G/Y analysis


Junior member
There is a lot of volatility in this pair.

I have found this to be beneficial for day trading.

It is especially profitable for the medium and longer term trader, if the fundamentals can be analyzed.
I would like to share ideas with other traders who trade this pair.
Today, my technicals said "short" and my profit was $1650 on 13 minilot trades.
I want to know what the fundamentals were to cause such a huge trading day.:mad:

The technicals are easy to determine the price direction- it's the fundamenals that I would like to get a handle on. This is where the $ are.:!:
Well how about starting with the obvious & working back? It's all out there wherever you care to look for it.....that is if you care to look.

Global credit crisis knocking onto forward rates re-adjustments etc might be weighing on sentiment don’t you think?
Flight to (perceived) quality, resulting in repatriation of funds will be another primer.
Real money (mutuals/pension houses/inv vehicles) & large leveraged funds (Hedge Fund & institutional players) cashing out of risk & re-calibrating their exposure will accelerate flows.
Stock market woes will affect transactional orders v/s carry trade instruments.

Biggest bait in the current climate will be fear. That emotion will drive most folks to do anything which seems appropriate…..+ if they see a few sheep headed west, they’ll follow too!

Take your pick or perm any of the variables at any one time.
Thanks ampro for the input. Your "..... cashing out of risk and re-calibrating..." seems to have somewhat crystallized my query.

What indicators or indications, if any. are there to forewarn of changing mkt. sentiments?

Using your analogy, the sheep get startled after they are aware of the wolf's presence. I'm wondering if there are any "early wolf warning" detectors.
Well how about starting with the obvious & working back? It's all out there wherever you care to look for it.....that is if you care to look.

Global credit crisis knocking onto forward rates re-adjustments etc might be weighing on sentiment don’t you think?
Flight to (perceived) quality, resulting in repatriation of funds will be another primer.
Real money (mutuals/pension houses/inv vehicles) & large leveraged funds (Hedge Fund & institutional players) cashing out of risk & re-calibrating their exposure will accelerate flows.
Stock market woes will affect transactional orders v/s carry trade instruments.

Biggest bait in the current climate will be fear. That emotion will drive most folks to do anything which seems appropriate…..+ if they see a few sheep headed west, they’ll follow too!

Take your pick or perm any of the variables at any one time.

Ampro, again, I thank you for the time it took you to reply to my query! I know that it is "all out there".What I would like to know is what devices I may use to find out "how to get there."
I am searching for the information that could assist me in determining what makes the "flight to (perceived ) quality". I want to know what makes the "real money" and the "large leveraged funds" to make their decisions. What information is there to absorb?
I really don't want any more pissant platitudes!:(
What indicators or indications, if any. are there to forewarn of changing mkt. sentiments?
Using your analogy, the sheep get startled after they are aware of the wolf's presence. I'm wondering if there are any "early wolf warning" detectors.

Well if you think about it, at it’s very basic level most of this game pivots around the interaction of expectation v/s actual & the resultant behavior of the participants.

Players are constantly pricing & re-pricing fair value, whether it be via the constant stream of intra-week economic data washing thru the pipes, or the wider inter-mkt relationships out there.
Plenty of folk will tell you all this activity is reflected in the technical bars on your charting platform, & of course it is. Technicals can certainly tip you the nod to a potential change in market sentiment & serve as pretty good risk management & timing tools.

Fundamentals (& more importantly the chatter surrounding the fundamental flavors) can often help to filter out false signals from those technical models.

Quite often, when markets become stretched & highly emotive (such as we’re experiencing of late), the slightest rumor or conjecture can spark a run on prices & cause irrational, knee-jerk behavior amongst the ranks. Confidence & trust is paramount where large wedges of money are concerned. If those key elements begin to lose their shine, it’ll quickly get reflected in excessive activity.

The indications & ‘early wolf warning’ will be visible by how you view or assimilate your regular market exposure.

Some players like to spread their information input across a varied net which might include:
personal contact with other mkt participants
squawk access
(pro) forum participation to pick up bits & pieces of flow/rumor/flavor of the day-week which certain players are focusing on
daily/weekly fundamental sheets to stay abreast of the relevant topics which are driving the market
common sense (an oft under utilized ingredient in this business)

Each player or group of players function according to their industry experience/history, aims & expectations, capital deployment & risk profiles.
I guess if someone is interested in stepping up their market (info) access exposure beyond a technical view, then there are a few alternative routes open to them.

If you want to explore that particular road, take a good look around the various sections/threads on here & get your research/inquisitive boots on to hunt down the topics of interest.
I am searching for the information that could assist me in determining what makes the "flight to (perceived ) quality". I want to know what makes the "real money" and the "large leveraged funds" to make their decisions. What information is there to absorb?

I really don't want any more pissant platitudes!

Well, there's one or two examples right there in the above post.
You're not going to find a short cut to the golden $ if that's what you're looking for cru8

How long you been active in the trading game?
Found this that I posted somewhere else recently and the 2nd chart is the most recent movement (from a fundamental POV.)

I'd listen to Ampro though... got more Jimmy Choo's than most here can afford and even has Depth Trade's respect and he thinks no one (except him!) here can trade!


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Well if you think about it, at it’s very basic level most of this game pivots around the interaction of expectation v/s actual & the resultant behavior of the participants.

Players are constantly pricing & re-pricing fair value, whether it be via the constant stream of intra-week economic data washing thru the pipes, or the wider inter-mkt relationships out there.
Plenty of folk will tell you all this activity is reflected in the technical bars on your charting platform, & of course it is. Technicals can certainly tip you the nod to a potential change in market sentiment & serve as pretty good risk management & timing tools.

Fundamentals (& more importantly the chatter surrounding the fundamental flavors) can often help to filter out false signals from those technical models.

Quite often, when markets become stretched & highly emotive (such as we’re experiencing of late), the slightest rumor or conjecture can spark a run on prices & cause irrational, knee-jerk behavior amongst the ranks. Confidence & trust is paramount where large wedges of money are concerned. If those key elements begin to lose their shine, it’ll quickly get reflected in excessive activity.

The indications & ‘early wolf warning’ will be visible by how you view or assimilate your regular market exposure.

Some players like to spread their information input across a varied net which might include:
personal contact with other mkt participants
squawk access
(pro) forum participation to pick up bits & pieces of flow/rumor/flavor of the day-week which certain players are focusing on
daily/weekly fundamental sheets to stay abreast of the relevant topics which are driving the market
common sense (an oft under utilized ingredient in this business)

Once again, my thanks to you for your prompt and informative reply.

Just had a first read of your post and my first impression was that I have studied and somewhat achieved some competence in objective/technical analysis. So, why not do the same wrt subjective/fundamental (intuitive) analysis?:idea:

I appreciate your time and insight in the guides that you provide!
short cut to bucks

Well, there's one or two examples right there in the above post.
You're not going to find a short cut to the golden $ if that's what you're looking for cru8

How long you been active in the trading game?

About 5 years ago, I began thinking about my future (and retirement). I became disillusioned with the life in a big metropolitan city and wanted a life in a smaller rural setting. But, the question of how to survive financially; as well as, provide my children with a means of ensuring their freedom from the mainstream thinking of "go to school, get a job and hope that the employment lasts". In short, I wanted myself and them to have the ability to control their own destiny.

I assure you that I am not seeking a "shortcut for bucks"! I read, study and apply. I have read many books, taken courses and attempted to distill the the info into a somewhat successful Technical Analysis approach to trading.However, I thirst for more!
Are you familiar with the adage "you can't see the forest for the trees"?
I desire to learn how to stand back and see the bigger picture, to become aware of an impending change in market sentiment.

An analogy: I am standing at a crossroads, there are 4 directions to go. I want someone to place there hands on my shouders, slightly turn me in the right direction and give me a shove ( I still have to do the walking to get to my destination.)
WASP: thanks a bunch

Found this that I posted somewhere else recently and the 2nd chart is the most recent movement (from a fundamental POV.)

I'd listen to Ampro though... got more Jimmy Choo's than most here can afford and even has Depth Trade's respect and he thinks no one (except him!) here can trade!

WASP: thank you for your input. I shall analyze these charts this weekend. My initial thought is to look at the news prior to the large $ moves.

I hope to give you and Ampro some of my thoughts re: the info you have both unselfishly provided.Critique and give my butt the " pointy boot".

( By The Way: what the heck is "Jimmy Choo's?")
Are you familiar with the adage "you can't see the forest for the trees"?

I am indeed. And it's certainly one to keep in mind whilst you’re plodding thru your technical studies.
I don’t know what you use or how you use it – but stripping your technical charts back till they’re as naked as they were born will help your forest/tree take. Doesn’t do any harm to keep more than one eye on the bigger picture (larger timeframe view).

Another favorite of mine:
If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, & quacks like a duck there’s a darned good chance it actually is one.

You’ll give yourself more than a fighting chance out there if you got more than a decent take on recognizing, mitigating & managing risk. That’s where most of them blow their brains out in the early stages.

Try stay the hell away from the twin comedy shows of Bloomberg & CNBC too, unless of course you’re a fan of slapstick.

Good luck & good trading to you ;)
Ampro thanks for J. Choo ( how appropriate, that it should fit in with my desire for the "pointy boot").
wrt D/W fundamental sheets any sugestions as to informative ( as opposed to "slapstick") venues?
As mentioned earlier I am not afraid of work. I am tired of going through thousands of "buy my system-originally, $429 but I have 250 at $97 and only 4 left-when they are gone, the price is $529"sites.
You could also try Pm'ing gammajammer.

He is a bank tx trader and pays a lot more attention to fundamentals than most, and would probably know some good reading materials too.
"only a moron would take my advice"

Found this that I posted somewhere else recently and the 2nd chart is the most recent movement (from a fundamental POV.)

I'd listen to Ampro though... got more Jimmy Choo's than most here can afford and even has Depth Trade's respect and he thinks no one (except him!) here can trade!

:?: wasp was sifting through the various forums today and found the title quote from one of your posts.
Hope you ain't screwing with the new kid!:)
Been looking at the charts you sent ( ampro's reply about stripping my techie charts turned on a light and re-reviewing your charts, I found a difference in my thought processes).
It's creating a tad conflict, but I shall perservere with this alien way of thought ( TA vs FA).
Again, thanks for your input ( I think).

wrt D/W fundamental sheets any sugestions as to informative ( as opposed to "slapstick") venues?

one or two (free) Bank sheets below you might wish to have a snoop around. Unfortunately you won't be able to access the meaty stuff unless you have a business relationship, but they'll offer an alternative slant to cast your eye over:

Economic Research - BNP Paribas Bank
Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. London Branch
Welcome to ScotiaFX - FX Commentaries & Research

if you manage to sidestep the dog sh*t, this retail portal throws up half decent spools of info throughout the week too:

Forex News | Forex Trading News | Currency Trading News
They're all preaching a similar theme in current mkt turmoil.

You need to be aware of which type of market condition you’re stepping into.
Is it directional/ranging/consolidating/liquidating etc?
If you got a set of tools to get to work in specific (or your favored) conditions, then cool….if not, it might pay you to sit aside & wait until you can get a handle on the flows/risk/temperament out there.

A lot of rookies attempt to climb aboard differing market conditions with the same tools they use for one specific event. Example: they’ll use a trending mechanism to try trade a ranging market pulse & vice versa etc etc….little wonder they get zapped.

The current conditions, where extreme volatility caused primarily by unwinding/liquidating/repatriation money being pushed thru the pipes is proving almost impossible for retailers with little experience to navigate via intraday models.

Liquidity is tetchy & patchy at best, which will knock onto your brokers (spreads) ability to fill & honor market touch pricing and/or stop order facilities.
Re-quotes, delays & refusals will be much more visible in these emotive conditions. They’ll be looking to protect their positions/risk bias just as much as you, so in the most part they’re not entirely to blame if you fail to get your desired price either in, to pare or out.

It’s essential to avoid attempting to pick tops & bottoms in the current environment. Tempting though it might appear, unless you’re extremely versed in reading flows, you’re more likely to get yourself badly beaten up out there.

Stocks are directing this show & when they’re good & done stomping all over everyone, keep an eye on EURJPY for a clue to maybe catching a back wind up the ladder. That pair is a decent gauge to investor risk appetite/aversion. You can then take a snoop at the $ instruments & Yen (incl the $Index) for a little geography.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all to witness a violent kick back up a ways on one or two of these instruments, albeit a temporary lift, to test the mettle of the liquidating traffic. Once the orders (& stops) dry up at these multi-year extremes, prices will need to bounce, if only to allow sales to resume at keener value levels.

Most of the pro forums/desks/chatter channels are bawking "intervention" since middle of last week (both equity & currency) to try put a line underneath this mess, & have re-iterated again overnight:

"We reaffirm our shared interest in a strong and stable international financial system. We are concerned about the recent excessive volatility in the exchange rate of the yen and its possible adverse implications for economic and financial stability. We continue to monitor markets closely, and cooperate as appropriate"
G7 Fin Mnstrs/CB Governers

Threat (stick waving) can often be as effective as actual presence....I guess we'll see before long :)

Interesting times.