ok....as a response to the less than positive vibes going around at the mo i thought id do something positive and respond to the requests for the wot series from last summer.for those who weren't here,this was highly successful thread run by barjon where random stock charts were posted and forward projection analysis was carried out by a number of members.....usually predicting for some months in advance.it was very enjoyable but very time consuming project to do for t2w.the posts are long but believe me the length of time it takes to read them is probably a 10,000th of the time it took to compile the knowledge...so a fair exchange i think ALL will agree.
now heres the thing....because i had no need for them....i never kept copies...haha....so this is also an appeal for anyone who has them to mail me please and ill give you me personal mail then i can post them again.
cheers mark j