The Victor Meldrew Traders Thread.

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Whats this thread for:

Well I'm sure there are a number of traders out there who have reached 'a certain age' and are a bit miffed with all that's 'wrong' in the world of trading. 😉 Post yours here.

Why have it:
Because I've been clogging up the "Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures" thread with my rants and they deserve better. 👍

I'll start the ball rolling ...


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Fed’s Janet Yellen cuts hawkish rate talk: ‘The recovery still feels like a recession to many Americans’

Theres a reason for this! IT IS STILL A RECESSION - for any American who isn't a banker or ex member of the FOMC.
$250,000 dollars for a speech. How many backs do you have to 'scratch' to get offered those kind of gigs when you leave a public sector job.
You don't see many Nurses or Bin men being paid obscene amounts of money to speak in Abu Dhabi.
People selling trading systems...

Mr TopStep tweets.
1min ago
MIM $350 to sell $$

9 min ago
$ES_F MiM moving the other way; $460mil to buy now $$

19 min ago
RT @MrTopStep: $ES_F MiM 610mil for sale $$

That's about as much use as a chocolate tea pot.
These are actual values from tonights trading.
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More trading system shenanagins.

Secret stock market calendar ! FFS.

"You too can have access to this 'superior' 'secret' calendar!"
Duh! Its not a secret if you post it on the internet.

"Cold war scientists, mathematical genius's, nuclear missiles, savants, simple foolproof strategy". They actually say these things in the video. I couldn't stop laughing.
The guy selling this at the start is a Shakespearean actor he's listed on IMDB. Aren't there laws against this yet?
Twits (People who tweet).
Jon Najarian ‏@optionmonster 19m
HFTs are just sophisticated pickpockets, with compliant cops & exchanges. They ruin trading just as regular pickpockets ruin tourism.

What he means is "HFT's are better at picking pockets than him", and they're taking his share of a corrupt game. 🙁
Yes it was a bad week last week.
And do you know who I blame ...

... myself.
If the game changes don't lay down and whine about it (unless you start your own thread) learn a new strategy and get back in the game!

(Feeling a little better already.)

So have your rant here, then sit back and think about what YOUR going to do to improve!
Unless of course your particular area of trading is immune to change! :whistling
Absolutely fantastic thread Postman. Actually I was trawling the T2W forum today looking for a place to rant about my personal trading today, yet couldn't find an apt place to vent, but was a little pre occupied to start a thread. 5 stars from me old boy.

My rant was on how hard I had to bloody work for the pips I made today(having a few Ales had made me forget to rant, and your thread has just reminded me).
Only for my gf to point out that it's still more than a months wage in some parts of the country. I guess just like the old adage of cutting losses, and letting winners run. I hope and pray when things go bad, and get complacent, and ungrateful when things go well.

Bonne nuit mon ami.

Absolutely fantastic thread Postman. Actually I was trawling the T2W forum today looking for a place to rant about my personal trading today, yet couldn't find an apt place to vent, but was a little pre occupied to start a thread. 5 stars from me old boy.

Bonne nuit mon ami.


Thanks for the vote of confidence, please post some of your irk's and nettles or anything that generally gets your back up. Its better here than on a serious thread.
great idea for a thread a 50 something grumpy old git (ask the wife) I cant wait wheres that list ..........
You know what makes me mad.
Those Dumb traders in the Euro exchanges that have to wait for the Americans before making a significant move.

Dont they know we're day traders and need to trade during the day to make our money.

This phrase is taught in trading 101 across Europe.
"Warten auf Wall Street"
"En attente de wall street"
"In attesa di wall street"
... you get the idea.


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What gets me upset are the number of times I have to click away unwanted adverts on my PC. They insist on scanning my machine and then offer their services to remove malware, offering such services as getting rid of surplus fat, whiten my teeth, video machines etc. I even contacted one lot to ask how could get rid of their crummy ads.
My anti-virus software gets rid of some or so it tells me regularly.

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When I was young I used to get irked by slow drivers clogging up the roads.
Now that I am old I have found the answer. Buy a slow car and always be at the head of the queue. I waive politely back to the red faced youngsters waiving at me at they zoooom past at great speed. Whither do they go at such speed - I hardly care. Their mouths going at full speed too. Are they wishing me a good day ? I like to think so.

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When I was young I used to get irked by slow drivers clogging up the roads.
Now that I am old I have found the answer. Buy a slow car and always be at the head of the queue. I waive politely back to the red faced youngsters waiving at me at they zoooom past at great speed. Whither do they go at such speed - I hardly care. Their mouths going at full speed too. Are they wishing me a good day ? I like to think so.


Congratulations on setting a good example.
I might even hazard to suggest that a sensible man such as yourself uses his hard earned trading profits to purchase a caravan!
When I was young I used to get irked by slow drivers clogging up the roads.
Now that I am old I have found the answer. Buy a slow car and always be at the head of the queue. I waive politely back to the red faced youngsters waiving at me at they zoooom past at great speed. Whither do they go at such speed - I hardly care. Their mouths going at full speed too. Are they wishing me a good day ? I like to think so.


I'm not sure whether many people know this but there is a secret club of retired pensioner drivers whose job it is to head up convoys of slow moving traffic on UK non-motorway roads. Being of mature years they generally drive at about 40mph regardless of traffic conditions or prevailing speed limit. You may wonder how it is that whenever they relinquish lead of the convoy they are immediately replaced by a fellow member - this is achieved via CB radios operated by their non-driving spouse (some younger ones use mobiles) with coordination from a central control Ops Room run by Age-Concern. I believe you can register to participate in this voluntary service [Convoy Leaders UK] and they are always keen to accept members who can cover the busy rush-hour or holiday periods. Owners of Nissan Micras (early models) are particularly welcomed.
Another thing that gets my goat.
Hey wait a minute WTF where is my goat...
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