Deleted threads


Legendary member
OK let's see how long this one lasts. It seems we can't even mention deleted threads without the thread being deleted.
So what's the point, peebee. Contested threads get deleted if and when the legal heat in the kitchen gets too great. Lulz fest threads get deleted once they seem to have run their course. What other sorts were you thinking of?
So what's the point, peebee. Contested threads get deleted if and when the legal heat in the kitchen gets too great. Lulz fest threads get deleted once they seem to have run their course. What other sorts were you thinking of?

I posted on a thread yesterday that seams to have gone. It happens quite frequently, so I don't waste my time posting these days

I dont believe the thread in question would have resulted in t2w incurring legal costs

I can't understand why anyone would have contested the thread, and although the thread had great lulz potential, it had far from run its course.
So what's the point, peebee. Contested threads get deleted if and when the legal heat in the kitchen gets too great. Lulz fest threads get deleted once they seem to have run their course. What other sorts were you thinking of?

One thing's for sure: T2W has been completely dead this week.
So what's the point, peebee. Contested threads get deleted if and when the legal heat in the kitchen gets too great. Lulz fest threads get deleted once they seem to have run their course. What other sorts were you thinking of?

What on earth was contested about a thread saying that another thread had been deleted?
Big Mike Trading has better content and they dont tolerate lulz.

I post rarely on "Big Mikes", but there are some very knowledgable people there who know the score.

I think the key difference is the site is run by someone who at least gives the appearance that he's interested in trading (although I suspect he's probably more interested in the commercial aspects of his forum business)

Whatever the reality, as a consequence, it attracts traders, which attracts the less experienced, and everyone's happy.

Lulz at t2w is mainly created as a protest against the sites decline, and as the decline has accelerated in recent years, the lulz has increased proportionally, and to such an extent, and quality, it's become t2w USP, and the only reason many are here.

It is also a property of lulz that it tends to attract even more lulz, and the attempted suppression of lulz, provides even more lulz

It is a sad fact of life that the few people remaining at t2w who could provide decent input have a lulz agenda. The site has been focussing on the commercial exploitation of their membership, and it's reputation and integrity are in tatters. Meanwhile their competitors have been focussing on the right things, and they go from strength to strength.

If you strip away vendor generated content, and pure lulz, I suspect there hasn't been very much input to the site for at least the last 3 months.

If you where a new trader, with serious and realistic asperations, a functioning brain and a choice between t2w and big mikes, which would you choose ?

I do find t2w far more entertaining, and I'm far more inclined to waste my time browsing here through the day, but it's long since ceased being any kind of trading site, and since Steves appointment, the community aspect of the site seams to have been flushed down the tubes (probably a coincidence rather than due to policy change)

Amazed this thread hasn't been deleted already !
full marks to moderators more Fake passports.........damn !
BMT is a good forum.

It does not allow attacks on new members, something that a lot of T2W members (some passed) seem to take joy in doing.

Of course, if you have a clear out, change the policy so that T2W becomes a friendlier place, then it's bound to get quiet. Those vocal snipers get their posts cut much to their chagrin but the long term impact is that newbies won't be scared to post here any more.
BMT is a good forum.

It does not allow attacks on new members, something that a lot of T2W members (some passed) seem to take joy in doing.

Of course, if you have a clear out, change the policy so that T2W becomes a friendlier place, then it's bound to get quiet. Those vocal snipers get their posts cut much to their chagrin but the long term impact is that newbies won't be scared to post here any more.

If a newbie doesn't have the courage to post anonymously on a trading forum, then he doesn't have the courage for trading and should just forget the whole idea. I don't think that's really the problem anyway.

This is not nursery, and nor should it be.
If a newbie doesn't have the courage to post anonymously on a trading forum, then he doesn't have the courage for trading and should just forget the whole idea. I don't think that's really the problem anyway.

This is not nursery, and nor should it be.

Plenty of newbies post here - once.

If you posted here once and got abused for it - why would you come back?

Doesn't mean you are timid, does it?

The smart thing to do would be to not come back. Look elsewhere.
If you took a trade and got abused with a nasty loss, why would you come back to the market?

Smart thing to do would be to not come back.
Plenty of newbies post here - once.

If you posted here once and got abused for it - why would you come back?

Doesn't mean you are timid, does it?

The smart thing to do would be to not come back. Look elsewhere.

Depends on what they post I suppose. If you post that you made $3 million on your first day demo trading and now you're offering to mentor others you probably deserve a bit of stick.
It does not allow attacks on new members, something that a lot of T2W members (some passed) seem to take joy in doing.

complete rubbish imo, until you provide examples. the new members who get stick are ones that either:

~ are lazy. These fit into two common types: 1. lazy with zero initiative: asking a question "what is a future?" which would be more easily asked & better answered using google; 2. looking for a heads up on an imminent punt/easy money - "which way is the FTSE going...up or down?". Both 1)s & 2)s neither have the capacity nor the desire to trade. (examples: Take your pick).
~ think they are dogs knackers after 2 days demo trading. (Aster1).
~ regurgitate nonsense frequently (Marooh).
~ are vendors (Take your pick).

Would a new member have posted on BMT forum a thread stating how rich they will be in 2 years from now having never traded before? Maybe theres a rule about new members posting crap over there, perhaps?

Any new member who has asked a question of late which is fairly reasonable (ie they have put some thought into it (and thats not subjective - eg its a genuine q & its obvious they have done some work etc etc), is dived on by every senior member around who wants to share their 'wisdom'....cos its so rare, and refreshing.

New members are in fact much more a curse imo - there are so many posting one sentence posts which have no relevance / something so inane / already stated previously....its a waste of time reading it, often they bump v old threads (only v occasionally is the old thread good). wouldn't surprise me if these members are t2w bots.

Of course these new members are potentially new customers for you.
Yes as far as vendors are concerned nothing should be done to discourage the idiotic get rich quick newbies. Who else are they going to sell to? The Leopard?