Trading universities

foroom lluzers

Veteren member
Are these courses worth it?£25,000 for a year in fees , 12 month course.

The MSc in Mathematical Trading & Finance prepares you employment opportunities in risk and working with instruments created by financial innovation.

MSc Algorithmic Trading

About the course
On our MSc Algorithmic Trading, we equip you with the core concepts and quantitative methods in high frequency finance, along with the operational skills to use state-of-the-art computational methods for financial modelling.

We enable you to attain an understanding of financial markets at the level of individual trades occurring over sub-millisecond timescales, and apply this to the development of real-time approaches to trading and risk-management.

Where do I buy day trading course ,option course , swing course , trend trading course , price action course technical anylysis course , trading psychology course ,spreadbetting course , professional trading course , scalping course , automation course and get screwed for money course?

Most professors who teach in business schools feel that most technical analysis rules are historic , and are aids for gamblers.Gamblers need a reason to bet , and technical anylysis gives gamblers the reason.

A recent study by finance professors at Massey University in New Zealand examined more than 5,000 technical trading rules to see if they added value. The authors found "no evidence that the profits to the technical trading rules we consider are greater than those that might be expected due to random data variation."

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach or write books to teach.
Prov. People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching or writing books about trading.

Are these real professors of trading ?below


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This innovative new MSc Trading and Financial Markets programme, offered in conjunction with OSTC (On Screen Trading Connections), a leading global trading company that specialises in exchange traded products, will prepare you for a career in financial trading and is open to undergraduates of all disciplines.

MSc Trading and Financial Markets

Which one shall I GO TO?
Don't bother applying to Cambridge. I emailed them for their students to sharpen up their financial forecasting skills and got a blunt " go away " message back.
Don't bother applying to Cambridge. I emailed them for their students to sharpen up their financial forecasting skills and got a blunt " go away " message back.

Somebody has to be in the 5% club taking money from the students!
It is most likely , that the one who go to universities will not lose any of their monies in trading , they will get jobs in trading departments of large banks.They will join the 5% club of traders who do not lose , because they will be trading the bank's money.

The 95% who lose , are likely to be from secondary education stream of courses , seminars , mentors , educators and coaches or non educated stream .

Search google hard for 95% traders lose or 95% traders lose due to psychology.

Are the above assumptions correct?
Are these courses worth it?£25,000 for a year in fees , 12 month course.

The MSc in Mathematical Trading & Finance prepares you employment opportunities in risk and working with instruments created by financial innovation.

MSc Algorithmic Trading

£25.000 is a lot of money for a course where I expect most of the info they put out can be found for free on the net.
They have the clever marketing hype but I don't see any verified past PROFITABLE results !!
Perhaps they would like to participate in our S&P 500 competition ?
£25.000 is a lot of money for a course where I expect most of the info they put out can be found for free on the net.
They have the clever marketing hype but I don't see any verified past PROFITABLE results !!
Perhaps they would like to participate in our S&P 500 competition ?

£25,000 is cheap if they end up in an investment bank earning £250,000 a year for 30 years , equals £7.5million profit .I know order entry clerks skills on fx are treated as traders , in large banks and are earning over £100k pa.

Just search hard on google for trading jobs pay etc
I saw with some amusement a few years ago what the top earners in banks are sometimes up to, to earn. The top man at Barclays Bank was sacked for financial irregularities to make huge profits. They have been caught doing illegal activities which shows how hard it is to make legal profits.
Even the high flyers of Wall Street, I suppose there are some, are virtually unknown elsewhere.
This rather calls into question - what is economics ?
Probably all Universities teach the subject but are they really just dredging up the past when surely the whole point is to consider the financial past, predict the financial future and optimise the financial present ?
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I saw with some amusement a few years ago what the top earners in banks are sometimes up to, to earn. The top man at Barclays Bank was sacked for financial irregularities to make huge profits. They have been caught doing illegal activities which shows how hard it is to make legal profits.
Even the high flyers of Wall Street, I suppose there are some, are virtually unknown elsewhere.

Example: A bond transaction/currency transaction has to be conducted through a bank , the bank trader is the execution agent between bank and instituition , bank trader will get 0.0001 or some similiar better fill and retaining as profit on 50m to several billion .This is what most bank traders do,other than repackaging and rebranding cdos (legal or illegal or may I put dishonestly with trickery).

This rather calls into question - what is economics ?
Probably all Universities teach the subject but are they really just dredging up the past when surely the whole point is to predict and optimise the future ?

Agree :Money is made in trading by either predicting the future or buying into opportunities , with consistently higher probability of success.
They will eventually find a course to provide better forecasting and trading anylytical skills. for it.

Most university courses are catering for industries of the past era , for which there are no future jobs.
£25.000 is a lot of money for a course where I expect most of the info they put out can be found for free on the net.
They have the clever marketing hype but I don't see any verified past PROFITABLE results !!
Perhaps they would like to participate in our S&P 500 competition ?

Even Goldbum Sucks would agree competition is good !!
Agree :Money is made in trading by either predicting the future or buying into opportunities , with consistently higher probability of success.
They will eventually find a course to provide better forecasting and trading anylytical skills. for it.

Most university courses are catering for industries of the past era , for which there are no future jobs.

Future jobs or the lack of them due to AI should be a big worry for the politicians. The future of financial trading itself is in some doubt from advances in AI. Humans can still compete though in many areas like social care.
Future jobs or the lack of them due to AI should be a big worry for the politicians. The future of financial trading itself is in some doubt from advances in AI. Humans can still compete though in many areas like social care.

I agree about jobs in general, but why trading? In a game like Go or Chess, you are competing directly with the AI, AI wins or you do. Humans will become obsolete there. In trading, it's you and 10,000 AI's versus 10,000 AI's. I don't see a big difference, you just need to pick the winning side and there always will be a winning side by definition of the market.
I agree about jobs in general, but why trading? In a game like Go or Chess, you are competing directly with the AI, AI wins or you do. Humans will become obsolete there. In trading, it's you and 10,000 AI's versus 10,000 AI's. I don't see a big difference, you just need to pick the winning side and there always will be a winning side by definition of the market.

I see your point but if traders are unable to make profits, firms will use AI systems instead and private traders are likely to give up and do something else. Perhaps be management instead ?
It would be interesting to see if any provided proof of effectiveness. Sitting in a classroom learning about Bollinger Bands is not what I would be interested in. They are explained at length for free on the net.
It would be interesting to see if any provided proof of effectiveness. Sitting in a classroom learning about Bollinger Bands is not what I would be interested in. They are explained at length for free on the net.

He is selling peak performance course for $795 , yet his supertrader course over 3 years is $52,500 .

A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.The pattern of this salesman ,is to sell little learning , it may be he is using the same little learning , in his supertrader course.

You do not trade the markets. You can only trade your beliefs about the markets.—Van K. Tharp.Can he give the profitable edge /system/method/beliefs about the market , if he cannot , then this education of his will be inneffective.

Mr. Allen was riffing off a famous line from Bernard Shaw's play Man and Superman, which includes the maxim, “He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches.”

He who teaches , does not trade ,he has no profitable skills to teach????
Are these courses worth it?£25,000 for a year in fees , 12 month course.

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach or write books to teach.
Prov. People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching or writing books about trading.

Are these real professors of trading ?below

I've heard this before, but its like comparing apples to oranges.

I know a very clever person who designs aeroplanes, but would I fly in one if HE built it, no way. You need a techie to tell you how to build it and an engineer to go out and actually build it.

We are the engineers and we need techies!