New Look T2W

  • Thread starter Thread starter timm
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  • Watchers Watchers 14


Active member
I've had a look round the new site and I have to say I don't like it - Sorry. 😢 I thought I'd open a thread for other opinions.

My main problem is that it's very hard to read. All the pale grey and blue text on coloured backgrounds is giving me serious eye strain. The old site had a major advantage over other forums in that it the layout was very clear and concise. This made it easy to quickly navigate and scan through posts to find the valuable content. The new design looks pretty but doesn't work IMO. I hope this can be improved. I don't want to be forced to give up on my daily fix of T2W.😱

Also, I like the new Quick Link to Today's Posts, but can we have the old View Latest Threads link back please.
I partially agree, reading the grey is irritating at best. Is it possible to change the font colour of the posts ?

Also my avatar appears to have gone, will I need to reload it ?

I must say that I do not have any problems reading the text.....To me the text appears very clear indeed.....Yes grey but clear...

Latest Thread link is available on Home screen on the box that says Welcome Back - blue background box....You have two choices - View Thread....and View Posts
I agree completely with timm and also T333.
I don't think it's merely a problem of getting used to the unfamiliar, it's ease of use and ease of reading.
I will read t2w much less often as a result if left unchanged.
I hate negativity and feel guilty moaning when so much work and good intent has gone into the changes, but the first thing which sprang to mind was the similar re-vamp and appearance of tacticaltrader forums.
People stopped posting.......
At the very least the font needs to be black.
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My avatar works fine.
What don't work are the embedded links to other t2w posts and images.
Unfortunately I have to agree on the eyestrain issue. It is nowhere near as easy to read as the previous style was. Changing the font colour to black would certainly be a step in the right direction. To be honest I preferred the site as it was, sorry!
I'm sure that at some point someone involved in the new T2W will explain what's changed other than the look.

Attachments won't open

One thing thats changed is that I can no longer open any attachments that have been posted, whether they be Gifs, jpegs or links to other threads. Could this be resolved ASAP please as these are an integral and important part of the posts concerned.


Have just tried and I can't even post attachments, keep getting error " Upload Failed" Can this be sorted please.
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early days yet, and as always, its the shock of the new.

initial reaction is that the old version was more "compact" - seemed to have more info per screen. (this is very apparent on the homepage, where there used to be a list of latest posts/threads, with date-stamps, but now is more "diffuse" with no info as to when the last note was posted, and he first few words of the FIRST post, even though the thread may have evolved over several weeks. )

the new site does seem to have a lot of "empty space".

I only ever used "View latest threads", so I am glad that is still there.

I like the Economic calendar on the homepage - good reminder of the day to come.

good point by Mr.Charts re: tacticaltrader. I also wondered why the number of posts dropped off after revamp.

need to give it at least a whole week to gauge reaction from people who "surf" the site, as I suspect most have their favourite sections, and tend to stay there.

a lot of hard work has gone into this, and hope it pays off.
I wasn't around the old board for any great length of time, but I do have to say the new version is extremely hard on the old eyes.

I can at lease login now first time and the overall speed has improved. I will like to see this is the case when the board is at its busiest.
Thanks for all your feedback so far.

There are still a few bugs here and there but we're on top of them and they should be resolved shortly. The actual launch was scheduled for tomorrow, but we wanted to get live today when it's still relatively quiet and easier to fix any issues.

Trader333: Avatars are now showing correctly.

Timsk: I'll add in the latest threads link to the list above,and I'm certainly happy to change the font colour if people feel it needs higher contrast to read comfortably. Ease of use and reading, as Mr. Charts put it, is certainly our top priority and not to be sacrified merely to make things 'look pretty'. Certainly from the comments so far it sounds like people are in favour of darkening the font colour.

Mr.Charts: I think it's unfair to compare us with Tactical Trader's relaunch (to my mind people stopped posting because they dumped their forums and made everyone register again).

dbpheonix: I'm going to announce shortly the full list of updates. This isn't just a visual upgrade - there are lots of new features, and improvements to the speed and stability of the website. (Although initially we may still need to do some optimisations).

MarkB: Attachments now work - bug fixed.

trendie: You're right about the old site having more info per screen. The feedback we got and the problem for newbies was that all that information was very intimidating, and it was difficult for people to know where to look. Hopefully the new site is a lot less cluttered and easier to navigate.

Over the next few days I'll be listening to all members' comments and then we'll decide which suggestions to action. The important thing is we have a strong framework for the site that will support us over the next few years. It will obviously take some time for people to get used to the new design but we're confident once we've tweaked things it'll grow on you quickly.
You certainly get back and address the members issues very quickly on this forum. That’s like a breath of fresh air. Excellent.

great job guys, the site looks a lot cleaner and more organized than before. and i see you are coming after us with the calendar😀 good thing we have a head start! 😉

congrats and good luck!

Hiya merlin!

Thanks for the praise. Yeah re. calendar - you've certainly got a headstart on us there! Nothing like a bit of healthy competition 😀

You'll know how much of a monster it is to do a major upgrade like this - so we're just really pleased to finally go live with it.

Timsk: I'll add in the latest threads link to the list above,and I'm certainly happy to change the font colour if people feel it needs higher contrast to read comfortably. Ease of use and reading, as Mr. Charts put it, is certainly our top priority and not to be sacrified merely to make things 'look pretty'. Certainly from the comments so far it sounds like people are in favour of darkening the font colour.

Hi Paul,
I think you intended this reply to 'timm' - the thread starter rather than to me! As it happens, I tend to agree with his criticism that the font would be much clearer if it printed black. As for the rest of the new look, it's a bit like getting a new pair of spec's with a different prescription - they take some getting used to! I'm sure in a week or two when the teething problems are sorted, we'll all come to love it as much as the old T2W. Well done and thanks to you and the team for all your hard work.
You'll know how much of a monster it is to do a major upgrade like this - so we're just really pleased to finally go live with it.
yeah for sure, i saw how big of an initiative it was for our dev team to upgrade. we went through the same exact thing in late January. but after we got hacked, the upgrade seems like childs play LOL.

good luck and keep up the good work 🙂


i want to wait for a couple of days before i give any feedback. i guess i need to learn again and get used to the changes to have an objective opinion.

the only thing i agree 100% upfront without needing more time to build an opinion is the font. I have excellent eyesight. this is hurting.


Edit: I definitely missed the comment about how much I recognise and appreciate the hard work you guys have put into improving the site.
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Hi Guys just some of my thoughts.
I do think the site looks a bit crisp and cleaner and doesnt seem as cluttered and im sure it will grow on us. People are right about the print needing to be darker. The only thing id like to see back is the small flags showing the country we are from. I especially like the new calendar.

Just my 2 pence.

Keep up the good work
I've made the font colour for posts darker - I think it makes it much easier on the eyes. Let me know what you think. The flags are still there - they're just tucked down in the bottom left with all the other icons.

The economic calendar and new real-time forex competitions are the MAJOR additions to the website. I'll give a complete breakdown of what's what later tonight
Well done and congratulations paul ,, An awesome job done . The site is great. saying that it might take few days to get used to it .
