Retired and trying again


Junior member
Hi All,
Hope I am in the right place.
I have some experience in trading, as a physically challenged person I spend much time at my computer. no pitty party please. sailed around the world in my own yacht, so i get around in my way just fine. Back to trading. I live in South Africa, where we have not yet reached the first world internet communication. I have an ADSL connection and sems OK to trade on. I use Meta Trader, is this generally a good platform?
I began yesterday, and my first love is to scalp the market. Whilst getting to know the
platform I showed huge losses whilst trying to find out how to close a trade out manually.
That's behind me and I have now a string of 8 successful scalps.
Where is the best place to learn from you guys?
Love to hear from someone, perhaps there is some one in EAST LONDON South Africa who also trades, please let me know.
Trading Kid.
Hi Tradingkid,
Welcome to T2W.
As you're into FX - that forum is an obvious place to focus your time and attention. That said, to the best of my knowledge, not many currency traders favour the very fast timeframes - so you might be ploughing a somewhat lonely furrow . . . !