index trading


Junior member
I am interested in the success or failure of index trading that is predicting within 40 mins whether an index will rise or fall using betonmarkets as the trading platform

also interested if anyone has used global markets australia and if so are there results as good as they appear

they don't appear to have been going very long.

they mention managed accounts, sounds very dodgy, just ask any dillard/pousa subscriber what will likely happen to the funds :whistling
I am interested in the success or failure of index trading that is predicting within 40 mins whether an index will rise or fall using betonmarkets as the trading platform

also interested if anyone has used global markets australia and if so are there results as good as they appear


You will lose your money, 100% guaranteed. For a perfect example google Senen Poussa scam. He took millions using the same promises of easy riches.

Never trust Australians with your money.
They provided me for a week their trades and I set up a virtual account with bento markets
In 1 week I wud have made a profit of 2500
The are expensive to come on board
U can elect whether u wish them to place the bets or not. They provide daily the alerts to place a $100 on to win $200
Another one to google is Aussie Rob, same story, took a lot of money and promised the earth. I think he was offering index trading at some point.
They provided me for a week their trades and I set up a virtual account with bento markets
In 1 week I wud have made a profit of 2500
The are expensive to come on board
U can elect whether u wish them to place the bets or not. They provide daily the alerts to place a $100 on to win $200

Sounds like you've already fallen for it, presumably you were looking for us to tell you that you made a good decision, you didn't, you just lined yourself up to be scammed. You'll figure it out sooner or later.
They provided me for a week their trades and I set up a virtual account with bento markets
In 1 week I wud have made a profit of 2500
The are expensive to come on board
U can elect whether u wish them to place the bets or not. They provide daily the alerts to place a $100 on to win $200

If, at any point, you are asked for money your alarm bells should go off, big time. but let us know how you get on, although most of us, who have heard it all before, won't believe you, anyway, unless you lose it all.

Such is the power of the internet,
I have used them. So far have not made money but have not lost alot as I only bet 1%. I am very conservative and have opted for a trial period. Not quite sure what to think of it yet as they said to give it time.

The bet is in You control the money and you can take it out at any time. The GMA guys just send the alerts. They don't have access to your money.

Has anyone had any other views?
I think index trading would have to do with buying and selling index ETFs.
An ETF stands for "exchange traded fund" it is like a mutual fund, however the
shares are not purchased and redeemed, they are bought and sold on the open
I have used them. So far have not made money but have not lost alot as I only bet 1%. I am very conservative and have opted for a trial period. Not quite sure what to think of it yet as they said to give it time.

The bet is in You control the money and you can take it out at any time. The GMA guys just send the alerts. They don't have access to your money.

Has anyone had any other views?

Tks for the reply how long is your trial for, wendy
How is your trading going
Stay away from Global Markets Australia - not a good system, you'll lose money.

I know someone in my business breakfast group, the feedback was that they are not truthful and have tried and reel him in to pay for more expensive subscription once you lose your money. Frankly they are betting on that you make bigger gain after your loss if you pay more for their service - not going near it. They do charge alot and looks like their customer service is pretty aweful from what I hear.

Stay away.
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Tks. However for the past six weeks watched their results and been on their trial and the do have a good success rate
They publish all their results
Very expensive but their returns good
U don't have to give them your money apart from the package u can manage yourself
Cheers and tks
Tks. However for the past six weeks watched their results and been on their trial and the do have a good success rate
They publish all their results
Very expensive but their returns good
U don't have to give them your money apart from the package u can manage yourself
Cheers and tks

So have you signed up with them? if so, how much is their service?
Let me know what you think, so far nothing positive.