looking for a good employment

this is an advanced trading solution, which took more than 10 years of development and has been recently modified to suit the trading needs in volitile and unstable markets, covering equity, Forex and commodity markets.

Why would you even consider working forsome one else, if you can trade and be profitable it has to be the best to work for yourself, your time, your hours, your profits. I always question why anyone who asks for work like this would want to if profitable? It does not take much to get going and if u r as good as you say you will soon build up a good fund. Answer me why?

...... will soon build up a good fund. Answer me why?

Because investors here do not understand funds, that it's a hard work to manage assets. They can say: hey, you are my partner....but I think..."what is your contribution..." I put years of my life to make it.

In other words, it is better to market my services abroad. Just imagine, if I can prepare for you (or somebody else) a clear trading strategy on Sunday, you would just need to follow it, check against some of your indicators, and trade...I belive this is a great advantage as we hear many investors are looking for small scale fund managers, as they thoght that they would get more personal handling.

I can work as a shadow consultant, I even prefer not to be involved in sitting and looking into screen, what do you say.

Ha, my strory is simple, I set up an equity trading desk for my bank. we got only buy previledges as we couldn't get depo account. My trading got 80p.a. on cash equties. Then I started to investigate the "tendencies" further...proposed to set up a hedge fund in Europe, get investors as the fund could get above or close to some of the most profitable ones.. and GRAB all those investors you lost their accounts in a number of market crashes...or those who what more that 10p.a....but we bank was recuctant, they simply did not get it....if you have a strategy, you can rule the....

That was my idea...
but I cann't move that set-up-a-hedge-fund-stone alone
So now internet forums are the place to look for people to fund/employ you, even though you are an ace trader and have worked in banks?

Is there some reason none of the contacts you had before will fund/employ you? I mean, if you were as good as you say, you'd have a reputation and contacts to fall back on? Why trawl a website?

Is there some reason your trading can't make yourself some money?

It sounds like someone is setting up a scam to me.
So now internet forums are the place to look for people to fund/employ you, ......
It sounds like someone is setting up a scam to me.

The truth is that I do advertize myself and the job I can do excelently at least in the part of uncertainty or in the field of that theory..forgot it's name. Call it my international campaign.

My background is languages: Chinese and ...and trading is something that facinated me to the deep of my heart because its a composition of challenge, strength and more..(competition as well)

if you believe this is a scam, it is bigger than you can take. I do not have that required formal education as probaly you do and my track record is not that of the perfect trader)

..."if you are doing this...you should..." (Vice President of Banker's Trust & Co.);
..."Why are you not working for me?" (CEO, UBS-Brunswick).

and there are of course others, who are threatened of competition and possibility to lost their job or those who are trying to follow...

I am an amature in the profession...so you can call it as you like...
but in the meantime I will continue looking for ...

attached is another letter of interest to a well known fund manager (see DAX/NASDAQ prediction)


How would it have been, if I've had money and set up a fund))) or just a have had partner for that?

Well I do not see any interest to beat around the bush, here is my full profile. anyway it is not secret as was presented to a western bank (UBS). once I've been in the same lift with Mr. G.*issinger .....why did not I ask him for money?)))))))

Believe me or not that this is the best trading system you can "buy" online)))). but I reject offers to put it into code.

Also I have another thread with some paper trading records, but I think they are irrelevant.

so combine the two threads and make your conclusions.


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The truth is that I do advertize myself and the job I can do excelently at least in the part of uncertainty or in the field of that theory..forgot it's name. Call it my international campaign.

My background is languages: Chinese and ...and trading is something that facinated me to the deep of my heart because its a composition of challenge, strength and more..(competition as well)

if you believe this is a scam, it is bigger than you can take. I do not have that required formal education as probaly you do and my track record is not that of the perfect trader)

..."if you are doing this...you should..." (Vice President of Banker's Trust & Co.);
..."Why are you not working for me?" (CEO, UBS-Brunswick).

and there are of course others, who are threatened of competition and possibility to lost their job or those who are trying to follow...

I am an amature in the profession...so you can call it as you like...
but in the meantime I will continue looking for ...

attached is another letter of interest to a well known fund manager (see DAX/NASDAQ prediction)

If I think it's a scam it's bigger that I can take ?

If you employ such argumentation, it MUST be a scam. To attempt to belittle someone that questions you is the hallmark of the scammer.

As for the letter of interest - you are obviously still seeking employemt here, so it's hardly as if that accounts for anything. Of course, a letter or RECOMMENDATION is a different matter completely.

Scammer - 100%
How would it have been, if I've had money and set up a fund))) or just a have had partner for that?

Well I do not see any interest to beat around the bush, here is my full profile. anyway it is not secret as was presented to a western bank (UBS). once I've been in the same lift with Mr. G.*issinger .....why did not I ask him for money?)))))))

Believe me or not that this is the best trading system you can "buy" online)))). but I reject offers to put it into code.

Also I have another thread with some paper trading records, but I think they are irrelevant.

so combine the two threads and make your conclusions.

Try your skills here if you have the necessary people skills

"that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught".....strange and limited concept

The Chinese proverb for example reads as ...there should be one teacher between the three people walking in the street
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If I think it's a scam it's bigger that I can take ?

If you employ such argumentation, it MUST be a scam. To attempt to belittle someone that questions you is the hallmark of the scammer.

As for the letter of interest - you are obviously still seeking employemt here, so it's hardly as if that accounts for anything. Of course, a letter or RECOMMENDATION is a different matter completely.

Scammer - 100%

well I have this...


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