Felix With A criminal Record ( Forexpeacearmy Under Governmental Investigations)


Most of us of course know about forexpeacearmy and it's forex reviews that a huge number of traders follow their judgement in everything related to forex ....... THEY ARE NOW UNDER GOVERNMENTAL INVESTIGATION !!!!!
believe that or not that is actually the truth

the US Court of Appeals and the Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a complaint charging Dmitri Chavkerov, a former Forex Peace Army And Forex Diamonds.”

Financial Newspaper ( 25/8)
i coudn't believe you anyway because felix homogratus is not an ordinary person , he is the heart of the forex industry , man you need to concentrate more in what you say.
who makes you this adoring?
anyway check your google search about forexpeacearmy
I really don't know about all the other things he sells but he sends out a email everday for free which is quite useful.
I really don't know about all the other things he sells but he sends out a email everday for free which is quite useful.

I'm with you on this one Gamma, I too enjoy his video and have learnt from him - I have never bought anything from him though!
There are stacks on things on him around the internet. Look at some of the scam sites.

He has been arrested for fraud before.

Usual thing, start another site. Get closed, start another site.
He pumps his sites and anything he has a finger in.

Surely his 'name' is a bit dodgy. 'Homogratus'

Free man.

He probably came up with that after being released.

There was another thread on here a couple of weeks ago about the same thing.
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The thing is not get sucked into his web and not believe all the sales talk he adds to his email.
If you just use his email it saves you a lot of work.
Most of us of course know about forexpeacearmy and it's forex reviews that a huge number of traders follow their judgement in everything related to forex ....... THEY ARE NOW UNDER GOVERNMENTAL INVESTIGATION !!!!!
believe that or not that is actually the truth

the US Court of Appeals and the Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a complaint charging Dmitri Chavkerov, a former Forex Peace Army And Forex Diamonds.”

Financial Newspaper ( 25/8)

Is that why the link in the email is not working?
confirmed gov't investigations

I was chatting with Felix yesterday on Facebook and he confirmed that.

The NFA and other governmental institutions investigating with Felix and he picked a good attorney called Fred Neroni.
He said "Fred Neron is the only attorney around here that I would hate to take on in court.
All of that is negative averment Whenever someone says you did something, the burden of proof lies with them - they have to prove their statement."

Felix during the chat was very angry and aggressive
I think he is shutting down
Im glad to hear it. But when he goes there will be more like him. I heard he has been part of the largest internet fraud in American history with literally thousands of sites. Crazy name crazy person as they say.
It has to be said while I despise what he stands for, people are too greedy these days and want to believe ******** without due diligence. I met a mentor in his room who is a solid guy and who really transformed my trading approach, so every cloud has a silver lining...
I'm with you on this one Gamma, I too enjoy his video and have learnt from him - I have never bought anything from him though!

Glad to see the email is working again,He sent out explanation email with some war story quite amusing really he makes it sound like he is some sort of Good crusade warrior but all in all the email is back on so thats good
Forex Peace Army SCAAAM

Glad to see the email is working again,He sent out explanation email with some war story quite amusing really he makes it sound like he is some sort of Good crusade warrior but all in all the email is back on so thats good

hey guys did you believe it 😉
there is no any proof for what is written in the mail and the website, I think he is trying to hide his failure with another failure because this is what he used to do.
Russian Attack 😀
who can believe that 😀 seems like a movie but I saw it before and Felix should think in new movie to make the people believe
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Forexpeacearmy Good Site ?

hey guys did you believe it 😉
there is no any proof for what is written in the mail and the website, I think he is trying to hide his failure with another failure because this is what he used to do.
Russian Attack 😀
who can believe that 😀 seems like a movie but I saw it before and Felix should think in new movie to make the people believe

Hi all I have read the blogs, but not real proof about any of the topics discussed here.

I've stumbled across the forexpeacearmy site when searching MACD strategies as I did when I came to this site.

I've read the information on the site and it appears to be very good. I've looked at the so called cases actually involving the investigations of those who are supposedly after this Felix person; and found the ones saying things about Felix,actually many of them have turned out to be scams and have ended up in jail or also left the country etc.. It would appear from the site that many of the scams are out to shut down this Felix person because he is exposing them for what they are.

Am I wrong ?
Have you visited the site to do any due diligence on this subject or simply believe everything in the blogs out there?
I think that the explainations given by this group on their site appear credible, that they are aware of the attacks and have expressed they know exactly what is going on here.
I must say that I have not found anything on the site that would appear to be a scam.
I enjoy free access to the trading signals and the information seems to be good.
Daily trading signals for free, how can that be a scam?
Please describe the scam part for me so that people can understand exactly what is meant here ?
I do see some of the trading companies which I believe he has indicated on the site which ones he is directly involved with and which ones he charges for. Also which ones are owned by someone else.
Also there is a review section for the members to post their reviews ? Please explain this part ? It would appear very transparent ?

What is the problem with having a trading signal site and charging money for it anyhow ?
Even if he's wrong about his signals in some peoples opinion, however I've seen many reviews on the web about those same signal sites and people have also made money with them as well.

I can't say that all the talking points here have convinced me that this Felix person is a scam.But it sounds like you would like people to believe this.
If it's true I would like more information, and if it's not true then perhaps you should retract this statement without this Felix person being able to defend himself

There is always 2) sides to every story; and if you only have one side then it's highly probably that you are wrong. Everyone needs both sides of the story in order to make an educated decision about anything.
I see the same thing in politics. People voting for the home team and don't even know the persons name their voting for. I've personally witnessed this. So I'm inclined not to believe these statements here until I know both sides of the story.

Please clarify further.
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Hi all I have read the blogs, but not real proof about any of the topics discussed here.
I've stumbled across the forexpeacearmy site when searching MACD strategies as I did when I came to this site.
I've read the information on the site and it appears to be very good. I've looked at the so called cases actually involving the investigations of those who are supposedly after this Felix person; and found the ones saying things about Felix, actually many of them have turned out to be scams and have ended up in jail or also left the country etc... It would appear from the site that many of the scams are out to shut down this Felix person because he is exposing them for what they are.

Tell You what? 🙂 First of all Nice to meet you and I want to tell you that I like your way in defending and your loyalty for Felix...
The Blogs that are published was published by different individuals as I noticed from search engines, and there are about 778 different posts in all blogs. I get tired to classify them clearly and I found that every post is made to show a special event happening for us and killing us but who knows...
MACD is an important indicator from the 1st 100 important indicators in trading for stocks, futures, forex and all trading charts but the usage will differ from one investment to another because of time frames and market volatility. There are about 120 forex broker online and all of them talking about indicators not only one indicator, there is also stockcharts that represent a very big school for beginners to learn and try technical analysis, so they didn't published the impossible as you want to tell us.
What else Felix is providing in his website that represents good information? Each day I get an email trying to sell for me new unknown services, and when I open the website I see all the time fake reviews, fake testimonials, fake trends as signals, many things is fake in order to make a huge propaganda for traders.
Forex Traders exactly like alcoholic drinks, if you show your fire near of them they will burn and raise and make traffic in your website 😉
How come a broker is listed in the black list folder on forexpeacearmy and still working?
I want to say that there is no entered the jail except Felix and his girl friend and this reveal the attitude, and the popularity of these characters.
No broker left his country and no broker closed his operations but let's see who closed his operation:

kingforexsignlas and wpips are two different news and signal services till 6 months ago but now they became one service rather than two services. So Felix closed one of his services and this is number one.

MB Trading is a brokerage firm and regulated by NFA and not owned by Felix but Robert Grespi and Felix are partners in the brokerage firm and don't ask for a proof because online services can't show who is the true owner or partners because they are intangible services and not related to existing building working on the ground, EFX group is an Introducing broker for FXCM and also owned by Robert Grespi and Felix.... Now the both are one without any announcement on the web and if you tried to open EFX Group will redirect you to MB Trading and this is number two.

spartanforexfund was unknown signal service and have many topics in Felix website and all the topics are marketing topics for this service, when I tried to open this website I see from the welcoming message that they under construction and not working... Now when I opened it I found "Due to privacy laws of Switzerland, this website had to be shut down." and this is number three

forex*******s was the start of Felix and was targeting the provocation of online brokers and announcing fake reviews, now the website is redirecting you to forexpeacearmy do you know why?
Felix is trying to make a brand name for his services and no one can make from a bad name a good brand name.
forex*******s give the user attacking impression
forexpeacearmy give the user defending impression
and for that he changed the domain name to be forexpeacearmy but he still with his original bad attitude.

Anyone of us should be proud of his name all the time and should appear for all the world with his name, Felix is not the real name but Dmitri Chavkerov is the real one but he can't show it because he can't use it because he is listed in the black list of FBI and the ICE.
I heard that his real name not also Dmitri and its Hoffman or Coffman as I think
What do you think now? What about that? Where is the truth?
Think well who is going to take your money and go another country or use another website as what happened.
Am I wrong?
Have you visited the site to do any due diligence on this subject or simply believe everything in the blogs out there?
I think that the explanations given by this group on their site appear credible, that they are aware of the attacks and have expressed they know exactly what is going on here.
I must say that I have not found anything on the site that would appear to be a scam.
I enjoy free access to the trading signals and the information seems to be good.
Daily trading signals for free, how can that be a scam?
Please describe the scam part for me so that people can understand exactly what is meant here?
I do see some of the trading companies which I believe he has indicated on the site which ones he is directly involved with and which ones he charges for. Also which ones are owned by someone else.
Also there is a review section for the members to post their reviews? Please explain this part ? It would appear very transparent?
I'm one of people that have a point of view and you have another point of view and each one us is like to be like he used to be. So you are not wrong and you should not say that I'm wrong because it's not clear till now but I want to tell you one thing I have read it as a comment in a website
If A saying bad mouth about B
And If C, D, E, F, G, H ... And Z saying that A is not good and is a scam
So why we should say that B is the scam??
It's clear now as I think that A is forexpeacearmy, B is one of the brokers that listed in the black list folder and C, D, E, F, G, ....and Z are clients and traders.
ForexPeacearmy sends everyday signals to traders, right?
So if they are doing that why they should sell a signal service not related to them to the same traders that they are sending the FREE signals every day? Is This a Trick?
yes It's and clear for me that it's a trick because if it was recommendations so it will be published on the forums, and if it is advertising I think there is no broker can advertise and promote another broker.
You may enjoy the free signals now and you may lose from the free signals after your enjoyment because the main target of forexpeacearmy is the fire not anything else
What I want to say that they will not be able to say bad mouth about brokers without complaints from traders and no traders is making profits and complaining his broker
so there must be a huge loss to do that and this will help them a lot to publish the imaginations and scam stories that they are doing.
I think that I gave you more than seven examples that show my point of view and what I have understand from the hundreds of websites and thousands of blogs that they say more than my words.

What is the problem with having a trading signal site and charging money for it anyhow?
Even if he's wrong about his signals in some people's opinion, however I've seen many reviews on the web about those same signal sites and people have also made money with them as well.
I can't say that all the talking points here have convinced me that this Felix person is a scam. But it sounds like you would like people to believe this.
If it's true I would like more information, and if it's not true then perhaps you should retract this statement without this Felix person being able to defend himself

Forexpeaceearmy have reviews for signal services, brokers, forex forums, news providers, money managers
Where can I go to publish my review about forexpeacearmy, forexdiamond, wpips, kingforexsignals, mbtrading, efx group, secretnewsweapon, and his other websites?
There is many places but The Greater Felix 🙂 SCAMMED them all and fired between traders the sufficient fire to kill from them but in forums we can talk and we can meet felix and his employees plus also we can meet Robert Grespi (Pharaoh as I heard)
So let's invite them and invite the black list folder here or anywhere and talk in each issue and see the judge of the people here and there.

There is always 2) sides to every story; and if you only have one side then it's highly probably that you are wrong. Everyone needs both sides of the story in order to make an educated decision about anything.
I see the same thing in politics. People voting for the home team and don't even know the person's name their voting for. I've personally witnessed this. So I'm inclined not to believe these statements here until I know both sides of the story.

I think we are not talking about The Greatest Ales sander to say these greatest words 🙂
If this is all true, that is too bad because I felt that that website was actually useful if just for seeing user reviews.

So many scammers in forex that it's like you can't trust anyone.

I have not ties to the forexpeacearmy.com nor do I to the T2W Day Trading forum.

All I can say at this point is that after much investigation;and no desire have the results be one way or the other.I can say I think Felix has a nice site, offers free signal service with positive results; and the forum members can confirm this and they do so regularly.

I did find the additional services/signal sections which are stated plainly the affiliations or connections to the forexpeace army. I don't subscribe to them currently but many in the forums do and appear happy with the service.

As far as leaving your rating for either of their services, you can surely do that as well it is on the site for your to review and leave feedback, however I would suggest it only fair to try the services first before attempting to leave honest feedback, but I get the impression people just want to leave a rating without even reviewing anything.

Once again all these so called investigations and subjects which are all found throughout the web are communicated on the site and can be found in the Investigation section. Also you can email the guy himself and ask question which is what I did and I received very clear and explained answers.

I think after all my investigation it appears pretty clear what is going on here. Why not get involved and talk with the guy and see for yourself.

I'm not even any type of big time trader, i'm trading micro lots for crying out loud, but I've been testing my own strategy for 2 years in a demo before going live.
I've recently been watching the free signals services in the forexpeacearmy.com and they appear to be pretty good in my opion. However, I don't trade them and do not trade news. I'm a technical trader, but I've been watching those free signals and they are good from what I can tell they appear to have good logic and appear to be giving steady gains.

I don't know what else to tell anyone. My personal experience has been pleasant and the site is easy to navigate and the members leave ratings.I post on that forum just like any other forum.

I asked questions about the subject of him and his wife and he explained it plainly.
I was very satisfied with the explanation.

Once again I have no loyalty to this person at all and I don't know him from Adam.I found the site browsing around. And actually searched reviews of the site prior to signing up to the forums. I was curious about what I read so I investigated. I did the same when I enrolled with MTI trading education package. And also found some negative reviews from disgruntled members,but after my research I purchased their service and was happy with it in spite of some negative reviews, and people claiming similar scam and fraud claims against the MTI education package. So I'm familiar with the drill in the blogs, people have to do some research I know, but eventually you have to take the chance and just try things and make your own opinion about it.I ended up very happy with my MTI package best money I ever spent.Anyhow back to forexpeacearmy, I get my email signal everyday and login to the site where it's posted publicly to members and the archives which you can review to see if they hold up.
I can't say after all this investigation that this person is a scam at all.If he was I would surely like to know about it because I don't want to deal with scams, but I don't see how I could be scammed using free signal services if I did use them.You can select from the long Giant list of Brokers,Signal Generators,Non Brokers, and Education reviews listed there on the site. Anyone can easily sign up for the forum, and post an honest review. From what I understand they will screen them slightly to determine if there is simply an intent to rate a service you have never used or if it's malicious. And thats for all the reviews not just the ones for his own services. If someone leaves a bad review for his service it's up on the site.

It's was fairly easy in my opinion for anyone wanting to know anything about it to find out. I was not familiar with it at all initially which why I started asking around because of the negative reviews etc.. But since have learned quite a bit about the conditions that are prompting the negative feedback on the blogs and I have to agree that there is not much to them in my opinion.

I hope everyone would do the same before making any judgments. This persons has returned my questions and answered everything satisfactory.

Happy trading to all.
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Confirmation For My Opinion

I have not ties to the forexpeacearmy.com nor do I to the T2W Day Trading forum.
All I can say at this point is that after much investigation; and no desire have the results be one way or the other.I can say I think Felix has a nice site, offers free signal service with positive results; and the forum members can confirm this and they do so regularly.
I did find the additional services/signal sections which are stated plainly the affiliations or connections to the forexpeace army. I don't subscribe to them currently but many in the forums do and appear happy with the service.
You May have no ties with them but I believe that they have a very good link with you which is forexpeacearmy..
Don't take it personally; we are just discussing some main points around us morning and nights...
I opened the last mail and the last signals 12-5-2008 and I found the opposite on my charts, plus the trading signals that they are giving to the people are just economic indicators that are available in any economic indicator and news events if you noticed that. So they are not doing the impossible mission as you think and others think. I'm not saying that they are not good, but we have to look to the overall performance ad find the tricks and manage it:
1- Felix is sending emails with his free signal service (Free to attract Forex Traders)
2- Felix has chosen to send Free Signals (Let's highlight this in our brains)
3- Felix has added Reviews (broker reviews, signals providers reviews, etc) which take the largest area in the website
4- Felix gain the credablilty not from his un-working signals but from his Fake service 'Free Forex Signals"
5- Felix is selling what? Felix is selling to the traders: forexdiamonds, wpips, fxnewswiz, mbtrading and secretnewsweapon. The five are Trading Signlas, Trading news, and a forex broker.
If he is providing free signlas so why he is selling them again? because he is not provide free signals he is just play with traders brains and thoughts and feelings. It's an online marketing strategy to hold between your hands the clients clicks and sensitives. I have experince in these strategies and I know how to operate it well as Felix and for that I'm here with my warning.
Example on the ground:
Go Down Stairs now and walk on the street and loudly scream and say THIEF THIEF. For sure all people will look to you and look for what you are saying and telling about. some of them will run toward your signlas and your voice and those are traders that beleive at once, some of them will join your voice and will say the same words like you and those are the traders that non decsion maker and they choose another one to make a decison for them, some of people will stay watching without taking any decison because they used to do so and the rest of people will understand and believe that there is a thief in this area and will transfer the message between each others like that.
If you did the same example online you will be the same as Felix because he started his business like that with his website forexb--tards
I'm Wrong?
6- Felix is selling to brokers Advertising only on his website: I noticed that there is no scam case revolved with a broker publishing on Forexpeacearmy ads 😉
7- Propaganda: is the dissemination of information aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of large numbers of people. And this is done in your Mail inbox when you find the following titles:
Banks are failing. Are your assets safe?, The FPA is at War, A Scam Company Closed and the Scammers Get Deported, Brokers Sometimes Surprise Us. When You open the mail and click on the link you will find impressive story telling you that there us a scam broker without adding into consideration the relation between the trader and this broker. why all the times that broker is a scam? why all the time the trader is legit? what if this trader brock up the brokers' rules? what if the trader make frauds and money laundering? Are all these questions solved before in ForexPeaceArmy? No because he can't do something like that and if he did he will play with people hearts and he may be discovered and peopled go away from his website.
As far as leaving your rating for either of their services, you can surely do that as well it is on the site for your to review and leave feedback, however I would suggest it only fair to try the services first before attempting to leave honest feedback, but I get the impression people just want to leave a rating without even reviewing anything.
Who is the admin of these reviews? Who shall accept and who shall publish? what can be accepted and what should not? Is everything will be accepted? If yes try to post anti reviews about ForexPeaceArmy or forexdiamond or any other related project
I tried there but no action taken and nothing is published there why? Because there is no answer.
If I asked anyone here now about this attitude what he can say? It's called Dictatorial Reviews.
Once again all these so called investigations and subjects which are all found throughout the web are communicated on the site and can be found in the Investigation section. Also you can email the guy himself and ask question which is what I did and I received very clear and explained answers.
I think after all my investigation it appears pretty clear what is going on here. Why not get involved and talk with the guy and see for yourself.
I'm not even any type of big time trader, i'm trading micro lots for crying out loud, but I've been testing my own strategy for 2 years in a demo before going live.
I've recently been watching the free signals services in the forexpeacearmy.com and they appear to be pretty good in my opion. However, I don't trade them and do not trade news. I'm a technical trader, but I've been watching those free signals and they are good from what I can tell they appear to have good logic and appear to be giving steady gains.
I don't know what else to tell anyone. My personal experience has been pleasant and the site is easy to navigate and the members leave ratings.I post on that forum just like any other forum.
All of these very enough for adding good rate for forexpeacearmy, so don't tell us that you are not loyal for them because these nice words reveal the opposite...
I asked questions about the subject of him and his wife and he explained it plainly.
I was very satisfied with the explanation.
Why you didn't tell us here about these fake marriage and how felix get boasted before and why he is not showing his real name?
Once again I have no loyalty to this person at all and I don't know him from Adam.
Who is Adam?
I found the site browsing around. And actually searched reviews of the site prior to signing up to the forums. I was curious about what I read so I investigated. I did the same when I enrolled with MTI trading education package. And also found some negative reviews from disgruntled members,but after my research I purchased their service and was happy with it in spite of some negative reviews, and people claiming similar scam and fraud claims against the MTI education package.
Wonderful world of marketing and I'm wondering that you purchased their service and at the same time you are using the free service how and why?.
So I'm familiar with the drill in the blogs, people have to do some research I know, but eventually you have to take the chance and just try things and make your own opinion about it.
Fisherman may use many ways to fish a fish but the important that the fish can't discover the trap
You may not say that Felix is a scam but we have to continue our discussion about Felix and the black list Folder that he is keeping in his website to be used as marketing tool and send us daily scam mails about legit brokers

Read This Again

WOW this is a very strange response coming from someone I don't know, about someone else I don't know. I must say this seem a bit revealing about your agenda or at least suspicious.
Very strange response at the very least.

Did you even read my post or did you sift through it to simply post a rebuttal.

You May have no ties with them but I believe that they have a very good link with you which is forexpeacearmy..
Don't take it personally; we are just discussing some main points around us morning and nights.

I told you I don't have any ties to them, Your now calling me a liar and you don't know me from Adam, and as I've said I don't know Felix from Adam. Who is Adam you say ? This is my point exactly I don't know Adam either. He is another person I don't know. You can't tell me that you never heard the statement (I don't know you from Adam ) ? Have you never heard of this before.
I also told you I have NO ties to T2W2 do you believe this or are you calling me a liar on this also.

Let me explain this for you because your very confused here. You seem to be the type of person who sees conspiracy all around you.

I have been in the environmental construction business for 26 years.Installation of fuel storage tanks and equipment. I am currently semi retired since Jan,2006; and my wife and I have been married for 18 years and have no children but have several pets. I purchased the house I was born in from my father. I have a very stable relationship with my wife, my family,MOM,DAD,brothers and sisters.We foster kitten from time to time from the Alley Cat Rescue when they get overloaded we take some in temporarily. My wife and I operate a small part time used equipment sales business for extra income. Selling junk local and some online sales ebay etc. Also I've been learning to trade over the past 2 years. I've read forums and became members, I've purchased education packages before and also developed my own technical trading strategy. I'm not a news trader but during the process of selecting a broker I stumbled across the T2W and a few others FXforums, forexpeacearmy etc.
Am I a scam ? Did I do the wrong thing here ?
As I've stated I'm a micro lot trader for CRYING out loud and not a very good one either. How in the heck can you say I have ties to forexpeacearmy. As I've stated in my topic title your response appears a bit revealing or suspicious at best.
I opened the last mail and the last signals 12-5-2008 and I found the opposite on my charts, plus the trading signals that they are giving to the people are just economic indicators that are available in any economic indicator and news events if you noticed that. So they are not doing the impossible mission as you think and others think. I'm not saying that they are not good, but we have to look to the overall performance ad find the tricks and manage it:
Thats wonderful that you have been studying the FREE signals as I have. As you have stated you have received an email. But forgot to mention you can review the complete signal history in the forums. I've been reviewing them and can go back on the charts and review both the news and the charts to determine if the FREE signals provided are any good. I personally researched this and found them OK, not great, but good enough to make positive gains from in my opinion. But I seem to be re-hashing all the things I've already stated in my first post which gives me cause to wonder if you understood what I posted or did you read it ?
1- Felix is sending emails with his free signal service (Free to attract Forex Traders)
2- Felix has chosen to send Free Signals (Let's highlight this in our brains)
3- Felix has added Reviews (broker reviews, signals providers reviews, etc) which take the largest area in the website
4- Felix gain the credablilty not from his un-working signals but from his Fake service 'Free Forex Signals"
5- Felix is selling what? Felix is selling to the traders: forexdiamonds, wpips, fxnewswiz, mbtrading and secretnewsweapon.
1. I agree
2.I agree (yes lets highlight this) FREE nice just like when I offer my FREE time to foster kittens for Alley Cats Rescue.
3. I agree, however the admin whoever this is Felix or some other perhaps, is not adding the actual reviews, but the members of the forum as with any other review forum.As I've also stated previously as well.
4.Unworking signals ? I don't subscribe or receive any of the paid services on the forexpeacearmy site,so I can't agree or disagree if they work or not.Your remark about the FAKE Free signals is not accurate as I've stated I receive the signals and also information on how to interpret the information. Also recommendations for buy/sell/stop and target ranges. How can it be FAKE when you yourself said that you receive the email 12-5-08.
5.Pehaps this is true, So What's wrong with selling signal services. I was planning on doing something similar once I develop a winning strategy.Unfortunately I've got nothing to sell thats worth anything right now LOL, but perhaps someday. But I can say if the paid services are anything like the FREE ones I'm happy to give it a try to be the judge for myself.
If he is providing free signlas so why he is selling them again? because he is not provide free signals he is just play with traders brains and thoughts and feelings. It's an online marketing strategy to hold between your hands the clients clicks and sensitives
Well, this can be explained pretty easily. I was considering my own trading signal site, which currently is a joke Interactive Consumers Link I don't offer any signals to anyone I don't know and the site will always be free, I plan to make money mostly from the chat room chat which pays a portion of the advertising spam in the chat room etc. But I don't feel it's ethical now until I develop my strategy a bit more. Anyhow to make the case. I have more then one strategy, one is better then the other. I could easily offer free service and let people see that I know what I'm talking about and helping them make some pips, and if they like they get subscribe to a more premium service which would offer more pips or perhaps more trades etc. This is not hard to explain and I do understand the marketing concept behind offering FREE services to get subscriber it's quit elementary. But to my understanding the different signal services offered are not run by Felix but other people. How can you be in a Trading room giving live trading signals and also in another room offering a different type of strategy at the same time ? Easy answer is you can't be in 2 places at the same time. The signals are offered in a LIVE Video cast environment from what I've researched and it would be stupid to offer different services of exactly the same thing with a different name. This is surely not the case.
Example on the ground:
Go Down Stairs now and walk on the street and loudly scream and say THIEF THIEF. For sure all people will look to you and look for what you are saying and telling about. some of them will run toward your signlas and your voice and those are traders that beleive at once, some of them will join your voice and will say the same words like you and those are the traders that non decsion maker and they choose another one to make a decison for them, some of people will stay watching without taking any decison because they used to do so and the rest of people will understand and believe that there is a thief in this area and will transfer the message between each others like that.
If you did the same example online you will be the same as Felix because he started his business like that with his website forexb--tards
I'm Wrong?
I'm sorry but this answer is simply inadequate and does not really answer much of anything. If I understand your implications is that because forexpeace army is yelling THIEF that somehow this implicates them as the SCAM, however when you search the web about forexpeacearmy you would find that it appears to be mostly others yelling THIEF THIEF about the forexpeacearmy. I would suggest that your example sort of implicates the ones who are yelling THIEF to be SCAMS according to your own example. I don't think you intended it that way but it would appear to work both ways. I don't know for sure if forexpeacearmy or the owners are legit or scams in all honesty. But I'm getting the impression that without any research or actually subscribing to the signals there appears to be many who would say that they are SCAMS.Per your example would implicate that the ones yelling THIEF are the would be scams.As I said I don't think that you meant it that way but as you can see it does work both ways.Anyhow I don't think this example means much of anything but rhetorical non-sense, but fun to debate anyhow LOL.
6- Felix is selling to brokers Advertising only on his website: I noticed that there is no scam case revolved with a broker publishing on Forexpeacearmy ads
Yes I agree he is selling brokers Advertising, no big deal there. But to correct your confusion here there are scam cases revolved with broker published on the site and the ads were quickly removed and that broker ads are banned. In fact I recently received an email regarding the matter. If you subcribe to the free signals you would have received or should have received it as well.But also note that the SCAM rating is different then the members reviews/ratings the SCAM area is a feature that users/members can also access to post a SCAM and provide any such documentation for the Forexpeacearmy to investigate and determine whether is was a scam or misunderstanding etc. And if it was a SCAM the Investigation TEAM will attempt to take some sort of action to file complaints with NFA and/or help the member recover any funds or have the broker take corrective actions in the even of an error etc. Typically the results are posted on the site as well, and if there is NO SCAM it's posted that it's not a SCAM or if it's just something thats not a scam but perhaps questionable activity then it's stated as much. You have to read the stuff on the site to find this out.I
7- Propaganda: is the dissemination of information aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of large numbers of people. And this is done in your Mail inbox when you find the following titles:
Banks are failing. Are your assets safe?, The FPA is at War, A Scam Company Closed and the Scammers Get Deported, Brokers Sometimes Surprise Us. When You open the mail and click on the link you will find impressive story telling you that there us a scam broker without adding into consideration the relation between the trader and this broker.
Actually it's obvious you have not research on this topic other then to figure out how to rebuttal everything. Honestly I wonder if you ever visited the site,
The relationship with the user to broker and all other information appears to be considered in my opinion and I actually read the reports and enjoy the emails. By the way it's not the forexpeacearmy who the one complaining it's an actual trader. Why would a trader need or want to complain all the time ? they don't only when something strange occurs or if they have been ripped off.
why all the times that broker is a scam? why all the time the trader is legit? what if this trader brock up the brokers' rules? what if the trader make frauds and money laundering?
Nice hypothetical rebut, but the broker NO SCAM page is not what the site is about.It's about warning people of scams.So the NO SCAM brokers would not be listed, and those brokers that are scams also have the links to the complaints that are posted with the NFA if they are a registered broker.It's really quite elementary why the brokers scams are listed and why the Good brokers are not listed as scams because the good brokers get to advertise with the site.If a trader is money laundering then they will be in jail and you don't have to worry about them leaving a rating or SCAM report on forexpeacearmy site.Unless of course it's from a computer in klink(jail)LOL.
And if they broke the broker rules I think thats easy too, then the broker would not be reported as a SCAM, however if those rules are in them self a scam or unethical then I guess that could be posted in the other section of unresolved cases with recommendation not to use that broker.
Are all these questions solved before in ForexPeaceArmy?
Well Yes they are asked and some may be solved but that is what the investigation team is for to get to the bottom of things.If it goes unresolved then it goes into a separate section and may not end up in the SCAM section.
Who is the admin of these reviews? Who shall accept and who shall publish? what can be accepted and what should not? Is everything will be accepted? If yes try to post anti reviews about ForexPeaceArmy or forexdiamond or any other related project
I tried there but no action taken and nothing is published there why? Because there is no answer.
If I asked anyone here now about this attitude what he can say? It's called Dictatorial Reviews.
Well this could be called moderated reviews and it's a good idea because people want to mess things up, and as you stated you tried to post a anti review. Did you actually have bad review to post and did you subscribe and have knowledge about the subject or did you just try to post something to see if it would get posted.From your post your text here is sounds like you simply tried to post something for kicks to see if negative reviews would be posted. And they would have seen right thru that a mile away. But they will evaluate that or moderate that. Many forums do that which is good otherwise your whole forum will have nothing but Viagra ads and links posted all over it.
All of these very enough for adding good rate for forexpeacearmy, so don't tell us that you are not loyal for them because these nice words reveal the opposite...
Who is this us you keep talking about? Do you speak for the whole forum ? I'm responding to you? I've already covered this topic and I think it's quit self explanatory I have no loyalty to anyone and cannot really rate the forexpeacearmy as good either way.I can only say I am for honesty and truth and getting to the bottom of things.I don't really care one way or the other, but from my personal research all I can say is that I have found nothing in the google searches or in any forums that could really prove anything substantial to me. And as I've also stated previously but now repeating myself again that I have researched and asked and questioned the forums and moderator about the things that I've found on the net.I received adequate very explanatory responses. I"m happy with the answers I've received and thats about all I can tell you.It continues to become apparent that you have an agenda here.If it's so important to show that this guy is a scam can you please provide some real information other then cutting and pasting stuff on the net. I've read all that already. And also I've read many forums out there who have cut and pasted much of the same.All these questions can be answered directly from the source at forexpeacearmy and there is not doubt you will be happy with the answers. I can't say anything about their paid signal services as I've stated many many times now, but can only say I do happen to like the site and the information there from what I've been reading and will continue to enjoy the FREE email signals and reviews. I don't know if I'll try any of the paid services or not, but as I've also stated I'm not a news trader I'm a technical trader so it's doubtful that I will.
Why you didn't tell us here about these fake marriage and how felix get boasted before and why he is not showing his real name?
WHAT ? I don't even understand the question so I'll pass on this one.
Who is Adam?
This is the whole point, I don't know either ? As I've said I don't know Felix from Adam. Do you get it now ?
Wonderful world of marketing and I'm wondering that you purchased their service and at the same time you are using the free service how and why?
I know this sounds harsh but you are confused.MTI education package is not related to forexpeacearmy at all.I purchased MTI educations package and also their charting and access to their mentorship program which I loved. But I hate windows and have switched to linux based operating system only. So the MTI charting and features of the mentorship and trading room would not work for me, so I had to give it up. It was a tough choice for me but I had to cut out Windows Operating system so I had to sacrifice the MTI charting and other offerings.
As far as getting free signal service goes,no reason really, just adding to the list of other FREE signal services that I recieve via email I have many free signals coming in my email from other sites all day long. FXwintrader etc and many more. Some are good some are not. And also from other sites that have a chart window with live indicator trading signals posted on the web. They have good ones in my opinio. All FREE.FREE signal services is good because I don't want to pay for them really.
But if I find something I like I have no problem paying for it.But also some of the sites just have cool people and other traders just looking for stuff to do while their waiting for a good setup on their charts etc.Or waiting for an alert to go off or something. So they can have fun reviewing the free signals and if they like em.
Fisherman may use many ways to fish a fish but the important that the fish can't discover the trap
You may not say that Felix is a scam but we have to continue our discussion about Felix and the black list Folder that he is keeping in his website to be used as marketing tool and send us daily scam mails about legit brokers
Look I think there could be 2 subjects here going on. Legit and unethical are 2 different things and some of those SCAM reports I agree may not be actual SCAM Legality reports but perhaps unethical practice reports and that is good enough for me.I don't want to be scammed and I don't want to be ripped off. Strange you seem to saying that forexpeacearmy is a SCAM and THIEF for having such a report because the broker might in your opinion actually be legit who may be on the SCAM report ?
What do you think the SCAM report is all about anyhow ? It would appear to be self explainatory. If I get scammed by some broker, or even a broker that is non regulated, then if I wanted to I could post on the forexpeacearmy SCAM request etc. And they would investigate. They could determine that I'm stupid and did not read the rules of the broker as you pointed out, and then the broker would not be on the SCAM report. However, they could determine that the broker took advantage of me because their rules allow taking of money at the discretion of the broker as they see fit. In which case this would be unethical and they could end up on the SCAM report or unresolved report etc.
I do have to admit I'm confused by the fact that you appear to have a desire to defend all the broker on the SCAM report as being legit ? I think this is speaking volumes. If I"m wrong I apologize in advance, but it does sound very suspicious.
Well thats all I know,
Happy trading to all, and Merry Christmas
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Still Scam

WOW this is a very strange response coming from someone I don't know, about someone else I don't know. I must say this seem a bit revealing about your agenda or at least suspicious.
Very strange response at the very least.
Did you even read my post or did you sift through it to simply post a rebuttal.

For Sure You don't know me and no one here know you as well so what is the strange in that, this is a forum and a community for the interested ppl that have the ability to give a logic reply can be believed by others and it's not obligatory for me to like scam agency like forexpeacearmy I have the full freedom to say my opinion and you may don't like it but it's not only my opinion so consider not to be arrogant while you are replying.
Your Posts are the only posts that defend for these black forex team (BFT)

I told you I don't have any ties to them, Your now calling me a liar and you don't know me from Adam, and as I've said I don't know Felix from Adam. Who is Adam you say ? This is my point exactly I don't know Adam either. He is another person I don't know. You can't tell me that you never heard the statement (I don't know you from Adam ) ? Have you never heard of this before.
I also told you I have NO ties to T2W2 do you believe this or are you calling me a liar on this also.

I didn't mention in my words that you are lier and you can review again for more study and till now you mentioned Adam but you didn't told us about him and I have to ask you again who is this Adam.
Please let's go to the point not to change the main topic which is ForexPeaceArmy Scam Activities and I asked for more contribution from brokers also to show the volume of hatred that Inside Forex Market.

Let me explain this for you because your very confused here. You seem to be the type of person who sees conspiracy all around you.

I will not say that because any forum is talking about brokers in good reviews and bad also because this is trader's opinion and no one complaint before from trade2win or forexforumnow or moneytec or any other forum communities.
but in every where there is a complaint about fpa because I told you before that they are not honest at all and the free service that you are promoting here for them is useless and wrong most of the time and as more losers as more scam brokers.

Also I've been learning to trade over the past 2 years. I've read forums and became members, I've purchased education packages before and also developed my own technical trading strategy. I'm not a news trader but during the process of selecting a broker I stumbled across the T2W and a few others FXforums, forexpeacearmy etc.

I didn't ask for you and your wife story but we are talking about fpa and your story with them.
Could you tell us about your Real Name, nick name there, your age, your broker name to make the necessary investigation to make sure from your information credibility and disclosure.
because any one will read your posts will say that you have ties to them or may also say that you are Pharaoh (Robert).

I see you judging on me but you don't represent the whole public, yes you are not the crowd and you are not representing them so I will treat this reply as just your point of view and I from my point of view you are just doing some marketing for them and I see that many times in your words and the public also will see that and will tell us about the point.
You said that I added inadequate answer but I don't see more simple explanation than this one to let the people who like you understand but still there is something missing but I don't think that it's in my reply.
Your reply on my example wasn't sufficient and inadequate because you said if you searched but the traders are not searching inside the mails and no broker will send his traders telling them that forexpeacearmy is a scam and take care but forexpeacearmy is sending morning and night mails most of them go in my lovely spam folder because google is feeling that I hate them.

Could you read the TOS of any broker in the web and then tell me the broker name, then I will show you sentences in the TOS showing the rules of this broker but no one is caring like you
I'm not defending to scam brokers but I'm defending for good and ligit brokers and I hate MB Trading because It's belong to Felix and I'm investigating to find many other things that belong to Felix and we are discovering daily new things.