What is the EDGE - for those who are still in doubt I will lend a helping hand once more.
If you guys read this article slowly the "EDGE" will jump out at you :idea:
But, sadly, or maybe I should say, FORTUNATELY, only the humans can see it :cheesy:
Option Buyer wins in 1 out of 4 scenarios. Option Seller wins in 3 out of 4 scenarios.
After purchasing an option the following 4 scenarios can occur.
It is assumed that the option is held until expiration.
Scenario Results:
1. Underlying moves, favourable to the option, sufficiently to cover the cost of the option plus make profit before option expiration.
2. Underlying moves, unfavourable to the option.
3. Underlying moves, favourable to the option, but not enough to cover the cost of the option, before option expiration.
4. Underlying remains the same at expiration.
Each loss for an option buyer is a win for an option seller (writer). :idea:
This shows that an option seller has an
EDGE over an option buyer.
However, the option seller should sell options with high implied volatility or a high implied volatility / historical volatility ratio - for those that think this may be magical or something like that, for in all reality, it is all but common sense, but then again, read the slogan at the bottom of Socrates posts - for it just happens to be FACTUAL.
This sounds easy. Just sell options and make money :idea:
But do make sure that you know how to do it correctly first - for as I have mentioned above, there are many ways to do everything, but the usual suspects will have you all believe that there are only limited ways, and that is because they have limited minds, no other reason.
To learn how to do it correctly, what do you think would be the best solution?
Let me see?
1) Talk with monkeys?
Naw, that will not work, for monkeys can only ever give bananas
2) Talk with someone who trades this way each and every day, and posts his trades each and every day, for those that want to learn that is?
Well, let me see now, that may be worth trying, but then again, if a monkeys says it can't work, maybe I should listen to the monkey, for even though I will have an EDGE for making consistent profits, I will not be guaranteed a banana.
I will have to think some more about this, for it really is a very hard choice - LIKE YEH :cheesy: