Sticky Introduce Yourself


This is a thread in the New to Trade2Win forum which provides everyone with an opportunity - both old members and new - to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the New to Trading forum, which is targeted specifically at newbies taking their first steps.
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Nice to see a BB with real people on it rather than dafties.

I have been dabbling for a year or so, withe some modest success, but now want to develop some sort of system rather than just following other peoples tips. I dropped in here after seeing it mentioned by one of the more sane poster on Moneyextra, and will observe and contribute in the fullness of time. Some very interesting topics.

Ian McF
Thanks Sharky

I found out about this site from Sefty. I have had some trouble posting and getting into Chat. Thanks Sharky for getting my posting problems sorted out.

OK I am a novice trader. I haven't started full time yet, however I am positioning myself to do it full time, by reading all I can, following the markets in the mornings and evenings and visiting and learning from excellent sites like this.

I was just listening to the business report on BBC1 and they said that there could be some movement in Techs today. Either down due to Yahoo's profit warning or up becasue an influential commentator says that techs are undervalued.

Maybe it will go nowehere. We shall see.

I'll be back.

Yahoo's profit warning seemed to have little effect last night.NAS up a tad, so could have a reasonable day today.
New Registration

Hi, one & all.

I'm a new (re-)registration, having previously been a (mostly inactive) member of T2W's predecessor (so long ago, I can't even remember what it used to be called)

Been trading/investing with varying degrees of success over the last 2 years. Still making some very stupid mistakes that were glaringly obvious in hindsight, and should have been obvious at the time.

Becoming more TA oriented as I've learnt more.

Sharescope user (isn't everyone?)

Basically, have come over here to further my TA education, and to look for other perpectives.

New at this game!

Just a quick hello to introduce myself. Am only paper trading at the moment while learning T/A with metastock and using my partners updata software. As the market has been depressed spreadbetting seems to be the solution my husband has been using, seems a good idea at the moment, but I still prefer to look at swing trading myself and am using Redmayne Bentleys paper trading email system , Prings cds on T/A, and lots of reading to teach myself. Hope to learn from you all and hopefully put something in to discussion when more proficient- perhaps my partner can too?
Well, a very wam welcome to you Twiglette...🙂 If you care to join us in the chat rooms, you will find others of your same gender there... Skim, Sally, Jazz to name but three. I'm sure they, as well as myself , would welcome another femail to swell the ranks.
Gawd, innit marvelous - I say hello and get no response in 12 days, a distaff member arrives and gets a reply in 40 minutes!

Sex discrimination it is, mutter mumble....
Sex discrimination

Hi Steve I think you may be right, its probably one rule for them and one rule for us.
With regards to past mistakes if you know you have made them and can admit it you are learning. I use Updata Trader professional with live prices from Prestel. Its a comprehensive package but expensive. Hope you have more success in the future as I am certain that charting works. Regards from Jim (Twiglets husband)
Message from Twiglet: Mistakes ! I've made a few! Not too few to mention : Started trading over a year ago , my 1st trade made a packet on Turbo genset then promptly lost it all by backing a penny share( over confident fool). So went back to drawing board which is paper trading and am not putting up real money until I feel I have learnt enough. Oops forgot I have risked a 10p bet on Nikkei225 Dec with finspreads today !
Starting Out

I’m just starting out and enthused after attending the Guildford seminar – apart from being an excellent learning event it was good to meet up with some really great people. Thanks to Pat Quinn for directing me to T2W and to Dippers, NAZ and Chris Pay for first class presentations - I learnt more in 3 hours on Saturday than I have over the last three months.

I’m working towards trading seriously in the New Year – part time, say two days per week at first – so its learn, learn, learn for me at the moment. Thanks to Hill Farmer for recommending – exactly what I need right now.

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Welcome. Just keep reading the BB and come to the chat'll be able to learn a great deal.
Well I'm not really new here (registered months ago but forgot all about the site until I got an e-mail today!), neither am I new to trading.

I first found this site through a link someone posted on - which is now far less busy that it was then.

I get most of my info through news sites and bulletin boards (and have some involvement with a couple of them).

The best for gauging small investor sentiment (which I've found very useful for following the "successful" ramps and de-ramps) seems to be still , but I've also found some very useful stuff on (a pity the BB there isn't more active) and a chance to unwind on

Looking round here, the emphasis seems to be on TA - maybe at the expense of getting a proper feel for investor sentiment?

For news sites I rely very much on and which categorise the news headlines from all over the place and provide links to the full stories - essential, I've found, to keep up with industry announcements and rumours long before they become official company announcements.

Anyway, enough waffle from me. I need to have a good look round this site - it's been redesigned, I think, since I was last here.
Welcome back Erithacus and thanks for the synopsis of your trading. Remember to pop into the chatroom during the day if you get a chance.


Hi Folks

Just a short note to introduce myself. Joined Trade2win today. I live in Pinner, London and have financial & IT background. Left IT consulting two years ago to go into fulltime trading (most unfortunate timing!).

Been mostly trading UK equities until recently. Have started spread-betting and trading indices recently. Learning to use TA more extensively and use Sharescope.

Will be visiting the boards and chat rooms regularly from now.

Best Wishes

Thanks. I will in due course visit the chat rooms and hopefully contribute something useful. At present it is a matter of watching and learning.

new boy

I found this site whilst browsing Motley Fools' day traders den. Thank goodness a site exists for traders and aspiring traders.

I have bought and sold shares in the past (Pre TA) , Traded options, and lately spread betting Indicies and commodities. Not made or lost much - it's still a hobby.

However Universal stock futures caught my eye plus CFD's. Taxable but lower spreads. Rather pay tax on profits than be killed by large spreads. Sharescope is my software, end of day data my ammunition. Thus I am not an intra-day trader but will hold for several days if a trend develops.

Well read on TA but was humbled by the postings by Grey etc who show TA theory applied in practice.

My ignorance of ECN's etc indicate that I would appreciate any book pointers on the subject.

Awaiting a book by William Dunnigan who allegedly uses TA to trade and is highly regarded?

I have a lot to learn and appreciate the excellent editorial content of this site.



Another distaffer. . . . .

I trade index options and some stock options and UK futures and have an ailing tech stock portfolio that I force myself to look at sometimes - shudder- would like to learn more about Nasdaq and US trading - found the market chat thread of inestimable use, a great find. Thanks to Roger M for recommending T2W.

Hi all

Yes, another new member, although with a site like this its not really surprising.

me, I retired, now playing at investing, thought I had cracked it, during the dotcom fiasco.
Now following the trend(excuse the pun) by dipping my toe in spread betting, just for the purpose of going "short"

rather like the idea of day trading, but need lots of giudance.

did you know there is a uk broker that provides a " stop loss"

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Welcome Dingers. Glad you got to posting. Come and join the gang in the Day Trading chat rooms.....