I bought 37 AAPL Jan 2010 220's


Junior member
I bought 37 AAPL Jan 2010 220's at 10,60

I dont' now all the implications yet. Can I go back to my regulare life until january 16, forget them until there, and decide what to do at this time?

Also if it goes well, how much money could I make ?
Because I think AAPL will be more than 220 in 20 months and the price of those options should be more expensive as soon as today

and you factored in the erosion of value due to time decay, plus potential volatility effects on pricing etc all by yourself ?
you're a genius :smart:
don't trade what you don't understand !!

(or if you do, let me take the other side of your trade 😛 )

good luck
Hello again,

Today they worth a little more than nothing. Now that you know that I don't understand it, could you tell me 2 or 3 scenarios of what could happen, from the obvious to the most unexpected?

One year ago the price value was more than $100 000
Between November 08 and May 09 less than $ 500
Today more than 5 000

What would you do now?