EUR/USD prediction (2h pattern) for this week (5-9 of July)


Established member
Hi there,
I am posting my forecast and strategies...enjoy and take care of your trading...
on the first pic is the current market pic


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Any idea what level it will go to on July 7?

hope somebody short it after buy.

No, I don't. I would recommend you try to trade using provided time zones.

This forecast I did for a bank professional, but his only interest was which data I use and what I do with it.and so on, I thoght he was serious. But for me it is was a challenge and a good excercise.

Also, I am not trading now regretfully🙁 but did send it to my some of my former clients as it is of no use for me.


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Any idea what level it will go to on July 7?

also please be aware that such big moves are tricki and you better enter either just before or on the other hand this 1pm GMT+4 (or just after) could be the low. sometimes it works for me as a deep low, but I think that this one would be really a move possibly a kind of news reaction.

so additional caution could be justified
Hi again.. thanks for the explanation.. that does seem right after the time the EU GDP report is released!
Hi again.. thanks for the explanation.. that does seem right after the time the EU GDP report is released!

Hi, this big downside move is coming after a slight up movement in could be so, let's wait for a while and see ...

the only drawback of this strategy is a need for patience
another real-time))) trading system confirms possibility that the price would go much??? lower(time 12.52pm price 1.2562) so we will see in a moment...
seems that 1pm was just a low and is over as we have the move up at 2pm (could be then a local high)

those who shorted yesterday earned 100 vs about 30 pips shorting at point "B"

from 4pm comes an unclear period (a period in which there is nothing special for trading in my point of view) so the next point of interets is tomorrow 8am (GMT+4). that does not exclude that the price can go lower before that (as the second system STILL says) but I think the risks to get into an appropriate trade are higher.
if the pattern does not match in the interval from 8-12am - disregard it. it is possible that some slight change effected the whole scenario. this is a rule.

But I think it is correct. The next check point is 12pm today (GMT+4) - there should be a support level similar to that of 8am.


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1st trade (buy) 100 pips
2nd trade (short) 30-100 pips (depending on selected entry B or A)
3rd trade (buy) - ?

Total: 130-230 pips already risk free!!!
let's be serious about trading and buy EUR/USD to see what would follow, I propose to close position at some time close to midnight (GMT+4)

all this just a calculation of price and time. as we trade based on time - we do not need to think about levels and the rest.


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I hope everybody is enjoying the ride on EUR/USD this week😱

happy and profitable trading to everyone🙂 and don't spent much time on trading plans - call Nostradamus


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