Climate Action = A New Tomorrow

1. There is no sun 93 million miles away.
2. The sun is 5-12 miles up in the sky and does not pose a threat to us.
3. THERE IS NO OZONE LAYER ergo there is no threat of CO2 emissions.

How do you know this and that the Earth is flat? Please reveal to us this secret source of information you have access to that no one else knows about.
1. There is no sun 93 million miles away.
2. The sun is 5-12 miles up in the sky and does not pose a threat to us.
3. THERE IS NO OZONE LAYER ergo there is no threat of CO2 emissions.
How do you know this and that the Earth is flat? Please reveal to us this secret source of information you have access to that no one else knows about.
You forgot one.
Outside of us, is water and we essentially live in a bubble.
You've watched Game of Thrones, well, there is an ice wall, all around us. It's what keeps the water held in and also just beyond is the base of the firmament. They know this. They've known about it all along but they lie to you so they can control you.
Let me address that one first. Look at my avatar. Where do you think the water came from? The answer obviously is up above because water does not flow uphill, and that proves Earth is surrounded by water.

Regarding the Sun's altitude, I've been more than 5 miles high (and often eight miles high in my younger days;)). And when I look out the plane's windows, sometimes it's dark. Where did the Sun go? The answer is the below the plane. And most planes aren't like glass-bottom boats -- they don't let you see directly below!

I don't know about ozone, but I'll give Marcus4471 the benefit of the doubt on that one.

I almost forgot about the Earth being flat. Every time I look at a picture of Earth on my computer monitor, it's flat. I might change my opinion if only I could afford one of those curved-screen monitors.

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Hope everyone is enjoying a nice Mother’s Day today.

Probably the first Holiday I have been able to enjoy out of the hospital in over a year.

My folks plan on visiting here next weekend which should be nice.

Gives me a reason to believe & a purpose to push forward.

Living here & in a group is cool.

Nice to improve myself while working together with friends & family.

Unite & Build to advance our lives.

Please continue to believe & support me while in recovery.

Progressively everything should become better for us.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Let your mom know you love her today.

Enjoy a nice day.

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with the sun and the moon is they're simply moving into our field of vision and then leaving it
how is this happening if we're not rotating, as you pointed out earlier. or are you suggesting that the earth stays still but its just the moon and sun and all planets revolving around earth.
in some dimension something out in the solar system is moving or else we wouldnt have night and day?
Do you feel movement, of this earth?
Why is this different as to why you don't feel movement when in a vehicle that is moving at a constant speed. If you are on a train that is traveling at 120MPH you don't feel it so why is us being on the Earth moving at 1000MPH any different? The only time you would be aware of it is if it were to suddenly speed up or suddenly slow down in which case your previous comment would apply in that we would all go flying. If we are all traveling at a constant of around 1000MPH we wont feel it.

Who are "they"? Every conspiracy theorist has a "they" that, other than Bill Gates "they" seem totally elusive. In the middle ages the view was as you have given ie that the Earth was not orbiting the Sun etc and it was Galileo who pointed his telescope into the night sky in 1610 and through observance could see that moons were orbiting around Jupiter. Why would he do that on risk of being burnt at the stake if it were not true or are you saying he is part of an ongoing conspiracy that has been perpetuated for centuries?

Separately to that even a small number of humans involved in a conspiracy are incapable of keeping it secret so when conspiracists state that "they" are controlling you or your beliefs etc then that would require tens of thousands of humans to keep the conspiracy secret. We don't see almost anyone breaking ranks and admitting that it's all fake and they were part of keeping the whole world in a fake state. Human nature, which cannot be controlled on any meaningful way as has been demonstrated consistently throughout history, is highly and consistently reliable as a means to determine whether "they" are misleading us and yet it is completely absent. If that were not the case then there would be more credibility in the countless conspiracies that are around today.

If "they" are real then "they" wouldn't allow you to post on internet forums about them. After all if "they" have that much power then the first way to stop any alternative view to the agenda "they" have is to prevent anyone being able to discuss it and especially on the internet. With the amount of power that "they" have it would be easy to implement and yet it is absent. It is very easy to take any theory on any subject and find some evidence that it is true. Because of this my view has been that a much more effective way to determine truth is to try and disprove what others are making out to be true. If it is true then it cannot be disproved and is a much quicker and I have found highly effective way of getting to reality than the other way around.
Hi Folks.

Our family had an awesome holiday over the weekend. 1st holiday I was able to spend in a home with family in over a year.

Making progress here at rehab is really cool. I've been hospital free for over 10 days. Sober now since mid July. Maybe a small success for myself & my family as well. Definitely a step in the right direction.

It's a brand new week.

Market was looking good earlier this morning.

Let's do our best to keep those graphs green for our green stocks.

Life is a gift.

Thankful to be here attempting to attain more happiness & achieve more success in life.

Thank Goodness I am here.

There are opportunities to work, exercise & volunteer at food banks.

In another week or two I should be approved to start volunteering.

Please believe in keeping society safe.

Mental Health Facilities exist to keep society safe. Protect us & prevent us from hurting, harming & killing people. Laws are in place in society to keep us all safe. Hurting, Harming & Killing people is against the law. Please do your best to abide by the laws which keep us all safe in society.

If you are thinking it's right to hurt or harm people, maybe you should reach out for help so society is safe?

Please do your best to keep all of society safe.

Thanks for reading.

Take Good Care

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Hi Everyone.

Great day for green growth today with our selections up over a percent.

We had another nice dinner tonight.

I was able to help out in the kitchen making the peach cobbler.

Hopefully we all stay safe tonight & enjoy another nice week of trading?

Please make sure to follow & abide by the laws put in place to keep society safe.

Enjoy a nice evening & great week of trading.

Take Good Care of Yourselves.

20 years of asking for a chance to recover & I am making it work here.

On Wednesday it will have been a month that I have been here.

Hope everyone can be happy for me & stay healthy here tonight.

Please continue to believe & support me in my recovery journey.

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Great Day for Green Growth.

Please keep up the good work.

Tomorrow is a brand new day & opportunity to achieve more success.


2 An Amazing Day.

Our people & planet need more love.

Thanks for your help
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Everyone enjoy a nice evening.

Please keep up support for green growth.

When we unite & take climate action we can together all make a difference.

Take Good Care of yourselves & families.

Renewable Energy & Electric Vehicles are readily available today & easy changes to improve all our lives.

We have so many awesome folks involved in improving our planet now, don't give up until we achieve life on a sustainable planet earth.

Let your loved ones know you love them as often as possible.

Love you all

Thanks for your help & support.

This is the best opportunity I have had in 20 years.

It's the longest I've been out of the hospital in over a year.

I've been hospital free for 2 weeks & making good progress.

Please believe in recovery here at my rehabilitation center.

Will plan to post again tonight.
Hi All.

Woke up early & decided to make a post.

My Mom & Dad are planning on visiting with our family dog on Saturday.

We plan on doing some shopping & visiting at a local park called Lakeview.

Will be great to get out for a walk with Chloe & enjoy a nice family picnic.

My Dad is working on a cornhole set for everyone to use here at Turning Leaf Rehabilitation.

My mom has been working on some Detroit Lions decorations for our room.

Hopefully everything stays cool & we are able to meet for a nice family visit this weekend.

Will post again about stocks later this morning.
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Hopefully a few people were able to enjoy some of my posted vids.

I'm very new to making positive change videos.

Had to rush in order to produce the vids posted in this thread.

Feel like my first attempt was decent but I could do much better.

Plan on improving my message & video quality with more practice.

Please feel free to get creative & produce some media of your own.

I have found splice for apple & inshot for android to be great video editors.

Create something cool with a pic collection & your favorite tunes.

It's fun to use your imagination & a great way to express yourself.

Just an idea to consider for anyone looking to enjoy a positive & productive day today.

Take Good Care.

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