"Trading With MP6140"...worst thing I ever did


His story's invoked me to make the biggest mistake of my life so far... I thought I was going to be one successful guy someday with them darn to-good-to-be-true story's.


many years ago, in litigation and not settled to this day --- be kinda careful what you bring forth as its an ongoing situation.

Saw this and I was shocked. It still hurts thinking about it. Anybody have advice for me? Ill be back in the states soon (been in Japan for 4 years).


before reading this you may want background info... if you search the words "mp6140" on google you will see the link on the second returned result.

--sent me this when he tried to convince me his hedge system is worth more than the 9,300 some dollars he lost for me. That even with small amount of money (how much money can I have I am 22 yo E-4) to start with I should have my money back in no time. Funny how if hes making so much with his trading other peoples accounts and his own that he can't afford to even give me half of what he lost in less than a weeks time. One can't blame this on the market as he doesn't want to admit it and every time we bring up the issue he tells storys. This is just two of the emails.

"have you noticed it working yet ?

we presently are averaging 500 daily on the beta testing, and linking the trading to cell phones so no one needs to be at a computer at all.

the EA (NOT the way I trade) appears to be still in need of work (as i imagined it would be) and so I will not pass it on to you at this time.

trying to get into hospital next week, and when I return I will be going full time using only the system, as its passed all tests with flying colors.

looking forward, there is NO reason we cant be square (and you then going into profit) within two months of starting real trading, with you only having to make a few casual trades per day !

One thing I will request (as a form of commission, shall we call it), is for you to delete your references to me in the many sites you have posted on, once you make profit. I think that would be fair.


mike parker"
---and this when I asked for some kind of proof that he is going to pay. Its been hard to do anything and ask for any kind of support because of being in Japan. Our jag doesn't know how to handle these type of legal matters.


a letter of intent is not worth the paper its printed on, especially as I face an operation without yet knowing what the recuperative length shall be.

Ive promised to help restore, and certainly intend to, but cannot live with time constraints which may be completely out of my control due to health factors. (its been two years...)

Hang in for a while -- we shall get it all under control.


Again if hes so successful where he has the right to give advice and talk about all the peoples money he manages and how much he averages ... why is it so hard to give me some money to cover up the mistake he made? Its because of this I still to this day am scared to invest any of the little money I have at all, how silly it sounds. Took me almost two years of constant boredom/penny pinching to save up that... . Where are his morals.

i gave you an extremely simple system that has made much for others, posted you a few times asking what was happening and received NO answers !

why not ??

if you should like, because this is slowing me up on upcoming projects which also included you, i shall privately give you my surgeons phone number --- call him and ask whats taking time !

the "unknown" trades on the account have never stopped bothering me though, and while you say it was not you, what is my proof there ---- they happened !!

This thread currently comes up as 4th site in a Google Search for 'mp6140'.
I suggest we all refresh this site and tell every other member about it, so it comes 1st soon.
--- its easy to sling mud, but one needs something behind --- something called "facts"

You want facts? I'll give you facts.

Your name is Mike Parker,
you believe you can predict the market,
you claim to make 302 winning trades (no proof as of yet),
you use no stops,
you average down,

you stated the market would go to 12690 on Monday, if not definitely on Tuesday. The DOW came within 10 points of 13000 yesterday.

you see reversals in completely uptrending days (see here),

you'd close winning trades for 3 points profit (see here),

you've posted on a site Stockhideout which led to other people losing money using your "methods",

you've been expelled from ET after your true nature has been exposed,
you've left your wife and kids without money,
you've opened accounts on at least a dozen trading websites (try googling for 'mp6140'),

you've falsely accused me of plagiarism,
you've yet to show one live trade,

you claim to be interested in nothing more "but expressing your ideas", yet you accuse anyone that does the same of copying your methods, you try very hard in convincing your method is the most profitable one and you fail to admit you're wrong in the face of adversity (see here),

you've derailed more threads than anyone else in the short time you've been here,
you've been banned before.

In short, there's only one rational conclusion. You're a complete and utter nut.
Even new_trader (read here) and temptrader (read this), which I had many arguments with, back me up on this. If there is any single person still left on this site who thinks otherwise?!

You want more 'facts'?

Trading with mp6140... worst thing I ever did
Forums - Lost half of my years salary in a week!

To discredit the issue you throw in a variable to take blame off yourself.. Putting me, the software, and the broker FXDD to blame. I didn't make any trades. I am sure although I dont understand the technical jargon from what the broker said when they reviewed the trades was that you risked too much with what I had. Guess its easy to do when its not your money. Please find a way to give me my losses back. I remember for a year or so it was your going to give me money soon than all of sudden you resorted to that "extremely simple system" was worth its weight in gold and that we could call it even. I will not try it... How can I trust you... just to lose more money again. If its so easy ...trade with your own money and give me the profit.


i gave you an extremely simple system that has made much for others, posted you a few times asking what was happening and received NO answers !

why not ??

if you should like, because this is slowing me up on upcoming projects which also included you, i shall privately give you my surgeons phone number --- call him and ask whats taking time !

the "unknown" trades on the account have never stopped bothering me though, and while you say it was not you, what is my proof there ---- they happened !!

I'd be too embarrassed to login. What with everyone looking at me like I am scum....

(apologies to anyone who may have 'scum' as their nick!)
I am sure it is by and large true. You can usually tell good traders from shysters unless the shyster is clever enough not to go to places where he can be seen for the fool that he is. This one is an obvious d!ckhead.
Well I feel very sorry for people who lose money.
However the problem is not with the perpetrator but the victim.
acdspit00,If you had not lost it through the person you mention you would have probably lost it through someone else.
You did your research after the event rather than before.
Look at this claim
he thinks he can average 200 a day on 5k account.
Anyone will know its a load of rubbish and ignore it or ask for validated proof or invest a small amount.
They will always be con_artists trying to separate you from your money so if you walk around with a open wallet don't be surprised if someone tries talking it.
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Well I feel very sorry for people who lose money.
However the problem is not with the perpetrator but the victim.
acdspit00,If you had not lost it through the person you mention you would have probably lost it through someone else.
You did your research after the event rather than before.
Look at this claim

Anyone will know its a load of rubbish and ignore it or ask for validated proof or invest a small amount.
They will always be con_artists trying to separate you from your money so if walk around with a open wallet don't be surprised if someone trying talking it.

I totally agree with that.

But we shouldn't have con artists posting on t2w!
But we shouldn't have con artists posting on t2w

I second that But for the last few months a lot of good knowledge traders have left T2W and instead all we have are vendors and scammers!
Well I feel very sorry for people who lose money.
However the problem is not with the perpetrator but the victim.
acdspit00,If you had not lost it through the person you mention you would have probably lost it through someone else.
You did your research after the event rather than before.
Look at this claim

Anyone will know its a load of rubbish and ignore it or ask for validated proof or invest a small amount.
They will always be con_artists trying to separate you from your money so if you walk around with a open wallet don't be surprised if someone tries talking it.


You're almost right.

If you were a newbie and a little naive ... not "believe the nigerian's naive, but a little naive" then how do you get information. You go to a forum. And someone is a big noise there. And no one is saying "they're rubbish." And they talk about all the people they've helped. And no one says "that's rubbish." And ... oh god .. its happened.

So there is a problem when people in a forum are not challenged and they suck in newbies. Because the implied approval of the rest of the forum is unfortunately one of the primary reasons people build trust - as we all know 50,000,000 flies can't be wrong!

Not saying that MP6140 is "wrong," I googled him and his real name when I was a moderator and I didn't find the et thread despite being an et participant. I was swamped by forex and stock board hits where everything looked pretty much like its been looking here.

Quoting Notorious B.I.G. was not the mental image of the pro I had sitting behind his big bank FX desk! 😆
It's like the line in Boiler Room (underrated film imho)

"I think Notorious B.I.G. said it best - either you sling crack rock, or you got a wicked jump shot. No-one wants to work for it any more"

so imho these people are like our politicians - we get what we deserve, and they're a reflection of our times.

Uncle GJ

I really, really don't know if that's true, for the following reasons:

If you can do it, you will work for it. Those that realise that they can't or think it too much effort/strain will try to find a shortcut. And having little successes along the way you would not say no to.

There's also the effect of jealousy to consider, because humans are naturally distrustful, and when they see/perceive that someone appears to be getting more with less effort/work they would want to know how. We don't have objective measures for any of this, of course, it's all politics at the end of the day.
I still say caveat emptor is the golden rule. For people who are looking for a holy grail type solution to anything in this world, if one shyster doesn't get them, the next one will, because no-one wants to be told that what they really have to do in order to achieve success and / or a career in trading is to WORK BLOODY HARD - end of story.

It's like the line in Boiler Room (underrated film imho)

"I think Notorious B.I.G. said it best - either you sling crack rock, or you got a wicked jump shot. No-one wants to work for it any more"

so imho these people are like our politicians - we get what we deserve, and they're a reflection of our times.

Uncle GJ

Supply and demand isn't it ? T2W promotes, ad upon ad of ,well, adverts selling the latest widget, or zero spread bucket shop, from which coms are made/generated. Maybe it needs to be stripped back,right back without the endorsement of these cheesy industries or services? that would be a START.

Maybe it needs a Professional to vet the companies here? OR as is, if the individual cannot differentiate between good v evil then , SHOULD we care ? or should the owners of T2W care ?

If this site promotes a vegas shop front, then I dont think blaming the people who work the crowds will achieve much in the way of progress of cheese removal. Like you say, the next one will get em.