Final FSA resolution on WASP

I am sure that it has all been discussed before but who initiated the actions to bankrupt him or was it a group of people ?

Good outcome and good warning.

question: was any money raised from his bankruptcy, so that investors could be repaid? or was he skint?
I'd say at least 99.9%. You seen the latest T2W article? That guys should be arrested just for his picture.
so he was a charlatan, like 99% on here...

So are you saying that there are 198,000 charlatans on this site and are you including yourself in this 99% ?

I think a summary of events for people new to this site would be in order as a lesson to those that would invest in such schemes. I understanding there is at least one person that lost in the order of tens of thousands. No names need be mentioned, I'm sure the "investors" feel embarrassed enough about the situation already.
I think a summary of events for people new to this site would be in order as a lesson to those that would invest in such schemes. I understanding there is at least one person that lost in the order of tens of thousands. No names need be mentioned, I'm sure the "investors" feel embarrassed enough about the situation already.

I've said it before, I think the epic thread should be brought back, for the lulz.
I'd say at least 99.9%. You seen the latest T2W article? That guys should be arrested just for his picture.

Is that the trend-trading one?
Have you noticed that he says stops are optional?
Didn't someone recently get banned from here for pushing that kind of "system"?

(I don't mean trend-trading, but no-stops).
Didn't someone recently get banned from here for pushing that kind of "system"?

You cannot be banned for advocating trading without using stops. If someone was banned it will have been for something else.

Well Chris wherever you may be...I still like you...very funny,entertaining guy and I suspect good company...long as you don't insult my intelligence (and you know what that means) then I'd be glad to share a drink. regarding all of this nonsense I don't hold that against you at all. Whatever you've done is no worse than most other people do in myriad ways ,from;
the employee who spends hours a week outside smoking when they should be working
the husband who feels up his secretary and then tells his wife he loves her
the politician who ..ok we'll just leave that one
the mortgage broker who encourages you to buy then ...we'll leave that one has well
the b(w) anker who ..definitely leave that one
in fact if you have a name you'd be on this list somewhere only the lack of will to live keeps me from going on

Fortunately ,for the worlds population most of these behaviours don't actually have a law against them ,but that doesn't mean you'd be a sanctimonious ass to differentiate between them on an ethical basis. So law apart we reap what we sow anyway and given I don't want to stop speaking to absolutely everybody on this planet I repeat "Chris, I still like you".
Pulpit bashers ,responsibility abducators ..the doors right behind you.
Question, as the FSA mention it,

What is the total cash amount of fraud that Authorised Firms have fleeced the public from Verses the Unathorised ones ?
Wasn't Inspector Knacker supposed to be getting involved with this case at some point, or is the FSA's wrist-slap the extent of his punishment?