Orderbook Observations

Nicely done...

BTW - You dont trade with that music on do you? I'd be placing a trade every 5 seconds if I had that on..
i heard it on the radio in the morning and had it in my head all day. its ***kin brill. also trade was only 2 mins long so fitted quite nicely.
Jesus - you were trading to Motorhead in your head. I normally have some baroque or opera on to calm me down.
Nice, I like your style. I thought the music went well with the visual shifts. 👍
Nice video. Excellent music but no way I could trade with that music right after getting my morning caffeine rush. I'd be spazzin' out like a chicken without a head 😆

nice, looks like you are using DT's software to make sense of the tape.

well, honest, not so much. most of the time I am watching the 2 best bids, the 2 best offers, and what trades between them. everything that you can see on the screen emanates from that. One on left is a 1 tick range chart with volume and cumulative delta, one on top is a 1 tick range gomi ladder / footprint chart. I do keep eye on top 2 lines of summary tape too, which is why it is set at same hight as teh middle of the dom, so my eyes dont have to move much. the time and sales is pretty much there to fill the gap (and i paid for it, so I feel obliged to have it on screen!). this is on my middle monitor, i have same thing for 5yr on left and 30yr on right.

oh numbers on the chart on the left are bar number / range so far / volume so far.

you cant seriously tard to that soundtrack.
mostly I tard to recordings of birdsong, whales talking, raindrops or waves breaking. Or sometimes enya.
not going to do many more of these they are a ball ache to edit and stuff. This one has what happened right from the open until I close my first trade.

introduction frst 2 mins, then why I am bearish at 2:30, an order that I pull at 10:00, and the trade happens at 13:50.

got proper commentary this one u gayz!
that blue line is just at the price where most volume was done at yesterday. You know market profile stylee (well, technically, it's the point of control). it's like were the nipple is on a histogram.