Anyone tried Forex Auto Pilot ?


Hi all,

Has anyone tried the ForexAutoPilot System ?

The website is Automated Forex Trends Analysis Program | Forex Auto Pilot Forex Trading Signals Software System
(not to be confused with Forex Autopilot System - Automate Your Trading Profits which apparently is inferior)

I've done some searches on this software and I can only read all good about it.

Now of course I realise that most good reviews are really just affiliates of the software and get paid a commission but normally you come across a few bad reviews and I didn't see one for this piece of software.

One review was here : Forex Autopilot System (FAPS) - Unbiased Review...

I did find one that definitely wasn't an affiliate link (but I can't find it now) but it stated that anyone could easily make 7.5% per day and with compounded bank methods could set it and forget it and continually make cash.

And before anyone asks no I am not an affiliate myself 🙂

Just wondered if anyone else had heard of it or even tried it.

If it does work then I think it might be worth the cash as a side line income, maybe more.

Be happy

"Scam Review" would seem to about sum it up. If "anyone could easily make 7.5% per day" why would anyone be hanging around here, we'd all be off in our yachts to the Bahamas. Some very dodgy links there with nasty pop-ups and near impossible to navigate out of.
"Scam Review" would seem to about sum it up. If "anyone could easily make 7.5% per day" why would anyone be hanging around here, we'd all be off in our yachts to the Bahamas. Some very dodgy links there with nasty pop-ups and near impossible to navigate out of.

Indeed. Any person with a pocket calculator and rudimentry grasp of arthimetic could work out that starting with $100 stake one would end up with $7,114,036,071 after 250 trading days which for the sake of simplicity we will call one year. And anybody with a sliver of intelligence could see the improbability of that happening.
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Yes of course (if you take it to the extreme, which you clearly have done) then the growth of the bank is unrealistic.

I tend to look at these things and consider the possibility of the claims being 50% correct or 20% correct or even 10% correct. Then I look at the cost of the software and evaluate if it is worth (in this case £50) a test drive.

Then I look at the payment method to confirm if any guarantees will be honoured and in this case it's done by Clickbank.
Clickbank are safe, you have 8 weeks to test and if you're not happy within this period then you get a refund at any time no question. On this basis I think I might give it a test.

Sometimes I do not agree with dismissing a product just because you don't like the sales copy. The sales copy of any product is more often than not exagerated to say the least, we have to see through the fluff and look at the possibility of profit, not necessarily the amount of profit.

It's all about time and profit, if once set up and it is indeed fully automated, then even if the software made 1% profit per day and we had to do nothing for it then it is a viable piece of software.

'anybody with a sliver of intelligence could see the improbability of that happening'

Years ago they said that about going to the moon, mobile phones, air travel, video call, computer technology and numerous other 'improbabilities' which have all come to fruition.

I don't think we should be treating any software claims that seriously or to think we can 'all go off in our yachts to the Bahamas' as we all know this is unlikely but we can treat them with a little respect until proven otherwise. Even if the software doesn't indeed work then maybe the idea will lead to an improved version from another person. The possibilities are endless as technology is moving so fast these days.

So, forget the 7.5% and maybe just go with any profit per day and to sustain that profit week in week out. If this software achieves this then it is worth every penny. If it doesn't achieve any where near this then just get a refund from Clickbank.

When I have the time I will test drive it and post my results here.

Hopefully whatever the results members can have an open mind, sometimes, just sometimes, a product does come out that can help us be more financially successful.

Remember, the possibilities are endless.

Be happy

Years ago they said that about going to the moon, mobile phones, air travel, video call, computer technology and numerous other 'improbabilities' which have all come to fruition.

I think you confuse technical difficulties with an issue that presents an altogether different set of problems.
Impossible to travel at the speed of light presently and even in the future as we know it but wait till the flux capicator is invented in the 23 century.
predicting market movements mechanically impossible in which ever century you are reason being you cannot
automatic and mechanize the human factor.

It's all about time and profit, if once set up and it is indeed fully automated, then even if the software made 1% profit per day and we had to do nothing for it then it is a viable piece of software.

And what if it lost you more than 1% a day? maybe it losses you 7% a day what then?
Accurate predictions of market movements and to sustain this continually is indeed impossible.
But good money management and winning more trades than you lose is NOT impossible, this is why traders exist.
If a piece of software can replicate a profitable trader and automate what a good trader would do then I believe this to be possible.
Are you seriously trying to tell me that a software designer (given the time and financial clout he requires) could not design a piece of software that could replicate the decisions that a human can make ?
Most traders make decisions based on past and present data, patterns, tools, movements, global events etc etc all of which could be achieved by intelligent software in my opinion.

'And what if it lost you more than 1% a day? maybe it losses you 7% a day what then?'
Ever heard of stop losses ?

Again, it is easy for a piece of software to incorporate such things.

I am not saying that any software could ever win every trade, I am just saying that I believe software could replicate a profitable trader.

My oh my, so much negativity towards the possibility of automation !

I would have thought that we would embrace the possibility not ridicule it.

Remember the possibilities are endless.

Be happy

Are you seriously trying to tell me that a software designer (given the time and financial clout he requires) could not design a piece of software that could replicate the decisions that a human can make ?

I have been trading 10 years (successfully) and no two days are alike my friend
The criteria I use to enter a trade today might be the very criteria that stops me from entering a trade 2 months from now.
You are trying to map human emotion and physic which plays a very big part in trading.
world events are not always the same.

Most traders make decisions based on past and present data, patterns, tools, movements, global events etc etc all of which could be achieved by intelligent software in my opinion

And how are you going to account for the traders who do not use all the above namely the big institutions,banks,hedge funds,who all use different economic modules as they have different
And what if it lost you more than 1% a day? maybe it losses you 7% a day what then?'
Ever heard of stop losses ?
I probably have been using stop losses since before you even knew what trading meant!
The issue of stop losses are not a an characteristic of human physic we are discussing automation not procedure(i.e stop losses do not determine whether or not I trade)

My oh my, so much negativity towards the possibility of automation !

Negativity is when I say a system is absolute rubbish and try do dissuade you from using it.
if you feel this is good then by all means go ahead.
the posts are based on peoples experiences of these types of systems,
its the unpredictability of the market that gives you the opportunities to gain from it not the predictability .

Good Luck with your system

With the utmost respect I did not mean to upset you. Anyone who
has been successful at any occupation for 10 years (let alone trading)
deserves respect. I am just trying to point out that no one person has all the answers
and that we should give new technology a chance.

Having said that, anyone who has been successful for 10 years doesn't automatically
mean they are correct.

For example, some years ago I was successful in a cetain
industry, I thought I knew it all because I got the results day in day out. Few
people knew what I knew and few people achieved my level of success and to me this
represented that I was dam good at what I did. Few people could come close to my level,
I was absolutely passionate about what I did.

I am not saying this to bragg but just to show you how things change (sometimes too
quickly) and how technology can take away what you perceived to be your security
and your specialised domain.

Anyway, to cut a long story short I was introduced to a 'whiz kid' who had something
unique, something totally off the wall as far as I was concerned but he explained
that his product did this and did that..... etc etc

I explained that it wasn't possible, it couldn't do this and that because of this
and that..... I was totally sure that what he was telling me was BS, it broke all the
'rules' and there just wasn't any sense to his calculations and methods.

Eventually he persuaded me to listen, to let him prove his ideas and methods and that
he wasn't trying to put me out of a job so to speak, that he wasn't trying to replace
me but just trying to find a way to make things easier for others with less

I let him in to my world for two days, I sat and listened and watched. This guy
was young, he had few years experience but he was good at what he did, so good in fact
that I actually shut up occasionally and just learned his way of thinking.

Alot of what he thought was indeed incorrect but I could immediately see
his ideas and new technology coupled with my knowledge had possibilities.

Without taking up loads of space here, we ended up working together and between us we
created a unique, successful product which helped alot of people (including myself).

The moral of this short (and true) story is that I was so quick to dismiss this guy
and his ideas because I thought I was top of my game. I (and many others) benefited
immensely from the end result and we got to the end result because I listened even
when I thought I was right.

Don't get me wrong, this guy didn't have a fantastic product to begin with but he
brought something to the table which was good and then led to a fantastic product.

Comments like 'I probably have been using stop losses since before you even knew what trading meant!'
remind me of the sort of thing I said to the 'whiz kid' !

You are correct in alot of what you say but whatever decisions you make in your
trading are only guesses based on information you have at the end of the day.
You either guess correctly on the information or you guess wrong and your success
depends solely on this.

Do you not think that a piece of software can also guess on information that is fed
into it ? The difference of course is that a piece of software does not have any
emotion, it is not paid a wage, it is not governed by time, it does not need to sleep.

Lastly, your comment 'its the unpredictability of the market that gives you the opportunities
to gain from it not the predictability'

Well, not trying to turn it around (but I will ;-)), that phrase also works reversing
the words unpredictability and precitability, i.e :

'its the predictability of the market that gives you the opportunities to gain from it not the unpredictability'

Remember, the possibilities are endless.

Good luck with your trading.

Be happy,

Hi there, I am currently road testing the Forex Autopilot system for the 56 days as guaranteed. I am on day 3. It's first trade netted 20 pips. It is still in it's second trade (has been for 2 days) and is currently 94 pips down! Early days, but like you, I thought it was worth a whirl for $99 (and Clickbank are good at refunding your money). I'll keep you posted on it's progress. It does say (once you've bought it) that it works best on EUR/USD 1 min. I have it on EUR/USD and GBP/USD (both 1 min). Both trades have been on GBP/USD.
Hope this helps.

With the utmost respect I did not mean to upset you. Anyone who
has been successful at any occupation for 10 years (let alone trading)
deserves respect. I am just trying to point out that no one person has all the answers
and that we should give new technology a chance.

Having said that, anyone who has been successful for 10 years doesn't automatically
mean they are correct.

For example, some years ago I was successful in a cetain
industry, I thought I knew it all because I got the results day in day out. Few
people knew what I knew and few people achieved my level of success and to me this
represented that I was dam good at what I did. Few people could come close to my level,
I was absolutely passionate about what I did.

I am not saying this to bragg but just to show you how things change (sometimes too
quickly) and how technology can take away what you perceived to be your security
and your specialised domain.

Anyway, to cut a long story short I was introduced to a 'whiz kid' who had something
unique, something totally off the wall as far as I was concerned but he explained
that his product did this and did that..... etc etc

I explained that it wasn't possible, it couldn't do this and that because of this
and that..... I was totally sure that what he was telling me was BS, it broke all the
'rules' and there just wasn't any sense to his calculations and methods.

Eventually he persuaded me to listen, to let him prove his ideas and methods and that
he wasn't trying to put me out of a job so to speak, that he wasn't trying to replace
me but just trying to find a way to make things easier for others with less

I let him in to my world for two days, I sat and listened and watched. This guy
was young, he had few years experience but he was good at what he did, so good in fact
that I actually shut up occasionally and just learned his way of thinking.

Alot of what he thought was indeed incorrect but I could immediately see
his ideas and new technology coupled with my knowledge had possibilities.

Without taking up loads of space here, we ended up working together and between us we
created a unique, successful product which helped alot of people (including myself).

The moral of this short (and true) story is that I was so quick to dismiss this guy
and his ideas because I thought I was top of my game. I (and many others) benefited
immensely from the end result and we got to the end result because I listened even
when I thought I was right.

Don't get me wrong, this guy didn't have a fantastic product to begin with but he
brought something to the table which was good and then led to a fantastic product.

Comments like 'I probably have been using stop losses since before you even knew what trading meant!'
remind me of the sort of thing I said to the 'whiz kid' !

You are correct in alot of what you say but whatever decisions you make in your
trading are only guesses based on information you have at the end of the day.
You either guess correctly on the information or you guess wrong and your success
depends solely on this.

Do you not think that a piece of software can also guess on information that is fed
into it ? The difference of course is that a piece of software does not have any
emotion, it is not paid a wage, it is not governed by time, it does not need to sleep.

Lastly, your comment 'its the unpredictability of the market that gives you the opportunities
to gain from it not the predictability'

Well, not trying to turn it around (but I will ;-)), that phrase also works reversing
the words unpredictability and precitability, i.e :

'its the predictability of the market that gives you the opportunities to gain from it not the unpredictability'

Remember, the possibilities are endless.

Good luck with your trading.

Be happy,

I've got this imagery of being on my jack in a 747 flying at 37000 feet with no pilot on board. hark! whats that I doth hear..?

"whooorp whooorp, pull up,
whooorp whooorp, pull up,
whooorp whooorp, pull up,
whooorp whooorp, pull up"
Do you get that voice option on the special pro auto flight option?, I think its funny. You can imagine it cant ya heading into non farm payrolls with the alerts pumpimg out of your platform. 🙂 lol whooorp whooorp, pull up,whooorp whooorp, pull up,
Hi Dave, thanks for your post, nice to hear from someone who isn't negative about new technology/ideas/software.
Are you trading for real money or in demo mode ?
Is there a stop loss set and if so how much and did you set it or is it automatically set by the software ?
You are absolutely right about Clickbank, if you have any doubts or are not happy you will be refunded no problem.
Keep us posted on your opinion of the software.

Be happy

The thing that bugs me is while you run your Forex Auto=Pilot softwrae one has o keep his computer & internet connected 24x7. Is there some thing like host it virtually so one does not bother about computer or internet breakdowns
Hi Dave, thanks for your post, nice to hear from someone who isn't negative about new technology/ideas/software.
Are you trading for real money or in demo mode ?
Is there a stop loss set and if so how much and did you set it or is it automatically set by the software ?
You are absolutely right about Clickbank, if you have any doubts or are not happy you will be refunded no problem.
Keep us posted on your opinion of the software.

Be happy


Hi Cofton, I am demo trading it for the 8 weeks to see if it's worth using. You can set a stop loss, but the software by default uses a trailing stop. The second trade again made 20 pips (it was in the trade for 4 days!!!). It has now opened a third trade, but as it's the weekend it is on hold until Monday. When you buy the software you also get an NFP autopilot to automatically trade the NFP. I will let you know how that goes.
Hi Crewey (Dave)
To be honest even if it made 20 pips every 4 days then the software is doing a grand job and well worth the money. Make your judgement on 7 weeks so you have the extra week inside the Clickbank guarantee, at least then there will be no problems with the refund.
I think I might go and give it a go myself, as you said for $99 (around £50) with a solid refund guarantee has gotta be worth a shot.
Would be good to have this running in the background while I'm trading the ftse, might make up for the not so good days as a bit of compensation ! lol
Keep us posted and I will do the same.
Be happy
It's Big And Hairy And Not A Pretty Sight.

cofton, I think 20 pips in 4 days is (swear words)... Bin the software one would probably yield more chucking darts at the screen in 4 days.

No offence mate, but you seem to be pumpin it! Long and HARD. I think I remember reading several days back (I could be wrong , i am not even gonna check) that you said you had been too busy to try it out for yourself or something. And here we are another week on........ etc. etc, I am beginning to think you have some stealth affiliate links, huh huh ? How sick am I ?

Why not try it all next week realtime and let us know.......

Its not just me is it ? maybe it is, let me know. but this is a pile of stiff hard **** being rammed full force up a ring piece.

I'm sorry if I appear vulgar but so as this thread appears to me so I shall reflect its true nature back atcha........

Bell end status . thats Ring stucke' in swiss .....

Be happy ? With this software I'd be singing burn mother ****er burn.....

I'm outtie.

'I'm sorry if I appear vulgar....'
You should be sorry as you are extremely vulgar, in fact you are down right rude and maybe you need a lesson (or a hundred lessons as you obviously need them) in how to have some respect. You should be ashamed of yourself with such a post.

Don't give me this 'no offence mate' rubbish either as you are obviously intent on being as offensive as possible. I see you are a 'Legendary Member', my god this obviously shows how worthless a member status is where you are concerned.

'How sick am I?' Well very sick indeed and I think you need help. For your interest I have nothing to do with the software and I am certainly not an affiliate and even if I was so what ? The difference between you and me Mr Legendary Member is that I have an open mind and open to new technology even if it is in it's early stages.

And 20 pips in 4 days equates to 100 pips every month which when you consider it is automated (which means you have to do very little in case you haven't realised) so in my book something earning me £1000 per month (that's £10 per pip in case you don't know) for doing very little then this is very acceptable as I can indeed be doing other things. This again means that I don't have to spend any time with it which would answer your other grumble that I had been busy with projects.

Not sure why I am even bothering to respond to your appalling post, maybe it's because I am sick of the likes of you always knocking something that you just don't get, something that could one day replace all your legendary experience (not). You are obviously a typical 'new system/software' hater with typical blinkered vision, this is the kind of attitude that kills new ideas before they have the chance to prove themselves. Good job Edison, Bell, Gates and others like these people didn't listen to people like you. That is of course if you know who these people are ;-)

So Crap Buddist (the first name is appropriate and a shame you couldn't spell the second one), you are entitled to your own opinions and as far as you 'reflecting its true nature back atcha....' well sorry but you are talking complete nonsense.

'I'm outtie' - GOOD. Glad you are out and please stay out, you are not welcome in this thread until you learn some basic manners. If you have to use vulgar extremeties and plaster your thread with **** then maybe you should spend time with a dictionary. You could then learn to spell and string words together without swear words.

I normally end with Be Happy but in your case I will just say Be Nice To People.

There's an old saying, 'It's nice to be important but more important to be nice'.

And for the rest of you who may read this Be Happy.

'I'm sorry if I appear vulgar....'
You should be sorry as you are extremely vulgar, in fact you are down right rude and maybe you need a lesson (or a hundred lessons as you obviously need them) in how to have some respect. You should be ashamed of yourself with such a post.

Don't give me this 'no offence mate' rubbish either as you are obviously intent on being as offensive as possible. I see you are a 'Legendary Member', my god this obviously shows how worthless a member status is where you are concerned.

'How sick am I?' Well very sick indeed and I think you need help. For your interest I have nothing to do with the software and I am certainly not an affiliate and even if I was so what ? The difference between you and me Mr Legendary Member is that I have an open mind and open to new technology even if it is in it's early stages.

And 20 pips in 4 days equates to 100 pips every month which when you consider it is automated (which means you have to do very little in case you haven't realised) so in my book something earning me £1000 per month (that's £10 per pip in case you don't know) for doing very little then this is very acceptable as I can indeed be doing other things. This again means that I don't have to spend any time with it which would answer your other grumble that I had been busy with projects.

Not sure why I am even bothering to respond to your appalling post, maybe it's because I am sick of the likes of you always knocking something that you just don't get, something that could one day replace all your legendary experience (not). You are obviously a typical 'new system/software' hater with typical blinkered vision, this is the kind of attitude that kills new ideas before they have the chance to prove themselves. Good job Edison, Bell, Gates and others like these people didn't listen to people like you. That is of course if you know who these people are ;-)

So Crap Buddist (the first name is appropriate and a shame you couldn't spell the second one), you are entitled to your own opinions and as far as you 'reflecting its true nature back atcha....' well sorry but you are talking complete nonsense.

'I'm outtie' - GOOD. Glad you are out and please stay out, you are not welcome in this thread until you learn some basic manners. If you have to use vulgar extremeties and plaster your thread with **** then maybe you should spend time with a dictionary. You could then learn to spell and string words together without swear words.

I normally end with Be Happy but in your case I will just say Be Nice To People.

There's an old saying, 'It's nice to be important but more important to be nice'.

And for the rest of you who may read this Be Happy.


My sentiments exactly. If you don't like the post "Crappy" then go elsewhere.

spend £50 cofton your losing cash by no doing my letter below

Dear Cofton,

Do you want to make money? To drive fast sportscars and live the luxurious life you always
dreamed off before hitting the grave? I`m sure you do but the question is what are you willing
to do for it. Let`s face it you probably tried affiliate marketing, website promotion,
multilevel marketing and even some more exotic things.
And in the end nothing worked.. the same applied to me.. do you know why we failed? Because we
are LAZY.

Professional marketers spent years in tears of frustration till they got the hang of it and
eventually started to see results. And they wanted it bad enough.. some probably sacrificed
their social lives in the process
I dont know about you but I DID NOT want to spend years in exercising patienc nor quit watching
soap operas on tv or dating chicks 😉
I WANT TO MAKE MONEY NOW.. so.. what if i could show you a way to start making money within the
next HOURS?

Raking in thousands of dollars each and every month?
without: Promotion of ANY kind?
without: Any knowledge or any skills at all?
without: a stupid template website?
without: the need for long working hours?

SOmething that you turn on and then it produces money on autopilot?
Get your own money making robot today and laugh heartily about people that work a regular job.

Automated Forex Trends Analysis Program | Forex Auto Pilot Forex Trading Signals Software System

Your own 24/7 money making robotic software that rakes in thousands of dollars each and every
day. Grab this once in a lifetime opportunity now and set it up.. then get back beeing a couch
patatoe like me but with one difference: a wealthy sportscar driving couch patatoe 😉Yours sincerly

crap buddist