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In the immediate aftermath of the Pakistan bombings, Al Qaeda has once again been blamed despite no statement from them.

However, if Al Qaeda is the no.1 enemy of the west, why would they plant a bomb intended to wipe out the entire Pakistan leadership, which had just distanced itself from being a key u.s. ally in the area and refused to allow western troops to breach its border? Have Al Qaeda switched sides to promote western interests?
Don't know, But Pakistan shot at US planes flying over their territory, yesterday. Russian ships heading for Venezuela for manouvres. US navy ships in the Black Sea. $ going down, gold going up.

Who's for tea and biscuits?
Don't know, But Pakistan shot at US planes flying over their territory, yesterday. Russian ships heading for Venezuela for manouvres. US navy ships in the Black Sea. $ going down, gold going up.

Tottenham Hotspur winning a football match...

The whole bloody world is going bonkers.
Don't know what to say about Spurs. When Ramos went there, I thought winning the Carling Cup last season was a good omen, but he'd better get cracking if he wants to keep his job. I believe that Ashley would like to buy them. Ask the Magpies what they think!

Having sold their two top players - ( Berbatov and Keane ) - Spurs have only themselves to blame.

I would have thought Ashley, having burnt his fingers at Newcastle, would have learnt his lesson.

Ashley and his midget sidekick, Dennis Wise, would be a disaster once again.

Maybe he should invest in football in Pakistan and take that scumbag Wise with him.

PS. I had to mention Pakistan as it is the title of the thread.
In the immediate aftermath of the Pakistan bombings, Al Qaeda has once again been blamed despite no statement from them.

However, if Al Qaeda is the no.1 enemy of the west, why would they plant a bomb intended to wipe out the entire Pakistan leadership, which had just distanced itself from being a key u.s. ally in the area and refused to allow western troops to breach its border? Have Al Qaeda switched sides to promote western interests?

Hmmm, an interesting viewpoint SAINT.

When I saw it on the news my first thought was the Yanks must be getting too close for comfort.

I wonder, will we see images of Osama bin Ladens body on TV by Christmas ?

In the immediate aftermath of the Pakistan bombings, Al Qaeda has once again been blamed despite no statement from them.

However, if Al Qaeda is the no.1 enemy of the west, why would they plant a bomb intended to wipe out the entire Pakistan leadership, which had just distanced itself from being a key u.s. ally in the area and refused to allow western troops to breach its border? Have Al Qaeda switched sides to promote western interests?

The plot thickens:

US, Pakistani Troops Trade Fire Across Border | News From

Bush and the neocons would seem to be reaching the absolute depths of stupidity with the cross border raids. Do they want to set Pakistan alight along with Iraq and Afganistan ? It would seem that is the intent or are they just immeasurably stupid ?

As for the Marriot bombing there have been several reports of US military staying at the Marriot, including moving large metal crates into the hotel. Might be sufficient reason.
The Pakistani President changed his plans last minute just before the Marriot-bombing - he was supposed to attend a dinner there when the attack happened.

Al Qaidas issue with the Pakistani government is that the army is conducting operations against militants in their safe-haven tribal areas, so they're opting for sending the country into civil war. They're not far from becoming a political islam state complete with nuclear weapons and all. Who would have thought that we would look back on the years with the war on terror and Iraq war as geopolitically stable compared to where we are now...
The Pakistani President changed his plans last minute just before the Marriot-bombing - he was supposed to attend a dinner there when the attack happened.

Al Qaidas issue with the Pakistani government is that the army is conducting operations against militants in their safe-haven tribal areas, so they're opting for sending the country into civil war. They're not far from becoming a political islam state complete with nuclear weapons and all. Who would have thought that we would look back on the years with the war on terror and Iraq war as geopolitically stable compared to where we are now...

I reckon some of the more extreme neocons would like to push Pakistan to the point of civil war. Amongst other objectives, they would then argue for a direct US military intervention to sieze Pakistan's nuclear arsenal (or a least try to). Of course the Pakistanis would thank them profusely as the resultant suffering would be just birth pangs of the new society [/sarcasm].

You are of course right about the instability - the US has created an arc of instability all the way from the Mediteranean to central and south asia. Mission accomplished.
I think I read it in the Herald Tribune, but am not quite sure of the source. Sorry. I seem to recall that it was just a change of plans with no more details given - the dinner which also included the foreign minister I think instead was held at his office. I'm sure it could be googled up.
In the immediate aftermath of the Pakistan bombings, Al Qaeda has once again been blamed despite no statement from them.

However, if Al Qaeda is the no.1 enemy of the west, why would they plant a bomb intended to wipe out the entire Pakistan leadership, which had just distanced itself from being a key u.s. ally in the area and refused to allow western troops to breach its border? Have Al Qaeda switched sides to promote western interests?

🙂 yeah I was watching that news from ITV when that truck bomb went off outside the Marriot ? Hotel , me and the wife were talking about the brainwashing technique of naming evil doers to events that pop up.... the newscaster duly informs all the citizens of the United Kingdom that

"it is believed Al Qaeda is responsible for the attack"

er, OK then newsy caster thanks, for the tip off. And while we are on the subject newsy caster, how come 6 of the terrorists ,who flew the planes into the twin towers ,are like, umm still alive and walking about ? Is that true or a myth ?

After that newscast some adverts came on for some cheerio's breakfast cereal or something kitchen scene of mum and young child (about aged 7 or so) enjoying the product , so I said to my wife ,"ohh look, can you see through the kitchen window on that telly advert? theres an Al Qaeda terrorist ,wearing a semtex body warmer,lurking and peering in !"

Thought I saw a few standing in the q at the local post office, hanging about the "greeting cards" section , terror, terror terrorists Al Qaeda terro, terror terrorists Al Qaeda terror, terror terrorists Al Qaeda terror, terror terrorists Al Qaeda etc etc....
i just came back from pakistan, people there see OSL and al qaida as american agents.

interesting thing about the bombings going on in pak is that C4 plastics and RDX is being used in them which is not availble anywhere in this region, only the armys have them, they are either being supplied by the americans to al qaida throught the afgan border or the indians are suppliying them it throught the pak india border.

1 interesting thing to note is that cia and the american army in afganistan kills all pro pakistan elements along the afgan pak border, as soon as a tribal leader signs a peace deal with the pak gov. he is killed straight away, while anti pakistan leaders are being protected such a baitulla masud who is using state of the art equipment which the pakistan militiary dont even have,
Bedlam, chaos, a basket case gone pear-shaped.

Is that a reasonable description of modern day Pakistan because that is how the media would have it seen ?
Is It PPP & CIA Vs. The Army In Pakistan?

The government’s feeling of helplessness on American strikes (courtesy Husain Haqqani), a botched coup against the ISI, a systematic economic meltdown and secret understandings with the IMF are issues Mr. Zardari and his selected group of cronies are responsible for. The military on the other hand seems reluctant to act overtly against the government but it is clear that General Kayani is now at complete odds with it. The army doesn’t necessarily have to take over the country; it would rather wait for some time to see how the current political quagmire unravels. If this isn’t enough to prove the sinister agenda of this government I wonder what will.


Sunday, 23 November 2008.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

LAHORE, Pakistan—As the conspiracy against Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal speeds up the country’s most powerful institution is feeling increasingly cornered and agitated with Zardari’s CIA imposed government.

Considerable blunders by Pakistan’s former President Pervez Musharraf backed up by a lethal media campaign against the Pakistani military makes it even more problematic for the world’s fifth largest military to take a decisive action against a government that is bent upon a complete sell out.

If one keeps a close eye on recent developments, President Zardari’s intentions and his agenda seem pretty clear. It all started from Zardari’s refusal to conduct an autopsy on Benazir Bhutto which then led to a suspicious looking ‘will’. Zardari then played the role of an evil genius by sidelining major Bhutto loyalists and embarked upon a vile campaign of backstabbing President Musharraf, Nawaz Sharif and other stakeholders to gain the Presidential palace.

The government’s feeling of helplessness on American strikes (courtesy Husain Haqqani), a botched coup against the ISI, a systematic economic meltdown and secret understandings with the IMF are issues he and his selected group of cronies are responsible for. Zardari’s haste in trying to ‘privatize’ the Qadirpur Gas Fields was thankfully met by fierce opposition which led to a postponement of the plan. If this isn’t enough to prove the sinister agenda of this government I wonder what will.

The military on the other hand seems reluctant to act overtly against the government but it is clear that General Kayani is now at complete odds with it. When the Americans tried to test his nerves he ordered his troops to open fire on any invading forces which caught Uncle Sam by surprise. Zardari’s attempted coup against the ISI was met by the military with fierce opposition. The game is now clear; it is the CIA and the PPP on one side and the Pakistan Army on the other.

The CIA began targeting pro-Pakistan elements in FATA and the surrounding settled areas after the CIA/RAW backed militants received a thrashing at the hands of the military. This is being done to spark off a full scale civil war inside the country in an attempt to justify its nuclear weapons as being unsafe. The army’s recent response has been smart. First General Kayani declares openly that there is no military solution for Afghanistan with his Quetta Corps Commander warning foreign elements. Then the Pakistani army’s air defense unit demonstrates its ability to shoot down unmanned aerial vehicles in an exercise near Muzaffargarh. The message therefore is clear: stop the dirty tricks or else!

The army doesn’t necessarily have to take over the country; it would rather wait for sometime to see how the current political quagmire unravels. This is because both Zardari and Nawaz Sharif are facing a dilemma. While it is clear that the war between these two has begun, Zardari wants Sharif’s services in order to complete his homework but at the same time he doesn’t want Sharif to use Punjab as a launch pad against the PPP and is therefore tightly controlling the Sharifs’ election invalidation proceedings. Nawaz on the other hand wants to launch a movement against the present government for his own skewed agenda but does not want to push the President into a tight corner which might produce an unfavorable result in the ongoing court proceedings that could wipe out PML(N)’s ‘Churchill Post’ of Punjab.

The only thing Pakistani nationalists like me can hope for is an immediate overthrow of these useless politicians who are bent upon destroying the country. Let’s keep praying.

Mr. Gulzar is a Pakistani law student based in Lahore studying LLB (Hons.). He can be reached at [email protected]

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MIA - Allah is busy to listen to your prayers, If you are a nationalist then what you doing in UK?????
Just where can Allah go - there are too many troubles is the islamistan.
Give Allah some rest!

Plans for the Evil, Islamic fundamentalist is to turn the whole world into an Islamic State. Particularly the subcontinent, they want to turn it into a MUGHALISTAN

New Pakistan: Mughalistan; Operation Pincode of ISI for a Greater Bangladesh

any Hindus reading the above, will find it shocking!

Once India is conquered, they will turn to the WEST and will turn each european city into ISLAM

It is trully frightening!
Once India is conquered, they will turn to the WEST and will turn each european city into ISLAM

It is trully frightening!

So is my missus when she's in a temper but I have found a way to live with it.

Anyway, what you say is utter boll0cks.

Bit of a drama queen aren't you ?
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