Competition Fixes


I've now fixed the Weekly Ranking board, so during each week you can identify who has made the most money that week, and the profit on each trade should now show up in the trade list. I'll keep an eye on Monday just in case it doesn't automatically update still.

Also adding a new history page, showing the winners and losers from previous competitions, and which will identify who is leading over all the competitions. Any other suggestions let me know. The new index competition I'd like to get underway this coming week, so check back tomorrow to add your entry to that.

The new history page is working at

I'll also be adding statistics for each of the previous competitions including winner, average total worth, active players, most actively traded stock, % longs to shorts etc

But for now the statistics we've all eagerly been waiting.. the highest overall profit and highest average total worth across ALL COMPETITIONS. Find out now who gets the major awards!
All trades this morning were unfortunately delayed, but they've all now been processed at 11:40ish, and there should be no more delays... hope this hasn't caused any probs for anyone.

Profit still not showing on trades correctly, am looking into it now... (UPDATE: Now fixed!)
