Update and the story
Newbies in reading this bear in mind I know little if more than you. Experienced traders by all means offer insights/corrections.
A trade should have a story that makes sense. In this updated chart I narrate what I think the story is.
Back in November 2003 this stock ran out of sellers and volume maybe shows us a first indication that Institutions are getting interested. Maybe managing their risk. Some Swingers sense a short term low risk punt.
Their profit taking forms a retracement. However ,the keen of eye stock watchers notice the new higher low and understand this means accumulation and we see more of this in Dec and again volume may indicate Institutional activity.
Psychologically we now have more people paying attention to this stock and again the swingers have a low risk chance to trade to point 1 knowing their may be Institutional activity to cover their shorts.
Now when accumulation takes out point 1 swingers are back in place and so on and so forth.But,we now have some players in looking at longer timeframes so we are building support.
The curent retracement should see some of the 2;1 ; 3:1 players profit taking,but if there is continuation to be had we should be seeing more accumulation. Possible Institutional activity,but who knows could just be general public position players.
This chart has two sets of fibs.
At this point the one to the left I would use has a stop if I want to stay on the ride until I see the Institutions have stopped buying .
The one on the right I would be using if I was short from the 'new high'. I put it that way because the new high is not confirmed until it is taken out .
I could of course give you a story that turns this on it's head