The Technical Trader Forum - where is it headed

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We did try to have a conversation about this in the TT forum but it got closed down.

Please - let's try & keep this civil & on track. I don't see why we can't discuss it here if we keep it civil.

Now that the TT Forum boys have started a pay service and there is much 'cloak and dagger' about who is really running it, what are your thoughts on the forum now ?

I know it is being billed as JJs show but Iraj is quite obviously calling the shots (not to mention the trades). In fact, the main reason I didn't subscribe was that Iraj was making the calls when it was a free service but it is not clear how much Iraj would be making the calls after I subscribed. If it was really to be 295 pounds a month for someone that has only made a profit for the past 2 months, then due diligence tells me to stand aside & let other people try the service out for 6-12 months first to see how the new guy performs. I know JJ was unhappy when I mentioned this and said that people like me have "too much baggage" to appreciate this but at the end of the day - the past 2 months have not been normal and I would like to see a proven long term track record before paying money. If that is having "too much baggage" then I concur.

My own concerns regarding the forum is that now it is a front for a paid service, I am a little concerned at what direction it will go in. For sure, there is a mine of information in there. If commercial concerns override the technical discussions in there, then it becomes tough to discern who is posting what and why.

Obviously when a vendor is behind a post, you have to consider its merits at a different level that a fellow trader.

Any other thoughts.


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as an impartial observer (ok, I am a member of the TT forum, but significantly non-participative) I have to say the last few days have raised certain alarm bells about the intentions, original or otherwise, of the parties involved.
If it were anyone else involved other than hitherto respected members of T2W, this would have "Scam" screaming all over it would it not ?

very uncomfortable
Bit dodgy sounding to me. From what i've been told, Grey was doing it all for free and never intended to charge a cent (in fact, it is my understanding that he wont recieve a cent)

He seems to have given jayjay special treatment (including coaching him) and now JJ wants to charge others to be in the room. Not sure why grey agreed too go along with it. I dont know all the facts(only what certain TT members have told me) but ive always sung greys praises if you look at my past posts.

I agree it is all a little odd how JJ (yet to prove himself) is suddenly running the show and charging people...
Hmmm, don't know quite what to say. Gratefull as I am for much of Grey's advice provided here, I won't be stomping up 300 squid per month. If for no other reason that I'm not staying up all night for any chat room. I'm not convinced that I would be likely to learn anything that I haven't here already and from my own work.

As for paying for JJ's calls - please gimme a break! Pedro is absolutely right about a track record. I'd rather trust my own thank you and I'll keep my own baggage if that's OK with him.
pedro i totally understand mate and everything you say i would say too. All i can say is i have iraj on board for a guaranteed six months so if your happy with his calls. As for the Typical aussie there, i would say what about mr charts?, newton bomb?, don't you feel grey1 is a better trader number1 and don't you feel his strategies and program trading which is included within the fee are a little more advanced concept? I think i did well presuading a top trader to do this, i mean he is putting his intrigity on the line for sure, but that just shows me we has nothing to hide
So then, is the charge your fee for persuadung Grey to go along with it?

Grey1 has always said "I dont charge a cent for anything, as I have the market to rip off"
That's why I hold him in such high regard.
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well, you have the opputunity to follow a proven concept, up to you, i will not go into any more detail to safeguard our members nor chase i don't need too. Trouble with some people is they love a freebie and forget about people's time and energy required to run a project of this size
dc, all business incur expenses, obviously you do not reguard your trading as a business. If it don't suit you then fine don't use it nor dis-respect what we are trying to do.

For those of you that do reguard your trading as a business and want a professional service to help out making and confirming your calls and educate further in your trading business then i feel its money well spent. It will not suit many and i have always said that. Sorry if members feel this is not right, i truely am but others are doing it guys and i feel we can offer a better service overall.

I had to pay for courses and subscribtions in my other businesses for them to grow further and it was money well spent. All businesses have to invest in themselves at some point to become market leaders.

Try to forget why grey1 trained me or chose to back me, just concentrate on wether we can perform or not
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JJ, I understand that you can't do it for free, but why not start at a much lower level, say the price of a mobile phone subsciption, eg. £30 per month, after 3 months of good results, you could up that to £50, than keep incrementing it as your results continue.

Anyway, thanks for the time you did for free, I found it very informative.

gfrost ill listen to any feedback and review accordingly so thankyou for your comments.

Rath, or any mods if you want to ban me then feel free as i really don't want to post any further and want to focus 110% on my members only.

So far we only have 3 that have shown an interest which is fine and expected. But i will stick to my guns and im in this for the long haul anyway. Also i feel no pressure as i am a profitable trader first and foremost and can evidence this unlike most. We offer your money back if we don't make you your fee every month which im not aware of any one else is doing, so judge it for your selves. Anyway ill see you guys around and good luck what ever you decide to do. I have loved every minute of being on trade2win and thanks to trade2win i met some very good traders.
I say the whole thing is ridiculous to tell you the truth.

The biggest joke was when somebody implied that they had bought some oscillator off of Goldman Sachs for 1500,- haha.

I was in that room with Grey because I always find it interesting to see how others trade.

But, to be honest, for the umpteenth time I saw that at the end of the day everybody just boils with water, which in this case means going after high percentage winners by picking tops and bottoms off of oscillator readings on multiple time frames.

As always it is not the method that generates the high winning percentages, but the fact that you never run your full position for any great moves at all, exiting instead with the biggest portion barely after a move has even begun.

Basically what the boys are doing is picking tops and bottoms and staying in for mini runs which is ok as it stands, but anybody wanting to charge OR pay money for that needs their head screwed on straight.

Nobody that I would ever call a real trader would ever lower themselves to selling trading calls, let alone on such prepesterous nonsense as that they have bought some indicator off of Goldman Sachs, that is just a complete and total joke.

The money Goldman Sachs or anybody else makes has zero to do with any indicator, that is just laughable.

Besides, a completely ludicrous claim to have bought something off of GS is nothing but an obvious marketing embellishment anyway which has nothing to do with the truth.

Besides, GS have clearly proven with their recent catastrophic results that nothing in the world exists that can predict markets:

Goldman loses Billions

But then again every professional also knows that prediction is absolutely unnecessary for net profitable trading, unless you're one of those souls whose battered egos cherish being right over making money.

Signal selling is such a dreadful, squalid business on par with selling used cars, which is probably why no real trader I know would ever dream of lowering themselves to that standard.

Why should they ?

They can make more than enough from trading itself.

If anything big performers might think about starting a hedge fund, but selling signals ?!?

The whole business started with a whiff of dishonesty as this was engendered as a piece of classic pull marketing, with true intentions of starting a pay-as-you-go signal service only being released towards the end of week one, and only piecemeal at that.

That smelled pretty bad I must admit.

Obviously times being what they are right now the intention was there from the outset to start an additional income stream.

While I will never respect anybody selling signals I would at least have respected these two guys if they had been honest, and would have said, look, we want to start a signal service, and to prove our qualities to you we will do a month trial before we start charging.

That at least would have been laying the cards on the table from the outset.

But anyway, to each their own, and it does always take 2 to tango.

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gfrost ill listen to any feedback and review accordingly so thankyou for your comments.

Rath, or any mods if you want to ban me then feel free as i really don't want to post any further and want to focus 110% on my members only.

So far we only have 3 that have shown an interest which is fine and expected. But i will stick to my guns and im in this for the long haul anyway. Also i feel no pressure as i am a profitable trader first and foremost and can evidence this unlike most. We offer your money back if we don't make you your fee every month which im not aware of any one else is doing, so judge it for your selves. Anyway ill see you guys around and good luck what ever you decide to do. I have loved every minute of being on trade2win and thanks to trade2win i met some very good traders.
First of all I would like to thank Iraj for his teachings in the past that were wholely free. In the past he was always careful not to plug any web-site and said so publicly. I also acknowledge his right to create or take part in a commercial venture selling his price calls, education and tools.

What I find wanting is the way in which I think loyal members of the TT forum have been drawn into a commercial venture that was not presented as such initially. I also think that T2W is now being used to advertise this commercial venture and that the members running this should now declare themselves as vendors.

Concern has also been expressed about the FSST indicator tool that is being proposed for sale via that site, in particular its origin and any rights to distribute it, which is not so much a matter for this website but which may concern other websites.

Jayjay bases all his arguments and responses to these concerns about whether or not the information provided is useful and valuable to others. I am not disputing the value of the information. That is something for each person who is considering a subscription to decide for themselves. For me I would not be interested in the live calls. I am more interested in the education, because that makes you independent.

However this is not the issue that members are getting heated over. The issue relates to the other matters I have discussed above and also the moral stance that JayJay is taking that he is doing this for our common good. No he is doing it for his own financial reasons.

Never been in the TT forum but the from reading the posts here it is said that the charge for this site is to cover costs not make a profit, if so i can't imagine the costs are £300 per person per month.......
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