New Look


Thumbs up or down for the new look?? It makes the board look a lot more polished, and more part of the shark invested site becasue you can now access all parts of the site through the dynamic menus. On the minus side, I think it's a little bit slower to load, perhaps because everything is now in one big table and it can't display the table until everything is loaded - also dyamic menus require heavy duty javascript. But I've compensated by reducing uneccesary gfx and making the title bar more compact.

Feedback please..
Cheer, Pigsy.

Also gonna be working on the AIQ eds section tomorrow so we can all start exchanging our EDS routines. And theres a mailing list in the pipeline too.
Pigsy, a big thumbs up. You've done an excellent job, right down to the shark!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pigsy:
Thumbs up or down for the new look?? It makes the board look a lot more polished, and more part of the shark invested site becasue you can now access all parts of the site through the dynamic menus. On the minus side, I think it's a little bit slower to load, perhaps because everything is now in one big table and it can't display the table until everything is loaded - also dyamic menus require heavy duty javascript. But I've compensated by reducing uneccesary gfx and making the title bar more compact.

Feedback please..
Cheer, Pigsy.

Also gonna be working on the AIQ eds section tomorrow so we can all start exchanging our EDS routines. And theres a mailing list in the pipeline too.
...and have a drink on me.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hill Farmer:
Pigsy, a big thumbs up. You've done an excellent job, right down to the shark!

...and here it is, I hope1

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hill Farmer:
...and have a drink on me.


...and more drink!


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hill Farmer:
...and here it is, I hope1


[This message has been edited by pigsy (edited 25-11-2000).]
Pigsy.....thanx to you, the CI community has stuck together.

Not only have you made that possible, but you have done so in such a polished style. I hope you gain pleasure from our appreciation. By the way, as cookie asked before, are you out of pocket from doing this? Let us know, I'm sure none of us want that to be the case and would be happy to share the burden!
Fanbloodytastic mate,
ps....I have Garfield back!!!(nearest thing to my own cat(aka. titus!)

hehe..of course tumb up, Pigsy..excellent job in such a short time..Uncle is right you're a website wizard...

P.S. Has the word 'communuty' on top left intentionally or accidently been misspelled?

[This message has been edited by rizgar (edited 25-11-2000).]
Nice one Pigsy! Well done mate!

Suggestion: if the NavMenu() take a while to load, why not have a simple table with gif's (animate onmouseover?) since we only have Home, BB and Chat? Would this help on load?

Just an idea.
Thanks everyone for the comments, which appear to be a resounding thumbs up.

Hill, I couldn't resist fixing the link to the drink.. I 'm always a sucker for booze.

Titus, I certainly do gain pleasure from your appreciation and being able to do whatever I can to assist the community. And no im not out of pocket for the site - there's the cost of the domain name, and hosting fee (but because on the web I'm in the know, the cost is no more than what I lose on a good day in the markets 🙂. The only real cost is the time it takes to develop it, but since I enjoy doing this I don't see it as a cost. Thanks for the offer though of sharing the burden. I've already had Gusto offer do help out on the web design side of things, so I might take him up on that. - Good to see Garf back!

Rizgar, of course 'communuty' was an intentional error! Well spotted 🙂 No prizes though for spotting this deliberate mistake... hehe, consider it changed.

David, your quite right, I could use animated gifs or just text links, but the only way to simulate a menu and keep things compact and tidy is to use DHTML. I notice the menu is the last thing that appears on the page so you don't have to wait for it to appear before following another link. At the moment it's overkill really when there's so few choices, but in time when we have EDS section and Charts and Links and stuff - it will work very well (and won't take any longer to load either), since its all created with text and no graphics. Thanks for the suggestion though.

I underline all of the above, we are back in business thanks to you Pigsy, total ingenuity, commitment and skill on your part. I really appreciate your efforts. I am glad we have maintained the standards previously set, avoiding the aggressive, abusive behaviour so often seen on other boards. We can work smart without gutter tactics of the wider BB community. Thats why I believe we should incrementally move towards member focus, and some sort of restricted access, if this is possible from a 'business' viewpoint. That perhaps is jumping the gun and will emerge in time if and when we see the return of CI and Dr Iraj with all his future plans.

Spot on Piggs! I cant imagine anyone has anything but admiration and thanks for your efforts. I for one am jealous that I can't do what you do! Still each to his own!What astounds me is the apparent ease with which you have accomplished what to most must have seemed an impossible task.Not only that, its depth and new ideas is remarkable- like the 'EPIC'- what a simple idea!
Roll on......

On the subject of the EPIC..... I only get what appears to be the FTSE no matter what epic I type in the box .
Am I missing something?
Apart from that I think you're brilliant Pigsy... great site. Well done
Thanks Martin, your kind comments mean a lot to me!

Dabrom: your quite right, sorry I hadn't fully tested it.. but it now works after a bit of tweaking!!

Cheers, Pigsy.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pigsy:
Sorry, you had to buy your own drink in the end! I'll get you another at some other time.

Thanks everyone for the comments, which appear to be a resounding thumbs up.

Hill, I couldn't resist fixing the link to the drink.. I 'm always a sucker for booze.

Aaln1 just spotted another bug for netscape users who can't resize, scroll the window.. should be fixed tonight.
Works really well too, Pigsy. Great stroke having the instant charting on site. Dont suppose we will be able to configure it in the future? Anyway - a great job bloody well done. Thanks.

Aaln1, you sure will be able to - have this done by tomorrow. There will be a little gfx to the right of the epic input field, which when you click will reveal a dynamically layered configuration menu, which will allow you to adjust all aspects of the chart and apply different indicators.. its gonna be way cool.