Trade2win Urban dictionary

loose [lewz]
verb (used with object)

1. To have money taken away from you by the market on a dumbass trade: I shouldn't have entered that trade, I knew I would loose.

Means a particular subject of great worth.

Other meaning:
Do not take drugs, forget about the 'e'

Used in sentence:

Yo bro, you forgot the 'e', very intersting.
Tarder..often confused with someone who is unsure if he is gambling or investing.

probably missing a "U" in replacement for another vowel!
tarder [tah-dar]

1. What you think you are. (just kidding)
2. A person who bags pips on Endex: Kinell bud, use your nut and bag some pips, are you a tarder or not?

preferred method of travel of said "tarder"


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vendor (vendo'or)


all the expletives of the modern world rolled up into one word

commonly used by T2W Guardians of the People police (uniformed, plain clothes and special branches) or by those who should be cursing themselves.
lulz [lull-zz]

1. Intentional conduct or activity that playfully causes petty annoyance: I did it for teh lulz
2. Unintentional conduct or activity that playfully causes petty annoyance: Did you see teh thread titled ‘Make 500 to 1000 pips each month 100% gauanteed'?... lulz!
Baghasloopy [barga-slew-pee]


1. Any tarding system guaranteed to provide unlimited wealth in short space of time
paps [pah-p'ss]

1. Unit of imaginary profit or loss achieved whilst demo tarding "teh forex"
1. offset one position with another
"I hedged my long GBP/USD trade with a short EUR/USD"
Not to be confused with the two legs of short EUR/GBP position
1. offset one position with another
"I hedged my long GBP/USD trade with a short EUR/USD"
Not to be confused with the two legs of short EUR/GBP position

Correction :

"I hedged my long GBP/USD trade with a short GBP/USD"
I remember seeing the term "pwned" on many occasions so can someone please enlighten me as to what this meant ?
I've never seen something that dumb on here...

You need to look a bit harder :LOL:

IIRC one of the staff was advocating such a thing a couple of months back :rolleyes: no really (n) I know its hard to believe, but I'm not pulling your plonker, for real

I think the official term is nedging
You need to look a bit harder :LOL:

IIRC one of the staff was advocating such a thing a couple of months back :rolleyes: no really (n) I know its hard to believe, but I'm not pulling your plonker, for real

I think the official term is nedging

Or fedging?

Or Hudging?