Your Trading Setup For Trading Indices


Junior member
Hello There,

Im been trading for a while mainly uk stocks going to start trading ftse100 ftse 250, and was wondering what everyones uses as tools off the trade to trade thw ftse effectively,

I use IG Index and Advfn level2 ,2 monitors

thats it at the mo so arm looking for advise, on what a good setup would be like which news channel to keep an eye which price action to be monitoring , basically equipment and software and what indicators provides a good look at which way the ftse going to play,

Thanks aston
The FTSE 100 is quite a polite index and doesn't have the manic mood swings of the DOW. As it is a little more logical the main thing you need to do is understand its movements and thus plan entry and exit points based on your understanding of past movements.

I follow charts quite allot and use moving averages along with volume. As the FTSE is heavily weighted towards miners and financials often you get this tug of war effect as financials plunge while miners rally. As long as you understand the mechanics of the moves and follow the news the FTSE is a relatively stable trade. I mostly trade FTSE 100 and have a blog with all my rants over the past year.