was talking about was getting into stock valuation. It appears clear to me that being able to select stocks that are fundamentally weak or strong is a capability that will be of great value to all of us on TT. As such I wanted to start a thread where we can discuss the process of how we can go about doing this.

In my view it is key to being able to remain an independent trader.

I think that everyone who was present very much enjoyed the seminar on Thursday and one of the things that Iraj was talking about was getting into stock valuation. It appears clear to me that being able to select stocks that are fundamentally weak or strong is a capability that will be of great value to all of us on TT. As such I wanted to start a thread where we can discuss the process of how we can go about doing this.

In my view it is key to being able to remain an independent trader.


I first would like to arrange a LIVE day trading SEMINAR so I can Trade LIVE and explain the whole concept of ENTRY AND RISK and how and when to stop loss, I rather to do this live with all guys watching the trade so I know I have got to the bottom of this ,, The seminar will have to be all day 230 UK time to the end,

I will then arrange another seminar to discuss the VALUE trading and how to pick stocks using a combination of TA and FA and get a little bit into CAPM .

this would by great Grey1!!

let us know when you plan on doing this.

I really enjoyed all the webinars form the post. learning from your experince and wisdom is of great help to us all.


I first would like to arrange a LIVE day trading SEMINAR so I can Trade LIVE and explain the whole concept of ENTRY AND RISK and how and when to stop loss, I rather to do this live with all guys watching the trade so I know I have got to the bottom of this ,, The seminar will have to be all day 230 UK time to the end,

I will then arrange another seminar to discuss the VALUE trading and how to pick stocks using a combination of TA and FA and get a little bit into CAPM .



That would be great, thank you.


I first would like to arrange a LIVE day trading SEMINAR so I can Trade LIVE and explain the whole concept of ENTRY AND RISK and how and when to stop loss, I rather to do this live with all guys watching the trade so I know I have got to the bottom of this ,, The seminar will have to be all day 230 UK time to the end,

I will then arrange another seminar to discuss the VALUE trading and how to pick stocks using a combination of TA and FA and get a little bit into CAPM .


Grey would this be live in person somewhere or a presentation through the internet?
Can I request that you do the seminar on a Monday or Friday? These days are best for me as I work from home.
Thanks Grey1

Hi Iraj,

The session on Thursday was very useful-Thanks a lot. Thanks also to Frank and all the rest of the participants.

Hi Friends

On the topic of CAPM- the following link gives a CAPM calculator (but of course, we'll need this after G1's next the mean time for the next 6-12 months we have enough gen to be profitable from G1's lists 🙂 )-

CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) Calculator.

Grey would this be live in person somewhere or a presentation through the internet?
Can I request that you do the seminar on a Monday or Friday? These days are best for me as I work from home.
That be on paltalk and i will not only trade live but also show you why i am taking the trade and as well as why I am sitting on my hand till the perfect opportunity arises, By perfect opportunity I mean how to trade like a business man and not a gangster in terms of risk .

I think an 8 hours session LIVE should do the trick ,,


your generosity never fails to surprise me.

looking forward to it, thanks for your work so far

That be on paltalk and i will not only trade live but also show you why i am taking the trade and as well as why I am sitting on my hand till the perfect opportunity arises, By perfect opportunity I mean how to trade like a business man and not a gangster in terms of risk .

I think an 8 hours session LIVE should do the trick ,,



Many thanks for offering another privileged opportunity.

That be on paltalk and i will not only trade live but also show you why i am taking the trade and as well as why I am sitting on my hand till the perfect opportunity arises, By perfect opportunity I mean how to trade like a business man and not a gangster in terms of risk .

I think an 8 hours session LIVE should do the trick ,,


Iraj, Sounds fantastic mate! I am really loking forward to it. Thank-you for offering to do this seminar for us.
Best regards,

Thanks very much for Thursday, it was very informative and extremely helpful. It's really appreciated.........and as for the offer of a full day LIVE..... ...that's OUTSTANDING.

Thank you, I'm really looking forward to it. 👍


Hi All,

I have a question that I will appreciate feedback on. When Iraj does the live trading seminar then it will be around 5 to 6 hours long. I have the equipment to record the whole session but it is not going to be practical to have this as downloadable as it will be getting on for 1GB in size. So I want to know if TT members would be interested in me doing this ? If so then I suggest I produce a dvd of the day that I could send out to those who want it at a small cost (the dvd + postage). Anyway let me know your thoughts as I have professional quality recording equipment that I have now figured out how to use for a session like this.

Hi All,

I have a question that I will appreciate feedback on. When Iraj does the live trading seminar then it will be around 5 to 6 hours long. I have the equipment to record the whole session but it is not going to be practical to have this as downloadable as it will be getting on for 1GB in size. So I want to know if TT members would be interested in me doing this ? If so then I suggest I produce a dvd of the day that I could send out to those who want it at a small cost (the dvd + postage). Anyway let me know your thoughts as I have professional quality recording equipment that I have now figured out how to use for a session like this.


HI Paul,

thank you for your time spent sorting the last recording,

yes i would certainly be interested in a recording of the next sess

Hi All,

I have a question that I will appreciate feedback on. When Iraj does the live trading seminar then it will be around 5 to 6 hours long. I have the equipment to record the whole session but it is not going to be practical to have this as downloadable as it will be getting on for 1GB in size. So I want to know if TT members would be interested in me doing this ? If so then I suggest I produce a dvd of the day that I could send out to those who want it at a small cost (the dvd + postage). Anyway let me know your thoughts as I have professional quality recording equipment that I have now figured out how to use for a session like this.


That would be a great idea Paul, if Iraj was okay with that.



Yes you are right Andy it is subject to Iraj being happy with this and will be of most use for those in the session as a refresher of the day.

Hi All,

I have a question that I will appreciate feedback on. When Iraj does the live trading seminar then it will be around 5 to 6 hours long. I have the equipment to record the whole session but it is not going to be practical to have this as downloadable as it will be getting on for 1GB in size. So I want to know if TT members would be interested in me doing this ? If so then I suggest I produce a dvd of the day that I could send out to those who want it at a small cost (the dvd + postage). Anyway let me know your thoughts as I have professional quality recording equipment that I have now figured out how to use for a session like this.


Paul, sounds great. I'd want a copy of that. Maybe you could do it like I used to trade music bootlegs; Blanks and Postage. Whoever wants a copy has to send you a stamped addressed envelope along with a blank disk. It saves you the hassle of collecting money and sorting mailers out. Or we could set up a private download torrent and everyone can give some bandwidth. Just a thought.

Thanks, Jonathan