LTG Goldrock complaint thread deleted for 5th time

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Legendary member
It seems the thread about Andrew Barnett and LTG Goldrock has been deleted yet again, I believe that is the fifth thread about them that has been deleted. I recall our great world champion Mike Baghdady had a similar number of threads deleted before he finally gave up. Of course it all worked out exactly as predicted when the first thread was deleted, it attracted more attention to him and this ended up with numerous T2W members infiltrating his latest webinar to post the truth about his bankruptcy application and fake claims.

I encourage Norman and Co to continue posting here and if this gets deleted then just start a new thread. Remember it costs them money each time to make the legal threats.
It seems the thread about Andrew Barnett and LTG Goldrock has been deleted yet again, I believe that is the fifth thread about them that has been deleted. I recall our great world champion Mike Baghdady had a similar number of threads deleted before he finally gave up. Of course it all worked out exactly as predicted when the first thread was deleted, it attracted more attention to him and this ended up with numerous T2W members infiltrating his latest webinar to post the truth about his bankruptcy application and fake claims.

I encourage Norman and Co to continue posting here and if this gets deleted then just start a new thread. Remember it costs them money each time to make the legal threats.

just wondering; is there a conflict of interest by t2w?

do t2w get paid any fees from Andrew Barnett and LTG?
he has said so himself you used to be a waterskier..


Maybe those who have subscribed to the thread can copy/paste the emails into one file and reupload so the relevant posts live on, think someone has already done this? That wld be painful though for MB thread. Shame there's no easy way of copying threads in anticipation of their deletion.
Why do people use these things thinking they'll make money? It gives me the slapoopies just thinking about it.
just wondering; is there a conflict of interest by t2w?

do t2w get paid any fees from Andrew Barnett and LTG?

If I recall correctly he was a T2W partner at a time, just like Baghdady. The last few times this was raised T2W insisted this had nothing to do with the deletions.
well obviously some fool been spouting a provable untruth in the previous thread. this has been seized apon as leverage to get the whole thread binned, rather than pick out and delete the fools comments.

i wouldn't put it past unscrupulous outfits to drop in some untruths, and do it in such a way to provide ammunition to get what they want.

the last thread was at least a year old or maybe older? were there recent posts to it? and who was it?
well obviously some fool been spouting a provable untruth in the previous thread. this has been seized apon as leverage to get the whole thread binned, rather than pick out and delete the fools comments.

i wouldn't put it past unscrupulous outfits to drop in some untruths, and do it in such a way to provide ammunition to get what they want.

the last thread was at least a year old or maybe older? were there recent posts to it? and who was it?

Last time I looked it was Norman or Barramundi, they are both very careful only to post facts, I havnt seen them getting too excited about it. I think they were generally posting proof that the claimed results were not being achieved by customers and that any bad results were being covered up.
cheers for that pb 👍

most of the thread i've found via web cache, but not the last page, anyone saved off page 30?? there would lay the smoking gun methinks.

FCOH-2, a new member, making a big noise at present, this obveously has upset them lots :clap:
ah! found page 30, the last post in cache was posted "Yesterday, 1:48am" by mr_tubbs, outlining their new "institutional opportunity" for "inner circle" members.

if they have something new on the pot then for sure they'll want rid of members complaining 👎

cant see no smoking gun yet of the fool.
now that would be fun, i'm 30 or so minutes in to the sahggy web show, i was in tears! 👍 you guys were awsome!

That's what happens when you try to threaten people with legal action. Sooner or later they will get their chance to hit back. It will be the same for Ltg some day, they're just too dumb to see it.
Can't help with the former and I certainly won't be doing the latter - both for the same reason: I'm not a Mod!

that may be so tim, but you are an admin and whether or not an admin is on the moderators list doesn't stop posts going missing or deletions happening. am i right? i know you said you wont do it, but you could if you wanted or needed to, if asked, just like any admin of this or any other site.
Fair enough, we'll just assume its because Barnett was/is a T2W Partner.
pb - when I said 'can't', I meant just that - not 'won't'. Mod business is Mod business, LM taught me that when I first joined the staff. I simply don't get involved and I honestly don't know any more about LTG than you do; probably a great deal less!
that may be so tim, but you are an admin and whether or not an admin is on the moderators list doesn't stop posts going missing or deletions happening. am i right? i know you said you wont do it, but you could if you wanted or needed to, if asked, just like any admin of this or any other site.
Not by me Don.
As I said in my reply to pb, it was you who taught me this very lesson. The only posts I ever edit or delete are the ones in the FAQs forum - to keep the threads really tight and on topic. Even then, I only do so after they've been there a month.
the old "I was just obeying orders" defense !

And that reminds me, what happened to the 1933 Neuenburg Traders Expo thread ?
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